GF and other banks charge.

From there take his deposit money banks should not charge, this issue has been controversial,, so far to no avail. However,nike air max bw pas cher, bank credit card cash withdrawal fee does appear downward trend,simbolo moncler originale, but the reporter has learned that the difference between different bank charges a lot, take the cost of the energy difference 20000 600 yuan deposit. In addition, banks vary between different credit card fees, giving ordinary users a great deal of inconvenience.


Heavy credit card cash withdrawal fee

Including credit card cash advance cash payments and overflow (ie, stored in the card when funds or repayment of overpaid funds) cash in both cases, the overdraft cash required to pay high fees only,, and to withdraw cash from the day they start to interest; and overflow cash payment is not required to pay interest.

CITIC Bank has announced on its official website to adjust the base price of the credit card cash withdrawal fee. 2% of the territory in accordance with the amount of cash collected, minimum 20 yuan each,outlet woolrich bologna orari, 3% of the amount of foreign cash by charging a minimum $ 3, or 30 Hong Kong dollars, or 3 euros. Previously, the implementation of "domestic cash withdrawal fee for cash withdrawal amount by 3 percent, the lowest 30 yuan" standard. Notice that the new price from December 1 this year, the official start of practice.

Credit card cash withdrawal fee reduction has become the trend in the banking industry. Reporters found that reducing CITIC Bank cash withdrawal fee is not the first domestic, some banks would have taken credit card cash incentives. For example, to perform a local bank ICBC cash free,hogan da donna, according to one percent local interbank cash withdrawal amount is calculated. Bank of China Great Wall Series Universal credit card through a local bank withdrawals for free.


Take the difference between the cost of 20 000 600 yuan deposit

Credit card because they do not know where you want to charge for cash deposits, Mr. Zhu every time spare cash deposited into the hands of their own credit card, if you want to take out the money 20,000 yuan costly later found to save. Like Mr. Zhu this case, if the bank's credit card at a local bank to withdraw money, you do not need any fees. If the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank credit card, you need to pay $ 600 cash withdrawal fee.

Currently,, the overdraft interest rates banks are more unified,giubbotto moncler, all five ten thousandths of daily interest, but if you look closely compare credit card fees the banks,spaccio peuterey bologna,, which you will find very different. Some overdraft interest on a full count, some calculated according to section.

5000 yuan in credit card spending,giacche peuterey uomo, for example, if the billing date to the repayment date for a period of 45 days, and the cardholder repayment date Shihai of 4000 yuan, 1000 yuan remaining pressed-out. If the bank is holding a credit card, you only need to not have 1,000 dollars overdraft interest, overdraft interest to be paid in 45 days was 22.5 yuan, if the holders of the other bank cards,basket nike requin pas cher, you need to 5000 yuan for a daily base five ten thousandths of interest, 45 days to pay overdraft interest 112.5 yuan, a difference of 5 times. If not when the repayment is not because there is no ability to repay, but because of mistaken caused a small number of errors, the difference is even greater.


Some bank fees are too high

Most bank credit card cash withdrawal fees do not distinguish between the "overflow cash payments" or "cash advance", the same charges,, but the fees are now slightly lower than the credit card overdraft take a little, generally about 0.3% to 1%. Reporters yesterday by Bank rate network survey found that if an ordinary credit card to take their own existence in the 10,000 dollar fee is 30 dollars, Bank of Beijing,hogan on line, Bank, China Construction Bank,, China Merchants Bank fees charged 50 yuan, China Everbright,, ABC and other fee is 100 Yuan,,outlet ufficiale moncler, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank fee is 300 yuan. There are a few banks such as ICBC, Bank of China, the people's livelihood, GF and other banks charge.

A bank credit card department official said, "overflow cash payment" is actually taking their own money in the card, should not have received. However, if it involves remote or withdraw cash,woolrich military, the bank will have to pay a fee to the bank card organization UnionPay or outside, so it can not be free.

The industry believes that some of the fees that there are some high domestic banks,geospirit peuterey, regulators are constantly control controversial fees, credit card cash withdrawal fee next downturn is likely to be the trend. Newspaper reporter Xiong Yan