It is understood that

(Reporter Chen Qiao) three years ago,, the small good (a pseudonym) was elected director of the industry committee Intel apartment complexes, but three years to really exercise the functions of the director is his mother, Ma. Industry, the Commission believes there are serious violations, Xiangheyuan Subdistrict Office of the owners Wu Fei (a pseudonym) apartment belongs to Intel report.

Recently, Xiangheyuan Subdistrict Office of the relevant responsible person said, has been the industry committee for violations of publicity corrected, will organize the industry committee and owners to communicate recent issues on the upcoming general election.

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Mother daughter to perform their duties on behalf of the

Wu Fei apartment owners Intel introduced Intel apartment industry, the Commission has been set up for three years, three years ago, according to the announcement of the election of the members of the industry committee, the industry committee director was to be chosen for the little good. He stumbled, residential industry committee work has been responsible for the management of Ms. Ma, and the functions of the industry, the Commission is also the director of her exercise,woolrich outlet, little good has never participated in any meeting of the industry committee.

Contact little good reporter learned that she had not participated in the elections and Industry Authority Director management industry, the Commission,, "I am not interested, too busy working,nike air max pas cher, mainly my mother particularly enthusiastic."

Wu Fei further understand that,hogan scarpe, Ms. Ma is little good mother, Ma has produced a power of attorney signed by his daughter, a good proxy of small industry, the Commission will be entrusted to manage his mother.

"This commission has managed more than one." Wu Fei said he found the industry committee members have at least two members of their work will be entrusted to others, but according to the city announced last year,moncler outlet, began the trial of this year's "Beijing City residential property owners and owners of the Rules Committee of the guidance, "" industry committee members can not be an agent to attend the meeting. "

In March this year,spaccio moncler, Wu Fei find a forensic center for power of attorney to do handwriting identification, appraisal showed little good attorney handwriting and signature on the "real estate sales contracts" and other documents are not the same person.

Beginning last year, Wu Fei will continue to grasp the situation escalated to Xiangheyuan Subdistrict Office of Intel apartment belongs to handle and require street.

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Hair publicity corrected

It is understood that, according to "Beijing residential property owners and owners of the Rules Committee of the guidance,," "owner" means the owner of the house, but only the owner can stand industry members.

September 7, Xiangheyuan Subdistrict Office official said, Intel apartment industry committee members, including small good account, the existence of agency and other irregularities. In the first half of this year, the streets do have to Intel apartment industry, the Commission issued a public letter to inform its violations and require its correction.

But Wu Fei learned that, after this announcement letter is issued on behalf of Ms. Ma is still relevant functions of the industry committee.

Xiangheyuan Subdistrict Office The official acknowledged that the letter issued after the announcement, the street does not know more about the recent case of the industry committee. But the day before yesterday, Chaoyang Construction Committee departments, Xiangheyuan Subdistrict Office held a research conference on the case of Intel apartment industry committee, "We will build a platform in the near future, so that the industry committee and the owners meet to communicate, we will communicate the results to further decisions. "

This is the name of the responsible person also said that the expertise Intel apartment industry members really not enough, there needs to be further improved.

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He called me "not legitimate Lei Feng"

Yesterday, for the owners to report their own violations regarding proxy Industry Authority Director, Ma responded: "I really share the power of attorney to sign on behalf of her daughter, but then when you stand Industry Authority Director, is what I stand for, but News is my daughter's name, when the house is written the name of my daughter, so I signed up in the name of her daughter's name, but then I immediately put the property to house a total of my daughter. "Ma introduced, After soliciting the consent of the property company, the entire work Industry Authority Director candidates are her to complete, the operation of the industry committee,scarpe hogan, and funding are also responsible for managing her.

Ms. Ma said,, after his own management industry committee work, many times to communicate with property companies,moncler outlet, property companies to convince the cell aging equipment maintenance, lower property costs,, and investment funds to make residential property owners free broadband,louboutin femme, and now also coordinating with the property Community monitoring transformation, closed management thing, "I not only have to bear the pressure from developers, property companies, but also for me to bear owners 'identities are not legitimate' attacks."

"You could say I was the industry committee's work to do as a public good, and I was the district as our house to the Director, an owner can directly tell me, 'You are not legitimate Lei Feng'." Ma said.

For the work done by Ma, many owners also said cell recognition, "since the Ma administration area, the situation is really a lot better community."

Ms. Ma said, after receiving the correct street announcement,hogan donna outlet, she has little good to try to make the work of the Committee to participate in the industry,, but because of the industry committee of the fund accounts,borse louis vuitton,, financial chapter, etc. are issued in her name. "I No matter now, work is how the operation? "

She also believes that the presence of the existing provisions unreasonable, "when the real estate license,jordan homme pas cher, although not my name, but I also lived in the area for many years the owners."

She said the industry, the Commission is about to begin the general election, she has decided to re-election to his identity Industry Authority Director post.

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Eligibility should look at the facts residency

Reporters learned that Beijing is similar to Intel apartment industry committee in many cases illegal agents. Zuolai famous scholar Wu said although Ma has done a lot for the community, but her behavior did not lawful. But Wu Zuolai also said that the main industry, the Commission is to provide services for residential property owners, representing the interests of the owners to coordinate to deal with things, eligibility industry members, and should not be overly strict ownership restrictions, "and should be the fact that the owners residence prevail,, this is the most important. "

Miss Jo, the members of the industry, the Commission should be with you to live in the same space, rather than the property owner to establish a nominal industry committee. He said that many families separated for all, the government should introduce a supplementary provisions to improve the existing policies to ensure year-round residents living in the area to participate in the elections to the district's industry committee in the past, "Even the rented house, How many years can be required to reside full election industry members. "