there is the risk of retinal detachment.

This year's Mid-Autumn Day holiday, highway toll free, so that more families to open the car, go out to travel the child. Attractions can be a lot of friends arrived in front of the ticket drill a look, a scenic ticket is not a little high? A little bit famous attractions, tickets easily hundreds and hundreds of dollars just to save highway tolls, and may not be enough to buy two tickets. One was found out to play back, scenic spots, actually took up more than half of the expenditure, which so many people refer to "afford." Many scenic pretexts, the use of multi-spots "package" approach to raise the fare ticket.

As of September 6, the National Tourism Administration issued Class 5A scenic 136. Among them, free or partly free, only nine, fares have not less than 94 hundred dollars, to meet or exceed two hundred dollars has 26. These Class 5A area Wanbian total amount of money to spend it? A reporter Statistics found one by one, the fare is calculated according to the season, a ticket only one person, it would take 10,009 thousand dollars. Mid-Autumn Festival this year before the National Day holiday,, the National Development and Reform Commission announced the price or discount 14 5A-class attractions, but a careful calculation, discount tickets for a total of only 300 dollars.

Huashan Mountain, "the odd dangerous world mountain" famous. During the double holiday, the reporter saw a narrow mountain trail, visitors lined up and down the line of the two teams, each other crowded forward.

Some visitors told reporters, Huashan scenic now implemented a one-vote system, a ticket 180 yuan. In addition to the main peak Mountain climbing, you can go to the area where the Houxianyu, Nishioka temple and other places still to play. But after a few climb the mountain's peak, most of the tourists have been tired, unable to go to pass the range where the other attractions play.

180 dollars a ticket, but only toured the Mountain peak, is inappropriate. Visitors did not feel out of caring and affordable, scenic take a vote, then what is it for?

According to the deputy general manager Huashan Scenic side with soldiers introduction,woolrich sito ufficiale, Huashan Scenic July from last year, to take a vote of the way they operate, from the perspective of a large circle of Tourist departure, hopes to integrate all the sights together, drive the overall development of the local tourism industry.

In addition, every peak travel periods, Mountain peak often overcrowded, severe damage to vegetation. Pass the effective time to visit, the set for two days, you can also adjust the peak of the peak tourist flow of people, reduce peak pressure.

However, for such good intentions, tourists do not seem to buy it. In "Little Palace," said the Mount Temple, although the tourist season, but the Mountain peak and crowded than it is some deserted. Huge area, only scattered tourists.

Staff told reporters, and implement dismally than one-vote system before, and now the number of tourists Nishioka temple, has been regarded as increased. But even now in the hands of every visitor entering the Mountain Pass are holding, from Mountain peak reentry to the people here,, still very few. For this reason, some tourists said that tickets for the price of 180 is not just set too high, but also to those who do not want to climb the Mountain, just think of the Temple Mount to play tourists head in the door. In a sense, one-vote system, which greatly limits the autonomy and flexibility of tourists.

Terracotta Warriors in Xi'an scenic area, is one of Tourists to Xi'an will go after. Currently, the implementation of the Terracotta Warriors scenic 150 per pass, you can visit the Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin, Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum, the mausoleum Heritage Park and Museum hundred play figurines pit, stone armor, museums and other attractions. Regardless want to go, visitors must buy tickets, simply "did not have a choice." However, the huge box office and at the door of each scenic, not only did not express tour signage content, nor the staff responsible for explaining to tourists, most tourists are unable to figure out what to visit, including the contents of the ticket.

Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum, 2 km away from the scene of one hundred figurines pit, the reporter saw, and terracotta museum compared to people such as weaving, very few tourists here. Some visitors said the five scenic 150 yuan fare does not look expensive, but because there are no obvious signs, plus attractions scattered, take transit vehicles also long queues, travel time constraints and other reasons, few people would all attractions stroll.

Although the scenic official said, the implementation of "one vote" is to regulate attractions tickets, eliminating the need for multiple tickets tourists trouble, but in April the implementation of "one vote", the number of visitors has declined.

In addition to "package sales" approach to such a vote, mandatory spending phenomenon not uncommon elsewhere. Miss Li from Hebei is a white-collar workers a year just to work. When a play area in the east of Hainan, she found that 168 dollars scenic spots here, even just a ticket. After the island, if she did not participate in those additional cost entertainment at sea, it may only see the sea there.

Reporters learned that Ms. Li said this scenic area is a small island surrounded by the sea, from the land to the island transport is provided scenic boat. Outlets in the area, the conductor told reporters after the tourists reach the center of the island, all entertainment programs all require an extra charge. See the dolphin show 100 yuan a person; play drag parachute 280 yuan a person; 150 dollars a person riding a jet ski, and only 10 minutes drive ......

