the two girls boarded the train home.

(Reporter correspondent Weng Qiongqiong Lihong Wang Chen Huawei text / Chart) 14-year-old girl Xiaofang (a pseudonym) and 16-year-old companion Xiaoqian (a pseudonym) because of trouble with his family, leaving bloom together. They run from lions to the Fortress area, failed to find work opportunities. With 57 yuan, they wandered for 15 days, but fortunately was discovered island Ukrainian border police station. Yesterday, the two boarded a train to return home in Jiangxi.

Two girls ran into the temple for help

1 o'clock yesterday afternoon,, Wu Chen Huawei Island border police station received the alarm call,, said Ching Lin Quanzhou temple came two trembling girl. They walked into the temple mouth to request a deposit in the hands of the trunk looks like away from home.

Alarm, Chen Huawei rushed Ching Lin Temple, this time,, the two girls have been put on dry clothes. Although the police repeatedly asked, but they are always on condition of anonymity, they were reluctant to contact the family. Finally, the inside of the female police officers Lin Huifang to do ideological work for them.

Dissatisfied blame away from home

Faced with the "big sister" Lin Huifang patience and persuasion,abercrombie outlet milano, two girls slowly tell the whole story.

It turned out that they are all Jiangxi. Xiaofang from Ruijin, Jiangxi Province, in June this year, just three days of graduation. Because parents expect schools not admitted, the family could not bear the blame, she walked out,moncler sito ufficiale, followed by a classmate came to Quanzhou, Shishi and conceal age to work in a garment factory. Because the going gets tough, working less than two weeks, Xiaofang decided to leave.

Xiaoqian from Jiujiang, Jiangxi, a month ago, she came home from Quanzhou, Shishi refuge in work brother. Due to indulge in the cafe,woolrich parka, she has often been blamed brother. After a heated argument with his brother, and she decided to run away from home, so the two go hand in hand in this decision is met from home.

"We were together on the body 57 yuan to buy a bus ticket to Quanzhou,louboutin soldes, the only 41 yuan a." Xiao Qian said that after two weeks ago, they went out of the Fortress area, constantly looking for the factory would like to work, but because of the young,, not found. They also spent more than 30 yuan in Internet cafes overnight. They are hungry every day to buy a bread to eat, tired,, rest can only sit on the curb.

"We have not eaten forty-five days. When the night sitting on the roadside did not dare to sleep, worry about the bad guys." Xiaofang could not help but shed tears.

Well-intentioned people to buy a ticket to return home to help girls

Food stores in the city to open the Buddha Mr. Wu learned two girls afterwards, offered to help them buy a train ticket to return home, and superimpose them 500 yuan. Border are linked to their families, and please help them buy tickets Railway Police. Yesterday, the two girls boarded the train home.

National secondary counselors Miss Zhang Hong believes that the quality of a child's psychological development of adolescence incomplete, prone to rebellion, radical ideas. For some young people from the shackles of family choice away from home, this approach is not very sensible,moncler sito ufficiale, is not responsible for their own. Their experience is still shallow and complex social environment did not make enough mental preparation,, the face of difficulties can not be solved with a better way. So,, in the family education, parents should be more concerned about the child's daily psychological development, when met at issue, should choose persuasion, reasoning and other gentle way to communicate with their children,, and should not be blindly blame. Source: Quanzhou Evening News