we put the shell tore Chinese cigarettes

A year ago, she was sitting on tens of millions of female CEOs lavish fortune; a year later,http://www.fuz918.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=13988, she gambled all their savings and property worth millions of companies arrived off the outside also owed forty million yuan gambling debts. Changzhou steel industry as a leader in the leasing Fan Xiangzai stayed up all night, caught in the casino let her repentant. Yesterday, reporters learned from Changzhou police, Fan Xiangzai and because of illegal deposits from the public was Changzhou police criminal detention.

□ Express reporter Zhou Qing Ge Xiaolin

Incident: creditors foreclosed looting supplies

At 7:00 on December 14, 2009 and more, Changzhou Xinbei Mitsui streets Wu Wood Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Wu timber company) in front surrounded by thirty or forty people, who while blocking the door to this company up while shouting "Fan Xiangzai you out! You gave me out ah!"

Cried and cried, the crowd, someone rushed into the factory, shouting: "! To now not get a penny, we Quban things right." Then, into the crowd began to stir up within the plant, We have started to move the factory to grab some steel, fasteners and other items. For some items, it was fighting for each other, even moving from the hands and feet.

Received a report came to the new North Mitsui Public Security Bureau police station immediately rushed to the scene to maintain order. However, intense emotional scene who do not buy it, simply a police station for questioning at the scene, actually found that these people owed Fan Xiangzai about 4,000 yuan in cash.

"Many people say that she had rolled up tens of millions of us fled to foreign countries it!" A story of this Fan Xiangzai, all angry crowd.

A task force from the Economic Investigation Department and the district police station policemen quickly set up, and then carry out the investigation.

Behind: 16 years of struggle night bathing

It is the people at the mouth of the Fan Xiangzai business executives, is a capable woman. 47-year-old, originally from Jiangxi, father was a government official of the local county. After graduating from high school in 1976, she was first in the work of the court, and then transferred into the local office supplies, 1988 transferred Wu steel timber leasing company to do the accounting.

In 1993, Wu was a state-owned enterprise wood is Wujin, when the company's operations has seen the decline, while signed a contract agreement, the company that 5000 m2 Steel old eat all down.

Although the company started to pay the company 20,outlet serravalle woolrich,000 yuan per year as long as the rent, but had to feed four workers. However, Fan Xiangzai hang around. The company also began to well up benefits.

In 1997,http://www.jyzxs.net/read-0-tid-1762.html/read.php?tid-1762.html/post.php?fid=0,rivenditori moncler,http://www.niufang.cc/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=31761, the state-owned enterprise restructuring in full swing,http://kaede.cc3.org, she rode restructuring of the machine, end under this company. At this time,moncler italia outlet,http://422.gsd.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k96372&pageid=icb.page606767&pagecontentid=icb.pagecontent1334583&view=isitestool.cgi, she's starting capital of only 150,000, plus a large number of the company's existing pipe has worn, have to purchase a new batch, so she loaned 1.5 million to the bank, in addition to relatives and friends borrowed 500,000.

20th century, her thriving business, leasing the steel industry is rapidly becoming the leader. Some small-scale steel lessors are very active,moncler everest, very happy to steel her tune, "We all know that she rented, we definitely can make money," a do steel lease Lord said.

"As long as there are projects to use steel,http://www.s130.net/cgi-bin/gsx/bbs.cgi, except she did not go into action, otherwise we should not even think to win the business." Peers say so. The industry estimates, she has 16 years of hard work, all the assets of two thousand million.

Police investigation found that the company Fan Xiangzai arrived a month ago to the others, but all of her assets are mortgaged, his all to others to work out. Outside, still owes more than 20 people, more than 2000 million worth of principal debt.

It turned out that one year, Fan Xiangzai gambled all net worth: own business 16 years of painstaking efforts, all their deposits, even their own three houses are foreclosed to the others arrived.

In addition, more than 20 million outstanding loan principal, as well as gambling, "water money" nearly 20 million.

Gamble: a night lost 8 million

In fact, a few days in December 14, many creditors can not contact Fan Xiangzai not she escaped, she is being illegally detained. The reason is because she owed money to others.

After the incident occurred Dumen, Fan Xiangzai initiative to go to the police station. But she is not from the first, and she said she was to the Public Security Bureau to explain the situation: he did not flee with money. But the task force's preliminary investigation concluded that Fan Xiangzai illegal deposits from the public has been involved in the crime. At this time,woolrich official site, Fan Xiangzai cried, suddenly limp down the whole person.

is hooked at the end of 2007 gambling, a woman surnamed Chen,http://hiroshima-asahi.net/cgi-def/admin/C-002/bbs-1/visit/main.pl?PAGE_NUM=1+Result:+chosen+nickname+%22zoothLoma%22;success;, will into professional gambling companies.

They started playing "Mahjong" and later played "Bull",http://www.athtech.co.jp, is basically a win lose less. Wujin Industrial Park factory hidden in a gambling, there are a dozen people a day in gambling, most of the boss,hogan outlet italia, boss. That, Fan Xiangzai lost more than 120 million. Wujin Huang in a hotel, Fan Xiangzai luck is really back, a losing streak of six million light "water money" there are twenty million. In a gambling Miaoqiao the years, she lost more than 400 million, "the money on a card."

"Lost money to think Fanben result lose more and more." In gambling Xinbei Wei village,outlet bologna woolrich orari, she still lost 3 million, of which only the "water money" borrowed more than 100 million, "10,woolrich bologna cadriano,000 yuan 3000 yuan monthly interest rate is usury!"

Gambles eye redness. October 2009 in the new North Fortuna hotel gambling, almost everyone lost all cash. So, we put the shell tore Chinese cigarettes, just written above number, "100000",woolrich 2012, "200000", "500000", so bet to go. That night, she lost more than 800 million.

Sadness: Female CEOs to migrant workers

Joe is Wu's old wood workers, many years after retirement unexpectedly encountered . At the time, Joe home demolition, the demolition of the old house more than 100 million, positive thinking is a bank deposit or investment. She said she had just picked up a big project, to purchase a number of steel pipe. out of the trust, and Joe will all lend her one million. The Fan Xiangzai also very readily borrow wrote a two-year promissory note. Joe a look, the annual interest rate is 25%,prezzo woolrich corto, much higher than the bank, very happy. And got the money, out of the 250,000 directly to Joe, "interest in the first year to pay you."

Later, it is gambling Fan Xiangzai pressure body, connecting to Yang by three or four million. It can not be repaid to the last, she had arrived in the company also gave Yang, Fan Xiangzai work in the company,autlet hogan, "everyone's eyes, I have been a successful woman,peuterey revenge, and now because of gambling desperation, I discredited in the face." Now, she The daughter did not know his mother because of gambling debts bear such a heavy, will face criminal prosecution.