Sept. 12 guest electricity

BEIJING, Sept. 12 guest electricity (Liangliu Yan Lu Fang) temple town in Guangxi Laibin Xiangzhou Leimou villagers recently bought a new car,giubbotti moncler, the new car is very spare. September 11,peuterey, he blocked the car with the body glide, unfortunately,woolrich parka,, was killed by car.

Police, the morning of September 11,parajumpers gobi,, Henan Water Survey Agile Design Ltd. Nanning, Guangxi Branch of three staff members because of their work, such as Liu,louboutin homme,, Lei rented car went Xiangzhou wonderful new creation Wong Township village,scarpe hogan outlet,, Driving by Lui send them to the destination. When the car drove into the village when the new office,, Mr. Liu and others get ready understanding of the relevant work, Lui also stop and pull up the handbrake off later.

A few minutes later,woolrich parka, Mr. Ray suddenly found the car began sliding down the hill along. In desperation, he immediately rushed to the front,giubbotti woolrich, with his body blocking the car in an attempt to force the car to stop. However, since he is in the parking position just highway ramp,nike tn pas cher,, causing the car glide faster,hogan interactive, Lei hit by a car and even the car fell into a roadside ditch,hogan donna, was the car in the ditch below the pressure.

After the accident,hogan sito ufficiale, the police immediately call 120 Villagers and organize rescue villagers. Xiangzhou police brigade rushed to the scene after receiving the report, when the police arrived at the scene and found the car was stuck in a ditch embankment and farmland between deep water,, and Lui have been rescued by villagers because of his injuries focuses on the way to the hospital died. Police organization personnel and emergency vehicles on the site of the accident was carefully worthy of investigation, but one by one on the scene witnessed people ask, to understand the situation when a specific incident.

Currently,, the traffic police department is on the vehicle identification technology, specific case is still under further investigation.

(Original title: To prevent the car glide man physically blocking the ramp knocked death (Figure))