
Daily trainee reporter Zhou Schumann

Chongqing Daily News son has depression,, her husband had lung cancer, he was suffering from rheumatic heart disease, who lives in Yuzhong small for even the word of Feng Yonghua,,tn pas cher,, the destiny is so ruthless. Recently, the desperate housing Feng Yonghua intends to sell only to treat her husband and son.

Yesterday morning,hogan donne 2013, who lives in a small cotton Street Feng Yonghua even the word out early to buy medicine for his son. "3 days boil a cup a day, can not be off drugs." Said Feng Yonghua, grocery shopping,hogan uomo, Aoyao, cooking is her whole life, this day has been maintained for four years.

The original, 23-year-old son, Feng Yonghua small text (a pseudonym) four years ago due to excessive pressure entrance suffering from depression, she and her husband around to borrow money for child medical treatment that he has quit his job to small text when read along,chaussures tn pas cher,, the disease can be as small text has not improved,, she had to read the small text of colleges to apply for leave of absence. Last February, Feng Yonghua suffering from rheumatic heart disease due to overwork,, but in October the same year her husband was found suffering from lung cancer.

"I do spend a transplant heart valves 120,000, husband spent 30,000 surgery." Feng Yonghua said to his son for medical treatment, has spent more than 10 million,, while she and her husband have been sick again, so destitute home dire straits. Feng Yonghua Zhang Qifen neighbor said, looking at had a happy family of three in trouble,tiffany outlet, she took out 100,000 savings lent Feng Yonghua.

Reporter yesterday saw a thick stack of paper in the carry bag bite, all the medical documents a family of three. "My son and I know that after his father got sick and become more self-closing up." said.

Because and her husband seriously ill,, incapacitated, a person without a source of income, can only lead a life shattering day. Feng Yonghua, said his son suffered from depression since the family has owed 230,000 debt, the only hope is to sell more than 50 square meters of old houses. "The house is sold to repay the money, the remaining money can buy medicine to treat the father and son." said.

30 of the CA1874 flight

"Addict" high convulsions

After a half-hour flight reentry treatment

(Reporter Han Wei) 6 evening, from Wuhan to Beijing flight CA1874 half an hour after takeoff due to a history of drug use male passenger suddenly attack in the air, helpless exhumation,,woolrich outlet, early medical staff on the ground,, etc. He had emergency treatment, out of danger.

6 at 10:23, netizen "Dr Dacron" microblogging posting said "CA1874 Wuhan Fei Beijing flights flying less than an hour,, there is a discomfort passengers on board the plane again return to Wuhan, does not apply to passengers was carried down." He also photographed a man was stretchered off the screen.

The reporter then learned from the airline, the 6th was supposed to take off at 16:30 of the CA1874 flight,nike tn prezzo,, because Beijing thunderstorm, a passenger in the plane upper four hours, 21:18 to take off from Wuhan. About half an hour later, Air China flight attendant found a 30-year-old man convulsions,nike tn femme, ordered his guide to the last row of bed rest, but the state has not eased,, the crew decided to return for treatment. 21:55 the aircraft landed, 22:00 doors open, and so on the ground airport medical machine will man carried away on a stretcher.

When the doctor asked him twitch reason, the man did not say how the recent break, the day did not eat one day. Doctors think there is something wrong, repeated questioning, the man admitted that he has a history of drug abuse. After infusion therapy,, the man left after remission of symptoms.

Air China's Hubei company sources, the aircraft went back a loss of at least 5 million, not including follow-up impact,woolrich outlet, this flight took off again during the night of 11. Because the aircraft arrived too late,, leading to the final trip back to the Han from Beijing flights canceled.

Local doctors said that if high-altitude environment can induce seizures have been drug addicts, yet keep controversial. But what is certain is that in the high altitude hypoxic environment will increase the sensitivity of the brain nerves,,nike tn, there are likely to induce.

which all make sure of the victim.