The island of ticket staff said ticket prices are through the audit department.

Ms. Li said that visitors to the area to play, scenic obligation to tourists to visit the place. However, this is not only scenic charged nearly two hundred dollars in transportation costs to visitors, and the price of entertainment also more expensive than other places more than doubled. This makes it "too much." Such cases are similar across the country are not uncommon.

Professor Chen Yangle tourism in Hainan University School of recommendations on the existence of a scenic vote "packaged" as well as the phenomenon of mandatory spending, tourism authorities and tourism associations, should be involved in the investigation. Once the investigation and verification, it should be mandatory spending on those companies to give serious treatment, serious or even revoke their business licenses. Consumers should also be reasonable ways to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

Domestic Class 5A area, more than half of the natural attractions. The fact that these public resources more welfare. But now, many are popular scenic areas in the lower revenue, scenic spots, is an important part of the income of the local economy, which is to support the local financial business model derived from the high fares,, only to tourists shouting "do not play play. " Only by allowing the natural scenic spots of money to get rid of existing functions, visitors ticket expenses can really burdens. In addition to the ticket issue, holiday travel to play in security and how is it?

Originally physical and mental pleasure of relaxing trip, everyone with his family, very happy to go traveling, but few realize that some potentially dangerous tourist attractions,spaccio moncler, perhaps is quietly coming. Data shows that have taken place in our country every year more than rides accidents. Parks, playgrounds, scenic rides safety management situation is not optimistic, the reporter in the actual experience, but also found a lot of problems.

Nanchang Bayi Park is located downtown, is one of the most popular holiday spots in Nanchang. East Lake Park covers an area of approximately 13 hectares, the lake has more than 100 cruise ships for tourists lease. Every holiday, queuing boating tourists often overcrowded. Reporters were aboard a boat on the lake looked around and found no life preserver on some cruise ships; there is a life buoy, is tied to the boat behind or on top of the ship, imperceptible. In addition, the reporter also found in the park, the lake is not yet installed fences in some places, a lot of tourists in order to facilitate the chart, like the walking trail along the lake, the children in the summer when it is easy to fall.

In some northern area, riding this exciting and challenging projects, attracting many tourists. However, the reporter found in the survey, behind the horse galloping, but hides a lot of security risks. Qinghai Lake is located in Qinghai Province in the northeast of the lake, large and small, horse riding everywhere, but in the majority of horse riding,woolrich roma, and felt no security. When tourists riding, not wearing any safety goggles,, nor care professionals. 50 bucks to run laps around the race course, as long as the money, anyone can ride a horse.

Before the horse, nor the staff to tell visitors what first ride should be noted that in the event of danger should be how to deal with, but did not provide security measures.

If boating, horseback riding security are to be improved, so that some people looked at aerial entertainment but more worried. Guangxi Nanning City, a large theme park, 12 rides,moncler parka, more than half of the high-altitude facilities. Many tourists eager to experience these exciting projects.

Rides one of the "jumping machine," when visitors experience up to a maximum altitude of 48 m rise,,moncler uomo outlet, then fall rapidly. Staff at the urging reporters seated seemed, did not pay attention to the height of the glasses on the bridge of the nose reporters. However, the project sign clearly says: myopia, amblyopia, hypertension and other diseases who can not participate. Myopia, especially people involved in this kind of myopia rides, there is the risk of retinal detachment.

Playground in the park, signs everywhere, are prompted tourists can not carry cell phones, bags, glasses such belongings participate in games, avoid falling objects. But, in fact,, one can follow the execution is not much. In the "magic windmill" before the reporter just to see a play in the phone tourists thrown out.

In recent years, played together in the playground accident reminds us that such concerns are not unfounded. January 24, 2011, Shanghai Songjiang District of Shanghai Happy Valley "extremely Treasures" roller coaster, the climb to the highest point of 60 meters at the right time, cornering brake suddenly stopped at the segment; May 2012, Guilin Yaoshan Scenic The gondola sudden mechanical failure, 78 tourists were stranded on the cable car; August 30, 2012, Chongqing Foreigner Street named "high flying" entertainment facilities, the accident occurred during the operation, resulting in many injuries. Scenic rides accidents occur frequently, as people keep track of. Reporters visited the process, despite the staff's playground has repeatedly stated that the machine will carry out security checks, but the specific security measures are not complete.

Some of the rides operating units focus on economic efficiency, ignoring safety management, letting the device is no inspection, maintenance, repair situation. In addition, the tourism industry-related laws, regulations, technical standards is still not perfect, design experience, management, product quality needs to be further improved. In addition, we must be careful to go out to play, stay away from those old appearance, abnormal noise during operation or if there is not a normal phenomenon shaking rides,, always remember, safety first.

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