on and from the double width driveway

Yao Hui water whistle toll stations
News Jinqianzaixian small vehicles each post by Yao Hui water tollgate pay only a dollar, many users post called "the country's most 'cheap' toll." Yesterday, reporters learned that the field,nike air max prezzo,http://www.sie.sdnu.edu.cn/chinese/Review.asp?NewsID=114, the country really can not find cheaper toll fees than here.
Yao Hui water whistle charging station is located in the territory of Huishui County town,louboutin acheter, on secondary roads to the benefits of water in Guiyang,chaussure louboutin homme prix,http://www.yuko-oshima.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=471420, belonging Duyun highway.
Guiyang to the benefits of water, Changshun, Luodian roundtrip vehicles are required by Yao whistle toll station. Because of the passing vehicles more toll stations although Yao whistle small but "reputation" is great.
December 12,scarpe nike air max online, when reporters interview found here, most of the time, need to line up by passing vehicles. Reporter rough counted, within 10 minutes,http://museum-sv.museum.hokudai.ac.jp, on and from the double width driveway, there are only 23 small vehicles through the toll station.
It is understood that Yao whistle toll station station has nearly 10 years time, there will be no charges have been changed,http://barrel.ih.otaru-uc.ac.jp, small vehicles only charge a dollar per pass. The road toll is mainly from the charging station to the county only about 5 km away.
January 2009, the National Executive fuel tax reform program in the country and plans to systematically cancel two highway toll stations, but for various reasons, the benefits of water Yao whistle charging station or preserved.
"Across the country, I have not seen only received one yuan toll toll still retained so long." Friends "of the Shui" Post said, this is definitely the national "cheapest" toll. Chen users thread said, "but also as a dollar to collect tolls,http://www.maya-ethnozoology.org, really poor crazy." "Lowest tolls, but do not pose the greatest convenience, traffic jams became a regular thing." Netizens "Chi Chi sound," said, "November 1, I blocked for half an hour."
Although the cost for a small toll station,http://oka-jp.seesaa.net, but to some extent, restricted the development of the local society and economy.
In recent years,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=54&page=2, Yao removed whistle toll voice more louder. December 2009, Qiannan CPPCC member Wu Wenhui, etc. In the Third Session of the Tenth CPPCC Qiannan specially submitted a proposal: "Recommendations on the benefits of water removal Yao whistle toll stations"; a lot of people have made to the benefits of water County the removal of the toll proposal, but for various reasons,http://moodle.ndna.org.uk/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, the toll station has been preserved.
December 13, reporters learned that the current government has decided: the government loan secondary road from January 1,nike sito ufficiale, 2011 to stop charging. The national "cheapest" toll seems soon bid farewell to the stage of history.