had drink rat poison in the room

BEIJING, March 7 Quzhou Electric (trainee reporter Zhao Xiaoyan correspondent Xu) last August,hogan donna, occurred in Zhejiang Quzhou supply hotels murder together, the three deceased murderer stabbed to death with a knife. This afternoon,http://www.gigliocooking.com/ja/faqs/faq-general/68-general-faq4.html, Quzhou City Intermediate People's Court accused of intentional homicide Moujiu De first instance verdict to manslaughter verdict Moujiu De death, deprived of political rights for life,negozi tiffany, and to compensate the families of three victims of the 10 million, totaling $ 300,http://syrup.mints.ne.jp/diary/diary.cgi/,000. It is understood that the defendant had committed suicide before his arrest six unsuccessful.

Quzhou Court found that the summer of 2009, the defendant Chen Mu Jiude married victims in Ningbo acquaintance,hogan outlet, after cohabitation, during Moujiu De repeatedly asked Chen to marry and then divorce her husband, because Chen did not agree, two more times dispute.

Chen to alienate escape Mujiu De, find an excuse to leave several times Moujiu De. June 2011, Chen Mu Jiude leave again, and returned home.

August 2011, Mu Jiude father injured in hospital,woolrich outlet, he texted his father Chen told life is in danger, asking them to visit their. Chen should not get away with children by deliberately avoided. Chen Mu Jiude therefore finds unjust and deceive their feelings, decided to interview one of its last, as it will after Chen refused to live together with their killing himself.

Subsequently, Mujiu De prepared dagger, rat poison, and written a suicide note. August 18, 2011, arrived from Ningbo Quzhou,piumini peuterey outlet, after contact with Chen, stay in a hotel room Quzhou supply.

The next afternoon, Chen with her daughter,http://www.chrisadamsperfumes.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, niece from home to Quzhou,spaccio woolrich, four people staying in the hotel room supply. That night, and Chen filed for divorce and their ability to live together, Chen is no clear answer.

August 20 at 1:00 pm, Chen has to sleep,http://www.tukipie.net/camera/index.cgi, holding a dagger towards Chen body jabs than fifty consecutive knife,air max tn pas cher, causing Chen died on the spot. Because the two children sleeping in another bed in the attack were awakened when scream,, Mou has two girls holding a dagger towards the neck, chest, etc. Each number stab knife, causing the two died on the spot.

Reporters learned from Quzhou court, after the murder, had drink rat poison in the room,moncler outlet, unsuccessfully attempted suicide,nike tn requin pas cher, and later taken to a river, hanging, electrocution and other methods of suicide were unsuccessful. Finally, in Yinzhou District Cross Town "rather Qiu line" Highway 22 signs nearby hill "Grandma any incense Tomb" at ingesting pesticide suicide after being found to cross-town Minnesota others rushed to the hospital. So far, a total of Mu Jiude attempted suicide six times.

August 22, 2011, the public security organs in the hospital will Mujiu De arrest.

The court held that because the defendant Moujiu De emotional disputes,peuterey donna, vent anger knife murder, causing three deaths, his behavior constituted intentional homicide and criminal means extremely cruel,louboutin scarpe, extremely serious consequences,http://moriokacomet.com, a great social harm,http://onohiroki.cycling.jp, should be severely punished according to the law . Economic loss because of death of three victims Mujiu De defendant's criminal act caused to the families of the victims,woolrich parka, according to the law compensable,http://www.zhuolikrone-1344006.adminkc.cn, then made the above decision. (End)