Original title

Red Net Zixing August 14 (correspondent Valencia Deng Fang Fang) Shandong Province Wang Meet unemployed men on dating websites Tanmou unhappy marriage,giubbotti tipo woolrich, pretended to be a business manager,sito ufficiale moncler, by Internet chat, sweet video of win Tanmou Fang heart. In determining the "love" relationship with the other party,woolrich cadriano, Wang hospitalized with multiple reasons such as business turnover in three years a total of 40,http://www.nhk888.net46.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=117,000 yuan Tanmou cheat, cheated when noticed,http://forum.guitarstudio1.com/activity, Tanmou did not know the real name of Wang. August 14, Zixing,http://sportsfan.jpn.org/cgi-kban/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=26&page=2, Hunan Province People's Procuratorate on suspicion of fraud Wang lawfully approved the arrest.

In 2010, dissatisfied with the reality of married life zixing membership Tanmou woman on dating websites registered on the network expects to seek solace. August, claiming an engineering company manager Wang Shandong man entered Tanmou vision. Although never met, but Wang's gentle and greetings every conversation Tanmou gradually let them feel good, two will be formally established shortly after the "love" relationship, the network began a virtual "long distance relationship" . Wang said to meet with tan when the time comes,http://www.365kl.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the two feelings are rapidly warming.

After winning office, the same year in September, Wang said his father was hospitalized,http://www.dollchronicles.com,peuterey verona, then put any hope when "Girlfriend" Tanmou ideas can come visit. Being carried away by love Tanmou apart from anything else, it will transfer 1,hogan interactive prezzo,000 yuan to Wang's account, to show the "future father" of care.

See Tanmou not doubt their own heart, a month later, the big boss Wang told Italian turnover need money, but I am sorry to a friend openings afraid Tanmou have concerns, Wang put the family's address also that out together. This will dispel doubts Tanmou heart, once again on the 10,nuove hogan,000 yuan of money remitted Wang card. "Love" for three years, Wang succession to a traffic accident, hospitalized,giubbotti woolrich uomo, beating need to compensate more than an excuse to cheat golden tan than 45,000 yuan. When brought to justice, lied about the money has been squandered.

Prosecutors said the suspect Wang illegal possession for the purpose of fictitious facts to cheat others and a huge amount of money,moncler outlet sito ufficiale, their behavior has violated the relevant provisions of the criminal law, suspected fraud. Recently, the suspect Wang Zixing People's Procuratorate for examination by, was arrested on suspicion of fraud.

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(Original title: Unemployed man posing as a married woman with a rich handsome courtship fraudulently squandered 40,http://kiddie.jp,offerte woolrich,000 yuan)