Yang Pan 28-year-old players.

Depositors in the bank counter to save money, even under the watchful eyes boor hand snatch. 10:55 yesterday,woolrich sito ufficiale, a man in the west all the way to the Chinese branch of China Everbright Bank Qiaokou snatch cash depositors, when he was about to succeed,piumini moncler, the two security guards eye grassland was firmly pressed to the ground.

Fifteen thousand yuan counter before being snatched away

When reporters around 11:30 rushed to the scene, someone man has been taken away by police, has restored calm in the banking hall. Depositors do not know many have occurred within half an hour before the bank had to do, we still queued orderly conduct business.

According to the China Everbright Bank branch in Qiaokou president Tian introduced robbed depositors are customers of banks, is a unit of a 50-year-old female accountant.

Time of the incident, this accounting and another female cashier at the counter is ready to 15,moncler pas cher,000 yuan of public funds in the bank. Just stack of money they took out from the bag,abercrombie france, when a strange man next to a few meters quickly rushing to grab the money in the past; female accountant and cashier then loudly shouted "stealing money", two security guards heard one after the other arrived,abercrombie pas cher, the man stealing money eventually after some scuffle on the spot uniforms.

Security has long been pegged to the money-men

It is understood that the money-two security men in uniform were 22-year-old security chief Gary Ho, Yang Pan 28-year-old players.

He recalls Gary,abercrombie outlet milano,http://zhainanydy.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=813545, around about 10 o'clock, the man came to the bank in the hall. Was completed within the banking staff is not much,http://www.xgoaa.com/read.php?tid=168883&ds=1, but he did not take the numbers line up for business,http://www.xiongyingchina.org/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=17426, but sitting in the hall looked around. Lobby manager and security has repeatedly asked what its going to handle the business, but did not get an answer,http://bbs.hscjrxx.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=98004&fromuid=19125, desperation, banks had stepped up security requirements in this man's stalking.

10:55, the man suddenly stood up and followed the two customers came to the front counter,woolrich sito ufficiale,http://www.cecyteo.edu.mx/site/index.php, and this move were responsible for the security Yang Pan-tailed in the eyes.

When the man grabbed the money getaway when Yang Pan rushed up the first few meters away from the man just ran threw the man struggled to get up, readily took up a mop in the hall were against it When the security chief Dr Gary jumped toward the man arrived, the three suddenly wrestle together. About two minutes later, Gary Ho, Yang Pan with a little minor injuries to the man tightly pressed to the ground,http://sinhomefk.gotoip2.com/bbs/thread-135438-1-1.html, the bank also timely Police.

On the spot and found a knife Nijiang

In order not to affect customers for business, money, man was subdued after the temporary custody into the security room, while banks also stepped up security work and appease their depositors.

Security Officer Gary Ho told reporters, in order to prevent money-men had accomplices hiding in depositors, the staff temporarily control the flow of people within the bank; the police rushed to the hall staff after carding,woolrich parka, combing through the field and eventually before and after the incident, access to video preliminary determination,negozi tiffany, money man is alone crime.

In addition, China Everbright Bank branch in Qiaokou president Tian also introduced,http://www.hardboiledbroads.com/forum/profile/ulery5n1c, according to surveillance video police found the man stealing money left in a bag on the seat hall,spaccio woolrich, which is equipped with a Nijiang knife.

At about 11:20 before,moncler outlet, after police on the scene evidence is completed,http://bbs.home0086.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=362289, the money-men and robbed depositors were brought to the police station are taking note off.

Financial institutions should be sentenced robbery

The reporter then informed by making inquiries,scarpe louboutin, money man surnamed Wan, born in 1966, Jingzhou Jiangling people currently unemployed, and robbed depositors did not know. According to a million account, he went to the bank the purpose is to engage in a sum of money in the bank squat for nearly an hour before deciding on the targets of crime and the snatch and did not take into account the consequences of their actions.

Zongguan police station revealed that certain behaviors million had been arrested for grabbing other people's property, given its location will be the crime of choice in a bank, the police will be more careful when strictly the case. Currently, police are still investigating a million further motive.

Hubei Hua Hua Qiu Ping law firm lawyers believe that a million were robbed in the financial institution, its behavior is quite bad in itself, according to the "Criminal Law" should increase the penalty.

Reporter David