as long as the purpose is to sell

□ Evening News correspondent reported comics Choi Hong Mao Guanjuan

Because their parents are drug addicts, just born, still in its infancy as a boy was hit by vast "goods" are generally repeated resale, bumpy destiny cause for regret. Until three years later, the police rescued the baby was only back to Shanghai. Recently, the relevant people involved in the case have been Fengxian Procuratorate approved the arrest.

Drug parents helpless "send" walk flesh

Shanghai Shen Yun Korea for years has been a history of drug abuse. September 2007, Shen Yun Lai drug sentenced to reeducation through labor because nine months a year, in April 2009 after releasing inmates and drug addicts with locals for Fengxian Guo Feng acquaintance,woolrich parka men, after the two have been living together. June 18, 2010, Shen Yun Lai birth to a baby boy. "That day I was in Fengxian West crossing the temporary residence of amniotic fluid are broken, and there was me and Guo Feng in drugs, the situation in front of helpless, so telephone contact." After appearing in court Shen Yun Li confessed to prosecutors.

1970 is also the foreign born Shanghai staff, during 2000 to Fengxian work. By the end of 2003, he opened a restaurant, met Guo Feng, after also became acquainted with the Shen Yun Li, the trio often stay together, getting familiar. Guo Feng day after receiving the "calls", he immediately taxi to send them to the Fengxian Central Hospital. To the hospital after also advance the hospital deposit of 3,000 yuan.

Shen Yun Lai after birth the baby, a physician, said: "You are drug addicts, children may be affected." It makes Shen Yun Lai quite uneasy.

The next day, to the hospital to visit Zhoudan Hui Shen, Guo duo. Two anxiously asked Zhoudan Hui, how do children want? Zhoudan Hui told them: "You two people are drug addicts, children also unable to feed, it is better to give as gifts." Zhoudan Hui Shen Yun Lai told, just a pair of Fengxian local forties childless couples can adopt a child. After discussion, and Guo Feng Shen Yun Korea agreed to raise the child to someone else. In the afternoon,, the children taken away Zhoudan Hui went to the hospital, gave nearly 8,000 yuan, Guo Feng, said it was the other party to the "these payments." Guo Feng was discharged after checkout use the money, just left for more than 3000 yuan, 3,000 yuan put owe hospital deposit paid off.

Mother wants to see his son was to stall

In fact, did not raise this baby to the locals, but the price of 18,000 yuan sold to Shandong Li Jin. Li Jin was born in 1982, junior high school education, 1997 in Shanghai Fengxian District XIDU fruit business. Because listening to the home of brother-spoken Hu Qiang wanted to "hold out a child," he familiar with Zhoudan Hui kept that in mind. When informed Zhoudan Hui "hands" There was a boy, he and made contact. In Zhoudan Hui taken away from the hospital when the baby boy, Li Jin on the other at the hospital entrance of the West ready to "collusion." After getting the baby, feed the Li 18,moncler outlet on line,000 yuan. After Hu Qiang evening, after receiving the phone begins Li Jin arrived in Shanghai, Shandong, looked at the baby took 18,000 yuan to Li Jin, then put the baby back to Shandong.

Poor Guo Feng Shen Yun Lai and fatherhood, motherhood few days, they had to hand over her own flesh and blood, "free" to the others. After a few months, met Zhoudan Hui Shen Yun Li, asked him about "the children how kind," and expressed the hope to see the child. Zhoudan Hui guilty under the lip, lied to, "a child's body there is a problem, you have to find the other side of it afterwards. I told them that you are foreigners, have been back home, and the other to give up this. You do not mention the child after something a. "Sure enough, after Shen Yun Korea did not mention the matter again.

More pathetic is that this boy, who was born has been quite bumpy, but was born two days will be sold away from their biological parents,, Shandong, waiting for him is further obstacles.

The baby was placed in pens feed

Hu Qiang is a rural village accountant Shandong. He has two children and a woman, her daughter has been on the sophomore son is now 9 years old. In rural areas there are local "buy baby" habits, because the locals generally believe more can be around children pension. Hold it after the kids go home, Hu Qiang and do not have time to take care of the child,, he should be the newborn baby boy inside the pen cap on their own feed. Hot summer weather, the smell smelling barn, boy, hot and hungry and uncomfortable, often cried. A few days later, the child's crying sound was to go home to help Hu Qiang Zhang Fenfang heard seed corn. Zhang Fenfang Mother looking to go home in a barn Hu Qiang found this newborn baby boy, shocked.

Hu Qiang Zhang Fenfang and have relatives, Hu Qiang is Zhang Fenfang husband's uncle. Hu Zhang Fenfang know this boy is not a strong natural, Pianxiang Hu Qiang ask why. Hu Qiang told her that the child is from Shanghai to adopt a child, the child's mother was "not married young lady," kids can not tell the mother around, so only then buy back the child.

"Hu Qiang himself busy with work,, usually have farming, pig farming, that time he also happened in a house built at home, there is no time to attend to this boy. I think this boy very poor, offered to buy it to Hu Qiang this child,, raise yourself back. "Zhang Fenfang confession to the prosecutor in the case.

Zhangfen Fang and her husband have been married for six years, but because of her habitual abortion, so the two have not children. Hu Qiang agreed request, the final price of 36,000 yuan will be sold children. At this point, the baby has been living for a week in the barn.

After the buy child, Zhang Fenfang couple of kids love with Canada, named him vast. And because the vast no birth certificate, it has failed to report on the account.