"Legal Weekly" correspondent Luo Lan Hua Xieheng

He was once lucky darling,peuterey outlet milano! To 900 yuan to buy lottery tickets hi 3.918 million yuan prize.

He eventually jail! Because the lottery addiction, but the debt of 400 million, this is also another 800,000 yuan fraud.

February 13,giubbotti peuterey, Xuemou suspicion of fraud,, was Shek Kwu District Hengyang City People's Procuratorate approved the arrest.

A reverse lottery gloomy life

Xuemou, male, 43 years old, Zhejiang Wen adults. In 2006, the business again and again frustrated Xuemou alone to Changsha, Hengyang planning real estate marketing projects. Due to the lack of research on the project operating numerous mistakes, resulting in substantial loss. Until March 2010 before he had more than 200 million in debt.

Career defeat, suffering from their homes, let Xuemou see no hope. Just when he was ready to give up, a lottery ticket,peuterey donna, so he almost decadent life with a huge turn.

One evening in March 2010, and finished a busy day when I dragged my exhausted body Xuemou passing Shek Kwu District of Hengyang City, a betting Chai port door, an idea violently hitting the head, drove him to the body remaining 900 yuan All purchased tickets.

The next day after the lottery, that he had been 3.918 million yuan prize, the Xuemou excitement could not believe their eyes.

Lottery addiction out of control

After winning, he is neither a good plan his entrepreneurial path, guarding this award also thought to live honestly. He first 300,,000 yuan reward yourself a limousine, in turn owed 2 million before gradually pay off the debt. At this point Xuemou, suddenly felt a little panic,, nearly 4 million grand prize is actually in such a short time left. At the same time, he runs the real estate planning, marketing, business has not improved, Xuemou had a loan shark around again.

Like snowball debt snowball. Under resignation, Xuemou hopes lottery began. He can look forward as before, and then the 500-million grand prize. Since then, he is more crazy to buy lottery tickets, easily a few thousand dollars, on the yuan, 60,000 yuan and once even bet. Just a year later, he not only swallowed up all the family savings, but also owed nearly 400 million sharks.

Careful layout "massive fraud"

To repay the debt as soon as possible and to meet expanding their inner desire of winning the lottery, Xuemou Wainian started to move.

November 2011, Xuemou incorporated real estate marketing company planning to take over the whole planning Hengyang a shopping mall, advertising, investment, sales agents and other business projects. At this time, he had had business dealings with him, Chen contacted him, saying that he wants to buy retail shopping plaza development project to open the hotel. In order to make investors believe they have the ability to pre-purchase cheap shops, and the right to receive subscription payments on behalf of the shopping plaza, someone secretly Xuemou Sike shopping plaza project company's financial seal.

In December, the initiative to contact Xuemou Chen, saying that cheap can be booked inside the opening of the shopping plaza is ready to shop. Chen promised to Xuemou booked six shops,, each shop 10 million, within two weeks through the hype, you can profit $ 150,000. Chen believes lucrative, and three friends also additional subscription of two shops.

January 2, 2012, Chen and four people will be 300,000 yuan into the Xuemou account for the purchase of shops. Xuemou immediately wrote an IOU 375,000 yuan,,air max 95 pas cher, 75,000 yuan more out of that is speculation shops profit models. The next day, Chen also transfer this manner, 2 times 50 million, more than 125,000 yuan as a fry shop to write profitable models. After Xuemou with their company's receipts were issued No. A1071, subscription payments, such as document number A1109 8 shops 8,, 100,000 yuan per receipt of money, and with Sike shopping plaza financial seal on each receipt seal. Because black and white, coupled with the seal of legal entities, which all make sure of the victim.

Shop the official opening day, Chen went to counseling, had just found his receipt of the Department of forgery. Even some shops to buy their own has been ordered. Chen, who felt the situation was bad, immediately find Xuemou. Xuemou see things brought to light, in order to delay the time,woolrich outlet,, they would work his way up in the second day money back guarantee. Such as when the second day and then go Xuemou Chen, already empty. After the alarm, police in Changsha will Xuemou escape arrest.

