More than 100 villagers led a separate portal

The very fact that 18-year-old home in Heze city of Shenyang came to a garment factory work. At that time care relationship before entering the factory, but now a serious shortage of workers, which makes now 48 years old, she has undergone two road to riches - the home of the fragmented labor organization introduced to the lack of industrial enterprises, according to a poll extract "agency fee "; led the villagers contracted pipeline or plant,scarpe hogan, extracted from workers' pay in the" management fees ", and now there are hundreds of workers in her hands, a year from them," drawn into "three to four million. 30 years, Ms. Zhang has gone from "working girl" to "contractor" status change,moncler outlet, also witnessed the recruitment is difficult to find a job is difficult to change.

30 years is difficult to find a job recruitment difficulties

"I entered the garment factory 30 years ago, the plant had never been seen much, I like to imagine all redneck town working children." The very fact that the mouth of that experience, many people still remember. In the 1980s, "into the factory," "Baochibaozhu" is a fashionable word most eager of migrant workers.

That is, at this time,, the investigation report of the Task Force Academy for the first time used the term "migrant workers" the title. At that time, the city looking for work should take care relationship Siemens, the State Council also has issued an urgent notice requiring strict control of migrant workers into the city blind.

In 1993, food prices liberalized countries clearly to develop the labor market, farmers began to multiply into the city. But after the city, we found work and hard to find, no farmer can only work on the street and "blind" epithet is open from that time began to call, many people still remember the word that the name had appeared in Song Dandan to "bounce back guerrillas,hogan outlet," the skit.

However, with the development of foreign trade, increased foreign investment, China's coastal cities,, including Qingdao, the rapid development of the manufacturing sector, the mid-1990s, women began to get tight,outlet moncler, many people are no longer willing to dry small nanny for a class without technology content of work.

Ms. Zhang said that from that time,scarpe gucci, a lot of girls junior home after graduation, trying to find her to help introduce trust relationship work. Tasted bitter rural life of the very fact that generosity, she accumulated over the years to rely on their relationship, a few years to help hundreds of villagers to seek jobs, she also became the eyes of folks prestigious figure.

Migrant women workers turned queen

"In fact, nearly six years, a lot of the factory on a lack of people, it is easy to find a job to the villagers, the villagers find work through other channels do not trust, or find me as a middleman, but I'm grateful for!" Ms. Zhang said that often to lack of work she describes factory worker, factory owners will give her a referral fee. In fact, the villagers became their "cash cow."

A few years ago under the influence of the financial crisis, a large number of migrant workers to return home early because of business failures, this surging tide of peasant workers of 20 years at a low ebb. Since then, many migrant workers back to the city wishes greatly reduce the labor shortage since 2010, an unprecedented ferocity.

"Xinpeng garment factory," Mr. Boss clothing, has recently Jimo segment of the labor shortage to worry about on the Green Granville Road. And workers had to say good sixth month (February 9) to work, may have been to the February 13, only to come back more than 30 workers. February 13, Mr. Yi frantically went Tongren "defected" workers have not come back. February 14 afternoon, Mr. Yi accept phone interview with reporters complained that recruitment is not easy in Guizhou,tn requin pas cher,, the locals do not trust him. Especially Mr. clothes out 2000-3000 yuan monthly salary of the "high price", leaving locals worried faint hearts, thought it might be a scam. In addition to several older workers agreed to follow their own back to Qingdao, Mr. Yi only to hire more than 10 new workers.

Because of the plant and intermediaries distrust migrant workers prefer to work through acquaintances. Precisely because of this, like the very fact that such a job referrals and more popular, and by the villagers into the city introduced a batch plant, she earned a lot of referral fees.

Factories also make money than open

Because the agency is getting the job along, more and more business owners have begun to look for her help, the very fact that a broader way of getting money. In addition to the introduction of a one-time fee, but also the very fact that its introduction to the workers who harvest the plant long-term employment, "commission."

In general, if the very fact that the enterprise batch introduce workers, businesses will be paid by the day of her salary to the workers. As a "contractor", each worker she can deduct a percentage of about 10 dollars a day, 100 workers is 1000 yuan a day, one year, at least three or four hundred thousand commission, profit also generous than to open a small garment factory, but not need cost, risk is almost zero.