Mother wanted to "buy back" the child has been difficult

When in April 2011, Shen Yun Lai analysis based on a variety of information, such as their children may not said, "was adopted locals", but was abducted. Because child eager to read, Shen Yun Lai four trustees asking their children's whereabouts, eventually asking down to know their child has been sold to Shandong. After that the whereabouts of the child, and Guo Feng Shen Yun Lai's brother and other insiders together eagerly drove to Shandong, by insiders fellow finally found Zhang Fenfang residence. "I saw the the boy, when the heart can not describe the feeling in words." Shen Yun Li said. Under excitement, Shen Yun Li was trying to raise their children to buy back,, but insiders confused fellow Shen Yun Li stopped, indicating the local custom is "Who bought Whose child is" to buy back almost impossible . In desperation, Shen Yun Li, a pedestrian had to be back to Shanghai. "We want to think of a way." Shen Yun Lai said.

But Shen Yun Korea has not come up with "measures" to. Until April 28, 2013, insiders report said: During June 2010, it was punishable by deception from Shen Yun Li to buy a baby, and then turn the baby monopoly to Shandong, profit. After receiving the report, the police launched an immediate investigation, then found Zhoudan Hui, Li into two major crime suspects. At this point, Zhou and Li have not Shanghai.

June 17, 2013 and June 25, the police were in Jilin, Jiangsu suspect Zhoudan Hui, Li Jin captured. According to the two men confessed, police also rushed to the Shandong will have three years of age vast back to Shanghai. June 29, through the work of the police, Hu Qiang and Zhang Fenfang couple came to the public security organs gave himself up.

Trafficking of children who were eventually arrested

Currently, Zhoudan Hui, Li Jin suspicion of the crime of trafficking in children has been Fengxian District Procuratorate approved the arrest, Hu Qiang have voluntarily surrendered themselves because good attitude and was released on bail,scarpe gucci donne, although Zhang Fenfang couple suspected of buying abducted children, but a good attitude, and actively cooperate, too was released on bail. Fengxian procuratorate prosecuted according to the law against them.

Reporters learned that, according to the relevant judicial interpretations, all trafficked children, no matter which part, as long as the purpose is to sell, there is abduction, kidnapping, buying, selling, transporting,scarpe hogan collezione 2013 scarpe interactive hogan outlet hogan roma, transferring, harboring one of the acts,, regardless of the number of people trafficking whether profit child trafficking shall be held criminally responsible.

A newly born baby life is so unfortunate that people bitter. While reassuring that the vast health now, is still in bail and stay with the foster parents. For the vast future growth, prosecutors recommended that community police, government departments concerned and deal with matters relating to children being trafficked vast psychological enlighten and vast living and growing concern. Given the vast history of drug use biological parents, if their own parents can not afford to raise, in the case of seeking their advice, contact Zhang Fenfang vast adoptive parents go through a couple of adoption procedures, responsible parenting by parents, prevent the occurrence of conducive to the development of children's things.

(Text characters are all covered by a pseudonym)

Reporter survey


He lied to social workers that the child aborted

□ reporter Zhou Boyi

Fengxian DLB Narcotics social Chenling Ying, this year early 40s Guo Feng is Fengxian locals, because in 1990 when the theft, he was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment. During his sentence, his wife away belongings at home, away from home. Although the two did not divorcing, but the relationship has been good.

After his release, Guo Feng met with his age Shen Yun Li, the latter from the field to Shanghai, life twists and turns, the two established a relationship and cohabitation together. 2008, Guo Feng began heroin, was found in November the same year. Also since then, Chenling Ying came into contact with him.

Like many drug addicts is different, Guo Feng social workers work very fit. Beginning of treatment, urine test once every month, as long as the receipt of notice of social workers, regardless of where I was, he would soon come back to check. Thereafter a considerable period of time, Guo Feng drug in good condition.

Before and after the Spring Festival in 2010,moncler torino outlet, during a meeting found Shen Yun Li frequent nausea, abdominal also have raised signs. See Chenling Ying look of concern, Guo Feng very proud to say: "My wife pregnant friends, I want to father it." To the year in June, Chen Lingying estimate the days to Guo Feng play to call, ask Shen Yun Lai production thing. Guo Feng silent for a moment over the phone, telling her children out of a bad check, have a miscarriage. Chenling Ying said, "but did not think they actually changed hands sold the child." Because drugs, Kuo-fung, the living conditions of the two has not been very good. Last November, Guo Feng in the work of a drug has met a friend, a direct result of a relapse. In the month of urine in his test results were positive. Subsequently, Guo Feng is free from anti-drug social work supervision. No source of income, but also pay for the cost of two drug addicts, drug addicts, he eventually took a lot of the old - to keep traders suck. In April this year, Guo Feng as drug trafficking, Jingfangxingju.

"In fact, drug users and has not been deprived of custody of children,, and the current social assistance agency for child abuse is increasingly robust." City staff said UNODC.

For example, Changning District Huayang Street home for drug addicts special cases, organizations have the same experience of young people who carry out the "growth" tour group activities by members of certain groups to improve bad mood, cognition, behavior, change their values, psychological status and lifestyle.

Again, Jiaxing Road, Hongkou District street 100,000 yuan to set up special funds each year for drug-related family teenagers scholarships, student, and has launched a "spring warmth" and "Fall send care" activities for the children issuing school supplies or household items.

(Original title: swaddle baby was badly kept in a barn)