At this point Xuemou, remorse, "thought life because a turning point in the lottery,, which in turn is the lottery will eventually ruin yourself. And it's not the fault of the lottery is their greed and gamblers psychological mischief ah!"

the site needs to coordinate more seats

Northeast news network news is really a five-star hotel five-star service it? Recently, consumers find Liaoning Wang about his consumer rights network in Shenyang Maritim five-star hotel experience "nightmare" as the encounter, hoping to consumers by Ben struck a note of alarm. Wang ridicule: "Even if there is no Buddhist sutras in Maritim Hotel banquet hard to do."

March 29, 2013, Mr. Wang's company in Shenyang Maritim hotel industry, households appreciation will be held,, because it is before the company opened an important team display, so the company from top to bottom are very seriously, in the meantime,, the company Maritim Hotel only booked the largest banquet hall, also funded to go to the well-known actor and host of the scene to help out.

Suffered a: venue to pay 10,000 yuan red

According to Mr. Wang, due to performance lighting, acoustics need to adapt to the venue in advance, in the communication process, the hotel representatives Liu promised to cooperate fully. March 27 at 8pm, in the theater company should approach set the stage, the hotel side says officers have to work, not allowed to play.

Site coordination without results, the company's head of Liu personally to call the phone. "Liu said security, engineering staff can not contact, the approach can not be arranged, and suggested to the relevant staffing needs red matter,giubbotti donna moncler," Mr. Wang said. Due to urgency of the matter, in order not to affect the performance schedule, Wang reluctantly agreed. "When the red envelope amount from 5000 yuan has risen to 10,000 yuan Liu was let go and agreed coordination arrangements, although this is, finally, I was able to show parties entering the construction or through other channels." Mr. Wang about the matter quite helpless.

Encounter two: an excuse to lift failure to pay 3000 yuan before starting elevator

March 28, Mr. Wang's company prepared 800 gifts need to be transported to the venue. Because of quantity, freight elevators were needed transportation, when employees will put gift Freight, Liu said the hotel freight elevator is broken can not be used. Employees in turn gift shipped to the main entrance, but the security door to the "main entrance is not permitted" as an excuse to block enter. Wang said: "As the outdoor temperature is very low at that time, and finally we are the goods from the back door window to progressive piece, by the people to the banquet hall of the labor movement, when several pieces of cargo shipped to the left, Liu told Huoti good used, it is not manifestly vexatious conduct it! "

According to Mr. Wang recalled, before the start of the meeting, Liu has found his hotel, said the elevator in the hotel last night was the staff's broke! "When the elevator is not yet used on the bad, which leads us to the gift of artificial transported to the site, and then changed to say Liu listening to at the time of entering the theater company broke last night, saying obviously is not around a. "After the end of the event, when the hotel side theater company dismantling the elevator is broken again by leaving only 3,000 yuan to start the lift,, desperation, Mr. Wang can only pay.

Suffered three: hotel manager disappeared chaotic scene

March 29 meeting of the day, due to an increase in participants, the site needs to coordinate more seats, the hotel staff asked the matter should be looking for banquet Bo Jingli. "In the morning a telephone call to Bo Jingli, and nobody answered the call on," Wang said. Guan Shier manager disappeared, more than 400 employees to rely on the chair moved to the scene,vendita online woolrich, and in this process, the Maritim Hotel banquet service staff did not come forward to help coordinate.

Suffered four: Ballroom arbitrarily decided not to allow the meal

After the show part of the banquet, guests were assigned to two ballrooms dining. When the second ballroom full of food already on the main ballroom has as yet not serving. Wang found foreman, foreman actually said:. "Is your individual table sit too many people before deciding not allow serving of" they think more people are not allowed to arbitrarily decide the meal, which is what the truth? These days the hotel has been suffering intolerable Wang unreasonable demands, solemn representations to find the hotel side, eventually reluctantly agreed Maritim Hotel serving.

