and certainly more with less." Abner said

Some netizens for the Festival "left moon cake" promotion solicitation slogan,nike air max 90 prezzo,, users recommend slogan take Chang E fuss Daily survey,,gucci outlet borse, over ninety friends that ad again fresh,, sell nor buy cheaper
Mid-Autumn Festival had finished, many people in the accumulation of the moon cake, people are worried. There is also worry about moon cake vendors, someone posted on the Internet, collecting "sturdy" slogan, hoping eleven before the rest of the moon cake sold.
Chinese Commercial News reporter Song Xiaoshan
Mid-Autumn Festival has passed, moon cake not sold Zaban
Recently, Mop users post, said Abner, Mid-Autumn Festival had finished, the store also sold moon cake did not want to collect sturdy slogan, eleven before the "leftover moon cake" sold out.
Abner said he was a university in Wuhan marketing professional Kenji students, utilizing Mid-Autumn Festival moon cake wholesale to sell, there are still more than 200 boxes moon cake did not sell,catalogo borse prada, there is no way,, and came up with such an idea, thanks to all the users seeking give up their own idea.
"Internet users in their own language to do with marketing,, and certainly more with less." Abner said, because the profession, he knew the network of social marketing for the new. Impractical before the ad, increasingly unable to attract "flavors" of users of, but rather more straightforward, more likely to be accepted; the more shocking, more attention has been paid.
User Weapon
Hou Yi, Chang E tell you to come here to buy moon cake
Sure enough, Abner straightforward post, attract a lot of users attention so far has received more than 2,000 replies.
Netizen "Listen," quipped, do a billboard that read "fishing Chang E special moon cake", maybe even Hou ran over.
There are friends recommend Abner, simply to find child care, home trouble, claiming that when they eat moon cake was Ge teeth, also demanded compensation for the stalker to attract media attention, and then, and then sent to the stone identification, the results found that "there is a diamond moon cake" to ensure that all of moon cake will be looted.
"Rustling wind" is said, saw Abner's post, that he had never done business before, under normal circumstances at the time of sale of moon cake, a lot of businesses will sign a contract, indicating that purchase large amounts of moon cake recovered from the manufacturer. Now,, say the contract obviously late, only "inside stuffed insects, find manufacturers return."
In this regard,, Abner said, creative users is infinite, "listen" to the ad just slightly modified into "Hou Yi, Chang E tell you to come here to buy moon cake," not only to buy gifts for men boast, even to close to gift a woman will be very happy, will certainly attract a lot of people pay attention to, in addition to "eat the brother of moon cake, just know you've bought are rubbish" and other slogans recommended by friends, but also catchy, consider using .
Jiucheng users do not buy it: do not buy cheaper
Wishful thinking businessmen playing well,louboutin boutique en ligne, then the general public how to see it?
Subsequently, Xiaoshan on "after the Mid-Autumn Festival, you will because the fresh ad you buy moon cake" and the Daily users interacted.
Jiucheng users made it clear that "Festival moon cake, then do not buy fresh," because the family did not eat moon cake. There are some users feel that may be a problem on the quality of the backlog of moon cake, eat up not assured.
Only one percent of users said, met some very impressive advertising the meeting to see if the price is right it will buy some, moon cake after a long shelf life, pay attention to eating just fine within the validity period.
Most housing accumulation Zhengzhou cake moon cake is not for sale after the holiday
In the interactive process, there are friends to inquire,, Zhengzhou market will be how to deal with moon cake?
Crystal Park, general manager of Zhengzhou blessing cake room Liu said he did not know how to do other stores, but their remaining moon cake shop if not more,modelli borse prada, on employee benefits as a hair longer. How then, simply put the rest of the moon cake as human, to give the friend feed mill feed used to do the work.
"Belong to the Mid-Autumn moon cake dessert season, and after a time of rapid price." Liu said.
Subsequently, the reporter contacted the Western Bakery and many other brands cake room, the other side have said the holiday will not sell moon cake.
"Leftover moon cake" in the end gone?
"Who knows?" Netizens "windy," said businesses in order to protect their own interests, does not tell the truth.
Netizen "revival" is also believed that not sold "left moon cake" in the end where to go, and supervision departments should keep your eyes open for the job, or bad business to moon cake stuffing frozen after the second year, and then sell, the average consumer can not see out.
Zhengzhou City, 12315 staff, said the staff of the Trade and Industry in the pre-holiday, holiday, will carry out spot checks on the moon cake, moon cake also can monitor the flow range, but the details of the unit because it involves too numerous sources, will be published shortly by the relevant departments.