The very fact that the general will follow the workers in the factory to work together on some basic administrative workers. But like her day-end work,woolrich outlet, room and board problems are generally responsible for the garment factories, contractors do not have any administrative costs. "One day I received a worker 10 dollars, but also be a little reward for working people to manage. This is not regarded as the highest price, and I know some of the contractors some more hard-hearted, a dozen workers to commission three dollars a day, a hundreds of thousands of dollars is not difficult to make five or six years. "

Contractors seems to be the very fact of doing business, in business recruitment difficulties of the moment,nike tn pas cher, her business grew and grew, and even stopped caring family. Her son put parents at home, after the children leave, in order to Qingdao and reunited with their parents, only this time, Ms. Zhang was willing to make a few days off, walk around with his son.

Ms. Zhang's husband had to work at the construction site,, the very fact that when contractors after, I felt led to this hundred workers some difficulty, then her husband left the site, to concentrate on doing his assistant, responsible for worker management, logistics, etc. the work. Women sing the husband with the couple, life and career are smooth. "My son a few years after college entrance examination, we are not at home bundle, his performance is very general, if not get into college, let him live with us pack dry." Liu said.

Led one hundred factory workers fought

"Then someone told me that there has been Dalian garment 'day-end work', if the workers on hand, as dedicated to the lack of work packages of live plants do more lucrative income." In 2009 winter, the very fact that at a friend's suggestion, More than 100 villagers led a separate portal,hogan outlet,, she is responsible for undertaking work on the garment factory assembly line, workers and management; workers are listening to her disposal, which works to which the lack of work on the plant to help.

Some garment factories according to working hours, and the very fact that everyone's wages settlement, as well as by production workers pay settlement. Regardless of the settlement,giubbotti moncler outlet, must be deducted from the very fact that "management fees", "Of course, if you are not satisfied with the treatment of the workers for such a hurried job too tired, or too bad midday meals, etc., I will certainly represent them succeed, and factory owners talk condition because, like many factory owners are mature people, and generally reasonable request I have also help you fight off. "

In contrast, the garment factory owner's life can be described as much distress. When the morning of February 14, the reporter went to the city of Shenyang and Jimo junction Hee horse clothing company, shop, only more than 10 workers at work, a few rows of devices are idle. Company official Kim to reporters calculations, enterprises employ fixed wages are also increasing, but also need Guanchiguanzhu and pay the insurance for workers to remove all kinds of expenses, each worker a In only give bosses earn 5,000 yuan. A company with 100 workers in garment factories, earn 500,000 yuan a year down the most money, the money should be deducted in utilities and other expenses needed to operate the factory, can be left more than 30 million of money even good.

■ observation

Contractors playing the family card

"Workers sick, you are his nanny, accompanied to the hospital, to accompany him to chat; workers homesick, wronged, you're his family, listening to his thoughts, to help him out of an idea; the workers by a bully You better if God protect him,, punching him in the first line to help defend their rights! "The very fact that some grumbled, do their own line, in fact, very very hard to worry about.

"In fact, nearly six years, a lot of the factory on a lack of people, it is easy for villagers to find work, but not enough light to find a job, I had to teach them how to work, if they lose a job, I have to try to seek help back. The villagers feel that finding a job through other channels do not worry, I still like to find when the middleman, find a job and that I grateful! "

Reporters learned from a number of clothing manufacturers, like the very fact that such a "contractor", since last spring, many in the industry have sprung up. Many large-scale production,tn pas cher, worker gap is also great, like the very fact that such a "contractor" led "package of live work" became the "main force." "Package living labor" at least one contract line, some contractors even a shop or half the factory's production.

For the "unearned" rating given industry, the very fact that did not agree. She said workers now see the world more and more, not as simple before, and even casual "trick." The relationship between contractors and packages of live work, the need to maintain the common feelings and interests, so that workers can take orders from their own arrangements, most contractors to verify communication and management level.

The very fact that the ranks of command, both recently graduated young girls, there are thirty-four-year-old middle-aged, and even larger than her age women. She told reporters that labor shortages, leading to worker known for his temper,louboutin, contractors and serve good for the workers,, but slightly encounter unpleasant things, workers may refuse to work, or even walked out. Workers themselves are fellow men, leading up fairly worry, we up to her whine, or when working steal lazy, so far no one has abandoned her away,, as to how the future, then go step step.

Text / Chart reporter Christine Coke Mori