Maritim Hotel: Do not post comments

April 7, for Mr. Wang's experience, the reporter linked to the Maritim Hotel PR for verification. PR Mr.Song express things that reporters after undertaking an investigation immediately, later will give reporters a response to the whole event.

7:00 pm the same day, via e-mail reply Mr.Song reporters: "hotel general manager's views on the matter is: To avoid controversy and uncompromising guests, we decided not to comment on."

Recall that the entire process like a nightmare

This is a harmony of joy will thank process has experienced so much suffering. Throughout the course of the evening, the hotel side set things difficult everywhere, everything looking embarrassed,,italia woolrich outlet, so that during the course of the evening is full of variables and uncertainties. Wang ridicule: "Even if there is no Buddhist sutras in Maritim Hotel banquet hard to do."

Finally, Mr. Wang also told reporters: "Maritim Hotel as a five-star luxury residential Country Garden Hotel hardware facilities supporting arguably second to none in the industry, we have also seen the hardware before choosing reasons Maritim Hotel, but in in the course of the evening, we do not see a professional five-star hotel service standards, see more of the sales staff, engineering staff collusion,, all service personnel look for a job,,bottine louboutin, take out darker,, even out of thin air on the red bargaining,giaccone woolrich, restaurant manager working hours a morning phone is not connected, the hotel banquet foreman can arbitrarily decide not to the main dish on the table, how would this be a five-star hotel service standards? dare to ask, who would dare to this hotel after spending work personnel,, service personnel at least professionalism at all. We finished this evening after the company has decided not to cooperate and the hotel is now issued to just like to remind everyone that made the party to choose a good partner hotel is really very crucial thing . "

because there is no pipeline

Upstairs Downstairs total of 20 two-room, a bathroom and a communal toilet.

Such a dwelling,, appeared in the Yuzhong District, Building 5 qixinggang ZMAY roof rooftop.

Until one day leaking kitchen, attic only to find tenants,, their heads are so many "neighbors."

Yesterday,, under the leadership of the owners,spaccio hogan macerata hogan rebel online outlet hogan puglia,, reporters rushed to the scene to see this out of thin air "long" out of the two floors.

Rooftop often makes strange sounds

"Had to far ahead,woolrich bologna prezzi, choose the 26th floor attic, thinking upstairs attic is, no one bothered." Qixinggang ZMAY who lives in Yuzhong District,, Building 5, Du Yin Bing, in March 2011 purchased the set of second-hand housing . Did not move into a new house before, Du Yin ice and did not notice the roof,negozi chanel, the roof space is commonly thought, but after the arrival, she found upstairs often emit some sounds. "Generally from about 8:00 in the morning began at noon and in the afternoon during the day time will be less,, but then began to 19:00."

Moving day of the second month,borse gucci outlet, Du sister is cooking as usual, suddenly began dripping ceiling. Is the top floor of the water caused? She climbed up on the roof. "And we discovered that even under the same roof covered with houses,christian louboutin france, and a separate single room, and there are two."

And let Du Sister intolerable is that when you find yourself on the location of the kitchen, she found that there is actually a public toilet. Dim light, pungent taste, due to clogged sewers overflowing dirty water in one place. "It was a burst of nausea, drop in your own kitchen, the original water from the toilet." Du Yin ice frequently shook his head.

20 single rooms each less than 10 square meters

At noon yesterday, we came Yuzhong qixinggang ZMAY Building 5, take the elevator to the 26th floor, then walk up to the roof of the rooftop. Four meters of air ducts have two rooms, into the side of the corridor, totaling about six rooms. Then went to the other side of the corridor, there are six. "There is a total of two layers, the lower layer has 14, there are even six." Sister Elsie pointing on both sides of the corridor in the middle of the hall said. Sure enough, as there are a few steps up the hall next to the stairs, but also to see the floor. Each door separated by less than 3 meters, it is estimated, but the largest single room of 10 square meters. Only eight normal floor suite Sanshiyiting, but the top floor was built 20. Two stamped decoration very simple building, rough plumbing exposed in the wall, the floor outside the room clutter stacked lamps and repair tools. No supporting facilities within a single room, 20 people with a communal kitchen and a toilet, because there is no pipeline, toilet water often leak in the downstairs kitchen Sister Elsie.

