face high risk of infection insecure environment

Recently, the "on the settlement of HIV-infected persons and AIDS patients' surgical difficulties" Proposal "China HIV Coalition written report released in Beijing. The report shows that "surgery is difficult,louboutin soldes," is the most prominent problem faced by people living with HIV medical treatment have occurred in the hospital at all levels. Why doctors do not want to give people living with HIV and AIDS patients operated on? The reason behind the most realistic, most health care workers worried about being infected, plus there is no introduction to occupational exposure of healthcare workers who were infected with HIV,woolrich uomo, compensation or benefits of the law, led to this embarrassing situation happen.

In fact, in addition to AIDS, health care workers also often associated with a variety of highly pathogenic infectious diseases "close contact." And with other occupational groups exposed to different is that duty is life-saving health care, face high risk of infection insecure environment, had still insisted on working, occupational exposure they have to say has become a pain.

In recent days, the reporter visited the capital of a number of hospitals, approached the perennial work in such a high risk of occupational exposure to frontline health care workers. Let them confused,nike tn pas cher, despite living high incidence of infection, but infection is still inconclusive whether occupational disease.

Typical Case

Nurses working in TB

"TB patients for pain and suffering, and I identify with,nike tn, because I also suffered from tuberculosis." Hunan Provincial Chest (TB) hospital care speak English now insisted in clinical line, but she then accidentally infected with tuberculosis unforgettable experience .

"Every day dealing with TB, how I did not think that one day they will be admitted to the ward." According to Xiao Yan Ying recalls a summer afternoon in 2005, was originally thought to work as usual,woolrich uomo, she suddenly trembling, whooped and cold temperature was as high as 40 ℃. Once diagnosed, she was infected with endobronchial tuberculosis.

Although the temperature dropped after treatment to normal levels, the spirit gradually restored, but the side effects of anti-TB drugs and weekly bronchoscopy painful treatment,http://www.wpinu.co.jp, let Xiao Yan Ying tortured physically and mentally, since all fear.

When medical treatment for people with AIDS were infected almost

The Third People's Hospital of Hengyang City 2 ward nurse Zhou Qing (pseudonym), a cirrhotic patients diagnosed with AIDS bite bloody sputum, became difficult to erase the shadow of her heart.

According to her memories of that time, where she was admitted to the ward of a middle-aged man suffering from cirrhosis of the liver. By antibody testing, this is a people with AIDS. One day, week Qinghe another nurse to his nasal catheter inserted conduct oxygen therapy, did not expect the patient to cough a bit fierce,moncler outlet sito ufficiale, bloody sputum a spray in her face. Although she was wearing a mask, but his eyes exposed, the patient's saliva directly into her eyes.

Zhou Qing was recognized as an occupational exposure, after nearly a month, she received blocking HIV medication. Within six months without determining whether infected before, she did not dare to see the parents and all their friends and relatives, did not dare to touch the young son about. Until the 5th to get blood tests alone, that he's fine, she recovered the entire personnel.

Hospital response

Develop appropriate norms and control measures

In fact, in order to protect front-line health care workers to work in clinical, hospitals have the appropriate norms and preventive measures. Such as: 2006,http://www.6678.in/index.php?fid=2/read.php?tid=1, Hunan Chest Hospital issued a "concerning the treatment of the workers suffering from tuberculosis after this provision," which clearly states: hospitalization due to tuberculosis, the treatment of epidemic vacation allowances are paid; health departments to establish and preserve good workers health records. According to the Infectious Diseases Hospital of Changsha (Changsha City First Hospital South Campus) Du Jie, director of infection introduction, medical personnel in contact with infectious before, patients, medical staff must wear masks,http://shop.koro-jp.com/?pid=16007268, especially to wear gloves before touching AIDS patients,woolrich prezzi, etc. . Meanwhile, for the medical personnel are likely to be infected, treatment programs have a system of hospitals.

