Lee was not hasty to believe. Later

Culture News Yanji (Reporter Yang) January 27, Hunchun court verdicts against fraud together. The accused, 44-year-old Zhang Guirong rural women for fraud six officers belongings together more than 90,000 yuan, was sentenced for fraud and sentenced to four years and fined RMB 50,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=63&page=2/a%22,000. Zhang Guirong is one of only a primary school education, home of rural women in Shulan ShangXi iron Ying Town Village,moncler milano, which is how the scam success?

Posing illustrious life experience beauty

According to Zhang Guirong confessed after his arrest, when she was working in Hunchun understanding of 20s girl Tingting regular Internet chat,http://www.sd860.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=40307, make a lot of female friends, always give Tingting buy this buy that, so she was very envious. She specifically told Tingting learn online chat, and he decided to play a not meet beauty, cheat money to spend. She downloaded from the Internet some beautiful pictures, on QQ space, as his "appearance",nike tn pas cher, she gave himself a name --- autumn Korean research, but also set a very prominent identity --- a leader of Yanbian illegitimate daughter, the Internal Revenue Service to work in Yanbian,http://www.x17online.com,louboutin homme, 26-year-old. She also has a cousin, according to research Han, 24 years old, and this is another identity Zhang Guirong often played. Then, she joined a site.

Foley device using a telephone chat

November 2011,spaccio moncler, the fire brigade officers, Lee met online who claimed according to research Korean beauty,piumini moncler, her space are beautiful photos,http://www.availcheck.com, she said she organ unit to work in the province, it is like an officer. The two began to chat, "Han according to research" while slowly introduce their illustrious family, while for Lee expressed concern and goodwill.

"Cold weather, wear more clothes," "drink wine, ah," such care to make a good impression Lee getting them. Then, a few months after the web chat, the two started making phone calls. In this case, the use of the telephone foley Zhang Guirong,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=60&page=2", Telephone in the "Korea according to research" sound sweet. The two chatted for a few months later,peuterey spaccio, in April 2012,chaussures nike pas cher, "according to the Korean research" initiative and Lee at the object. Lee readily agreed. Of course,hogan outlet, all couples are conducted by phone and QQ.

Beauty play "Auntie" to charge money and goods

July 2012, "Han according to research" to Lee proposed engagement, said just his aunt had burst birthday, his childhood was my aunt brought up, my aunt than mom parent, to advance with my aunt to propose marriage, prepare four kind gifts, tobacco, wine, tea and snacks, as well as 6666 yuan in cash, want to Shulan Ying Town to propose marriage. This time, Lee was not hasty to believe. Later, "Han according to research," Lee entertain aunt phoned to let a person go to Jilin play. Subsequently, Zhang Guirong play aunt, "Han Xiaoqin,chaussures louboutin,http://www.libre-relax.com," with a few relatives and children came to Jilin City,moncler uomo, Jilin Lee at work full reception, spent thousands of dollars. Then Lee on "Korea according to research" identity believed.

Since then, "Han according to research" has to Lee said he wanted to call my aunt's birthday,air jordan pas cher pour femme, gifts, etc. ask for 3000 yuan. When Lee gave the "Han Xiaoqin" 17,000 yuan, he proposed to see, "according to the Korean research" on one side, the other side has repeatedly Dodge,http://tonzawa.godream.ne.jp/cgi-bin/aska/aska.cgi, Lee feels cheated, the other party broke up, he reluctantly agrees.

Police uncover fraud victims report

The only case reported to the police officer is Wang. He cheated and Lee basically the same experience, but this beauty is posing Zhang Guirong "Han autumn research", my aunt called "Han Jie." Wang propose marriage when being demanded 6,666 yuan in cash and other items.

After repeatedly refused to meet the requirements, Wang deliberately leave arrived in Yanji City, find confirmation related to leadership,http://facetwitter.pw/?module=cmkdfxe204, but found himself cheated, he rushed to the Hunchun city public security bureau.

April 25, 2013, Hunchun City Public Security Bureau received a report immediately commence the investigation, the Zhang Guirong captured. Find more ambiguous messages from her phone,moncler pas cher femme, so she opened the other five officers fraud scam.