We knocked on the door a few, no one answered. Then, out of the other side of the corridor, a young guy, seeing a stranger, and hurried back to the room locked the door, and then did not issue any sound. Silent caged corridor kitchen faucet only the sound of water dripping out irregular.

Yang aunt is 5 years Building tenants, she said, the rent is only $ 400 per month these single room, as is where rented, tenants who are unwilling to disclose. Delta area where the property management company,, said a few years ago sold the top Dulwich real estate companies, but did not expect the violation more to build more houses. Currently, Yuzhong District Municipal Authority Law Enforcement and Supervision Bureau has entered the enforcement procedures to investigate this illegal construction management.

Although only separated by one floor, but the roof and the ground floor of the environment is bad days to do, it seems that the two worlds. No toilet kitchen, lack of basic network management facilities, the rooms are just enough to put some of the most simple furniture, and why there are 20 people who live here. In fact, the owners were also very clear, because cheap. "We can not understand how much work the young people, want to rent a cheap room." Du sister admits, if not his life has been seriously disturbed, she is not necessarily "frown" These tenants.

"These tenants are mostly young workers who hope that they can secure the whole building as the most important." Auntie Yang introduced himself several times met several young people sitting on the roof of the elevator,, probably talk with some of them come from the county, some from the field, seems to have at home with a real estate company to work. And let these owners are most worried about is that the right of the top floor is the pool and electrical rooms, 20 people's daily life is bound to be the whole building security risks.

Chongqing Morning News reporter trainee ran GONG

(Original title: Household Kitchen attic leaks climb above the rooftops to see people actually lived 20!)

I'm going to go every six months

8 o'clock in the morning, looked up Pengyang this day schedule: morning to the library; the afternoon came to Cambridge freshman class; there was a night for Atletico Madrid in the Champions League final, she and the students advance together Prepare Spicy, stewed chicken and boiled eggs as spectators snacks. Such a schedule, every day there will be a Pengyang. This habit from her admitted to the University of Cambridge began seven years ago continues today. She is now a doctoral student in the Department of Economics at Cambridge development, as well as a new title: Cambridge Chinese Students and Scholars Association President (referred Cambridge ACSF). Yesterday, the reporter through micro-channel and long-distance telephone calls on the beauty school gangsters, understand her story, for many parents and teenagers is at the confusion, some might inspire.

The teacher said

Enthusiastic social activities to campus celebrity

Cambridge Federation is a non-profit organization, is the largest Chinese community in Cambridge, with more than 3000 foreign members, is active in the University of Cambridge and the UK range, the oldest and most influential organization, Wang,borsa shopping chanel prezzo, Lin Yifu and other celebrities have been invited to participate in the forum organized by the Federation. However, the 30-year history, there has never been elected Chairman of Chongqing, has never had such a young leader.

Pengyang home in Fengjie 24-year-old, is a fully-fledged science Pa. Then apply for Cambridge, she had six subjects all A's in high school where breaking records, undergraduate, master's degree at Cambridge, she is also a first-class graduate students, even Ph.D., she is the darling of the eyes of instructors.

In the teacher's evaluation, Pengyang very active in school. Relevant person in charge of Murray Edwards College Cambridge, told reporters: "She class cadres, so the Federation President, she was an active volunteer, participate in social practice,, Cambridge hosted a Chinese Charities Fund,, which let her in Cambridge become a small celebrity, walking on campus and was often greeted her. "

Mom says

Buy luxury goods is a wall of books

We see all the aura, can pay Pengyang behind only the mother knows best. Yesterday, Ms. Ouyang Pengyang's mother,, told reporters last month the Easter school holidays, their own children to go to England to accompany a week, see Pengyang reading late into the night every night, dorm light of a book on the pile wall. "We just grew great attention to the cultivation of her study habits and ability to learn for her, it is a fun thing."