"Currently, hospitals and other buildings on the radiation room wall thickness, windows settings, there are stringent requirements." Hunan Provincial Occupational Health dispensary technician Ling Guanghua,hogan 2014, director of Radiological Health, said at the same time,http://modx.jp.net, the hospital medical staff engaged in radiation work radiation nutrition allowance paid annual leave arrangements such as fixed 2-4 weeks.

According to Changsha, the person in charge of occupational disease prevention, Changsha for radiation workers, mainly through measures such as wearing personal dose tablets quantitatively monitored. As a result of an increase in workload resulting in excessive doses results, etc., require radiation work unit staff to reduce exposure to radiation and other measures. In addition, radiation workers work as a special population, health check at least once every two years, and to carry out pre-job and post undergo health checks.

Experts call

Occupational protection issues to be concerned about

It is understood that, in addition to the medical staff was included in the statutory occupational radiation injury than,moncler sito ufficiale, other medical personnel due to occupational exposure to occupational injuries has not been included in the legal category. In addition to the medical staff for occupational exposure to radiation injury is part of an occupational disease or work injury, Changsha City Infectious Disease Hospital official said, has not been determined.

According to the Hunan Provincial Chest Hospital Zhang Yi Rui Jieshao, in recent years, TB hospital nurses have six people, time to focus on 2005 to 2009. Fortunately, this situation with the hospital in 2009 and put into use a new hospital building after the basic end, because the new ward spacious, airy,http://taroato-hokuto.sakura.ne.jp/joyful/joyful.cgi?mode=res&no=12427, with rigorous scientific various protective measures, like occupational safety plus for health care workers on a "safety lock." However, for many years,http://konoyohko.sakura.ne.jp, and tuberculosis patients deal with the risk of being infected health care workers still exists. "This situation causes TB nurse vigilance hospitals not only in our hospital, have also occurred in other hospitals outside the province." Zhang Yi Rui believes that occupational protection of health care issues need immediate attention.

"In determining a patient infected with HIV after treatment for its implementation is not the most terrible, the most frightening thing is infected with the HIV virus emergency patients (such as a car accident injured,parajumpers jakke, emergency admission of pregnant women), because the former emergency treatment may be entirely too late do the relevant checks, do not know the patient is HIV-infected persons. "Insiders said that in China, AIDS has entered a period of rapid growth, which will undoubtedly bring greater pressure on the medical staff. Although the probability of HIV infection during surgery is very low, but the risk should also be fully considered and reflected, should be introduced on infected health care workers to give a variety of security, health care possible to relieve worries.

Lawyers point of view

Health care workers should be protected by the Occupational Disease Prevention Law

Occupational exposure in health care workers under the Occupational Disease Prevention Law of whether protection should be subject to? In this regard,hogan 2014, Hunan victory Lawyer Xieshao Yu said China's Occupational Disease Prevention Law Article 2.2 clearly states that "this Act referred to occupational diseases is an enterprise,http://www.pubin.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=66245, institutions and individual economic organizations (hereinafter referred to as the employer) labor those in professional activities,hogan outlet, due to exposure to dust, radioactive and other toxic and hazardous substances and other factors caused the disease. "According to this provision, as the clinical frontline health care workers as workers,http://hokuga.hgu.jp, and other workers should also be the same Protection of Occupational Disease Prevention Law.

Perennial in HIV, tuberculosis, high infectious medical clinical frontline health care workers, how should safeguard their labor rights? Xieshao Yu believes that the current risk of clinical staff may be infected with diseases for, from a legal perspective, the more relevant sound system, the implementation of relevant laws and regulations. "In fact, targeted to the development of relevant laws and regulations on occupational exposure to HIV-infected medical staff high compensation, lift the psychological burden from high-risk health care law is also very important. At the same time, to further strengthen occupational exposure of medical staff knowledge and training, multi-pronged approach, common in occupational exposures under the protection of the health and rights of health care workers. "


Health care workers occupationally exposed

Refers to the medical staff exposure to toxic and hazardous substances or infectious pathogens in clinics, nursing activities in the process, to the detriment of the health or life-threatening. Including infectious occupational exposure, occupational exposure to radiation, chemical (such as disinfectants, certain chemicals) occupational exposure and other occupational exposures.