the site needs to coordinate more seats

Northeast news network news is really a five-star hotel five-star service it? Recently, consumers find Liaoning Wang about his consumer rights network in Shenyang Maritim five-star hotel experience "nightmare" as the encounter, hoping to consumers by Ben struck a note of alarm. Wang ridicule: "Even if there is no Buddhist sutras in Maritim Hotel banquet hard to do."

March 29, 2013, Mr. Wang's company in Shenyang Maritim hotel industry, households appreciation will be held,, because it is before the company opened an important team display, so the company from top to bottom are very seriously, in the meantime,, the company Maritim Hotel only booked the largest banquet hall, also funded to go to the well-known actor and host of the scene to help out.

Suffered a: venue to pay 10,000 yuan red

According to Mr. Wang, due to performance lighting, acoustics need to adapt to the venue in advance, in the communication process, the hotel representatives Liu promised to cooperate fully. March 27 at 8pm, in the theater company should approach set the stage, the hotel side says officers have to work, not allowed to play.

Site coordination without results, the company's head of Liu personally to call the phone. "Liu said security, engineering staff can not contact, the approach can not be arranged, and suggested to the relevant staffing needs red matter,giubbotti donna moncler," Mr. Wang said. Due to urgency of the matter, in order not to affect the performance schedule, Wang reluctantly agreed. "When the red envelope amount from 5000 yuan has risen to 10,000 yuan Liu was let go and agreed coordination arrangements, although this is, finally, I was able to show parties entering the construction or through other channels." Mr. Wang about the matter quite helpless.

Encounter two: an excuse to lift failure to pay 3000 yuan before starting elevator

March 28, Mr. Wang's company prepared 800 gifts need to be transported to the venue. Because of quantity, freight elevators were needed transportation, when employees will put gift Freight, Liu said the hotel freight elevator is broken can not be used. Employees in turn gift shipped to the main entrance, but the security door to the "main entrance is not permitted" as an excuse to block enter. Wang said: "As the outdoor temperature is very low at that time, and finally we are the goods from the back door window to progressive piece, by the people to the banquet hall of the labor movement, when several pieces of cargo shipped to the left, Liu told Huoti good used, it is not manifestly vexatious conduct it! "

According to Mr. Wang recalled, before the start of the meeting, Liu has found his hotel, said the elevator in the hotel last night was the staff's broke! "When the elevator is not yet used on the bad, which leads us to the gift of artificial transported to the site, and then changed to say Liu listening to at the time of entering the theater company broke last night, saying obviously is not around a. "After the end of the event, when the hotel side theater company dismantling the elevator is broken again by leaving only 3,000 yuan to start the lift,, desperation, Mr. Wang can only pay.

Suffered three: hotel manager disappeared chaotic scene

March 29 meeting of the day, due to an increase in participants, the site needs to coordinate more seats, the hotel staff asked the matter should be looking for banquet Bo Jingli. "In the morning a telephone call to Bo Jingli, and nobody answered the call on," Wang said. Guan Shier manager disappeared, more than 400 employees to rely on the chair moved to the scene,vendita online woolrich, and in this process, the Maritim Hotel banquet service staff did not come forward to help coordinate.

Suffered four: Ballroom arbitrarily decided not to allow the meal

After the show part of the banquet, guests were assigned to two ballrooms dining. When the second ballroom full of food already on the main ballroom has as yet not serving. Wang found foreman, foreman actually said:. "Is your individual table sit too many people before deciding not allow serving of" they think more people are not allowed to arbitrarily decide the meal, which is what the truth? These days the hotel has been suffering intolerable Wang unreasonable demands, solemn representations to find the hotel side, eventually reluctantly agreed Maritim Hotel serving.

Maritim Hotel: Do not post comments

April 7, for Mr. Wang's experience, the reporter linked to the Maritim Hotel PR for verification. PR Mr.Song express things that reporters after undertaking an investigation immediately, later will give reporters a response to the whole event.

7:00 pm the same day, via e-mail reply Mr.Song reporters: "hotel general manager's views on the matter is: To avoid controversy and uncompromising guests, we decided not to comment on."

Recall that the entire process like a nightmare

This is a harmony of joy will thank process has experienced so much suffering. Throughout the course of the evening, the hotel side set things difficult everywhere, everything looking embarrassed,,italia woolrich outlet, so that during the course of the evening is full of variables and uncertainties. Wang ridicule: "Even if there is no Buddhist sutras in Maritim Hotel banquet hard to do."

Finally, Mr. Wang also told reporters: "Maritim Hotel as a five-star luxury residential Country Garden Hotel hardware facilities supporting arguably second to none in the industry, we have also seen the hardware before choosing reasons Maritim Hotel, but in in the course of the evening, we do not see a professional five-star hotel service standards, see more of the sales staff, engineering staff collusion,, all service personnel look for a job,,bottine louboutin, take out darker,, even out of thin air on the red bargaining,giaccone woolrich, restaurant manager working hours a morning phone is not connected, the hotel banquet foreman can arbitrarily decide not to the main dish on the table, how would this be a five-star hotel service standards? dare to ask, who would dare to this hotel after spending work personnel,, service personnel at least professionalism at all. We finished this evening after the company has decided not to cooperate and the hotel is now issued to just like to remind everyone that made the party to choose a good partner hotel is really very crucial thing . "