Ms. Ouyang told reporters: "She (Pengyang) shopping for shopping and not much to go to England to pursue after the children practice speaking only for shopping, they only bought a cup, a bowl, then that is a few million. book. If you say luxury,moncler official site, her dorm room a wall of books is probably the most extravagant. "

Of course, the school does not mean reading the book dead tyrants, Pengyang leisure time like calligraphy, singing, dancing, hosting, etc. Macao's return in 1999, a large celebration in Kuimen program, she is a small chair, CCTV was also interviewed her.


20 stars to join the campus mail to impress the show

Late last year,, Pengyang in public campaign to close to 200 votes in the high percentage of votes to the fore,, has been elected President of the Cambridge Chinese Federation. Be happy awkward after a while, she knew, Cambridge China Federation President is a chore. Federation to host a variety of student activities on a regular basis, such as the Cambridge Chinese Spring Festival Federation, Cambridge Science Humanities Forum and the UK Science and Technology Innovation Competition. Tenet, Pengyang faced with organizing the Spring Festival Gala live, and this is just only two months time.

"The Chinese in order to attract more attention, I would like to invite to join the stars." Pengyang told reporters that she thought to invite certain well-known in the UK Sa Dingding. Not be a resource, not two funds, the star is very difficult to agree solicitation. Pengyang think one of the most stupid way: Sa Dingding week to write an e-mail. Continuous issued nearly 20 messages after her "annoying chatters" finally moved Sa Dingding. The arrival of the popular star of the show make this grassroots to attract 1,600 people came to watch, this record is unprecedented,, even the Chinese Embassy Minister Counselor Education Counselor Shenyang, Cambridge, Congressman Julian? Huppert, vice mayor of Cambridge, George ? Pipas also invited to attend. All told, only to spend the entire evening more than 20 million yuan. "All funds are my party and companions in two months time, went to a variety of corporate sponsorship to pull back, to say nothing more than taking a break." Pengyang said.

Right now,, Pengyang are a major event for the next busy. She is planning to organize an exchange of Cambridge in the summer of elite Tour: Cambridge Filter 30 outstanding students to Chinese site visits, study tours, and well-known companies and universities for docking exchanges. As from Chongqing overseas students to come out, and he is very keen to do something for the home business. If companies want to recruit Chongqing overseas high-level talents, can get in touch with her.

News face to face & gt;

I am not a tyrant, but good investment

News face to face & gt;

Reporter: Do you agree with this statement Pa learn it?

Pengyang: I think not "learn tyrants," is not a genius, just like the earlier set a target,borse prada tessuto, and then working towards the goal. I think my character is this: when you are working on the hard work that goofed when he tried to play.

Reporter: You are an economist, he did not have spare time to invest money on?

Pengyang: I feel pretty little economic mind. After the financial crisis struck in 2008,, I heard a Cambridge center of the original asking price of £ 900,000 two-bedroom apartment, has fallen to around £ 500,000,ombrelli gucci, I would convince parents to remit money to their own to bargain, and finally spent £ 470,000 to the apartment to buy it. Now its price has rebounded to more than 80 million. Now the apartment I rented out a room to rent for living expenses are usually arrived,piumini moncler spaccio, and no longer spend their parents money. Now, I'm going to go every six months, Hong Kong, Singapore some internship, each intern's revenue will be used to invest mainly buy some long-term funds, the current profitability is good.

Reporter: next year will face from Cambridge graduate, you next plan is what?

Pengyang: There is a large international accounting firm and a well-known investment company Shanghai has sent the invitation, I might choose to return it, the first two or three years of work in the future want to do some major venture capital.

Chongqing Morning News reporter Cao Jiazhi

(Original title: Cambridge University Chinese Student Union President is Chongqing sister)