" Liu said chains.

Hebei Youth Daily News (reporter Ren Lee) not after Xinji Zhonglixiang Township Park Village, Park finished a small village built around 1995 in the construction sector will allow acceptance hundreds of students begin classes. 15 years later,hogan sito ufficiale, the issue has not been resolved,gucci outlet, the teaching building has cracks and infiltration of rain there is the phenomenon of parents are very worried.

"Black school buildings," has spent 15 years

Yesterday, Xinji City Park village committee director Liu chains admit Park finished a small village school building has not been acceptance, there is no quasi-live license issued by the program. The school building is about 1995 students to use. "Teaching is no decoration on the floor in front of the cracks." Liu chains, said the school building bottomless ring beam, the supreme,http://www.leme.pt/pesquisa/search.cgi, the ring beam. Reinforced corners and not by grade materials,woolrich outlet online, the use of cement is inferior cement failure, "In short, building construction contract not on budget."

Why teaching building and why is there such a problem has not been acceptance,peuterey outlet, Liu chains, said it is the last village of the things he can not explain. Liu chains, said two years ago after he took over the village, for the problem of school buildings reflect repeatedly to superiors,http://douga119-anime.seesaa.net, has not been taken seriously. "The students in this class is no acceptance of school buildings, how safe are protected?" Liu said chains.

Yesterday, Park finished a small village president also said that the school's teaching building without any formalities, but he was the second half of last year to the school, the specific situation is not clear,nike air max, but he said,hogan milano, "This thing EDB know."

Teaching Building cracks also seepage

Yesterday,spaccio woolrich, the reporter saw at Park finished a small village, which is a two-story classroom building,louboutin pas cher, the wall looks very new. "Every year paint the walls, it looks nice, beating checks payable leadership." An unnamed teacher said, in fact, the teaching building has cracks in some places water seepage when it rains.

Currently, Park finished a small village kindergarten students plus a total of more than 280 students in kindergarten classroom building two houses next to the school, primary school students in grades one to six classes in the school building.

Multiple classrooms on the second floor walls and floors were cracks appeared in some places there is the phenomenon of the roof from the skin,http://www.huntinggetaway.com,hogan outlet,http://www5d.biglobe.ne.jp/~deluxe/cgi-bin/yybbs.cgi. One teacher said that is where seepage occurs when it rains.

According to Park finished a small village called because serious consideration to the second floor, so that students are moved to the first floor to class, just as the second floor of the library,http://bbs.mhzw.net/thread-637561-1-1.html,hogan scarpe, computer rooms and other teaching sites are not commonly used.

In the kindergarten class, the students of two bungalows, the reporter also saw the school building on the second floor of the same situation. Du Yanzong said two bungalows much earlier time, it should be built in the 1970s and 1980s.

You can still use the local Department of Education says

Park finished a small village for a school building issues, Xinji City Board of Education Deputy Secretary Jiang Yanhua said there is no acceptance of school buildings and related procedures need to check. Jiang Yanhua but then added that before 2002, the school management to implement hierarchical management school,http://goosound.seesaa.net,nike tn femme, village primary school are the property of the village administration,http://www.izuzuki.com,woolrich uomo, in 2002 began to go after the unified management of the county, so it should be a problem before the village thing.

The reporter asked, after the 2002 Board of Education took over, there were no problems found after remedy? did not directly answer, said some time ago that they had asked the city according to the higher schools conducted the investigation, Park finished a small village school building Class B, that is, you can continue to use for teaching. He said the identification of a qualified entity, without any problems. Kindergarten students enrolled bungalow belongs to C-level, require reinforcement.

Yesterday, for the matter, Zhonglixiang Township, said, "belong to historical issues",http://jssts.jp, without any explanation.

■ Photo / reporter Cui Jing