and buffet dishes more intuitive

□ Morning News reporter Zhang Guwei

Shanghai also astronomical New Year: 88,piumini moncler,880 yuan a table, but it has been booked. Currently,, the dinner price in more than 10,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan or so a large number of luxury dinner, and not popular. Such a lot is due to have dinner expensive abalone, shark's fin and other seafood meals were inflated prices. Some people look for other ways to change styles simply change to eat "buffet dinner",, from the current booking situation, this is quite favored dinner buffet.

Need for 80,000 yuan dinner are on

"Rule, seats have all been booked." Laguna ordering seafood Gubei store staff said, many of them more than 10,000 yuan a dinner table dinner, in addition to more than 20,000 yuan, 50,000 yuan,, even if 88,880 yuan a table of the most expensive was also booked,, mostly wealthy boss treat to eat dinner. 88,880 yuan a dinner table to eat what food? Ordering officials said vegetables such as abalone, shark, lobster it certainly will pick the best, such as abalone would nearly 2,000 yuan, 200 yuan shark is certainly not the kind of, but at the 2000 yuan varieties.

Coincidentally, the best shop Tang Hotel next president hall can accommodate 20 people super big round table, which is about 20,,woolrich outlet,000 yuan a rule table seats already booked. Grand Hyatt Hotel also offer dinner table 10000 -2 million, booked the same hot,, hotel and catering department staff, said:. "A rule of the rooms have been fully booked, there is a rule that only seats"

Another way to change to eat buffet

Either that there were no seats, or too expensive,, a lot of people in order dinner headache when some people have another way of. A netizen named yaya posting said: "do not want to look through the table in a hurry to eat, that was full of good self-help, we have a good recommend?" Many users have Replies to yaya ideas, some people recommend buffet. Reporters call yesterday, more than the hotel's buffet restaurant in Shanghai found that although many of the restaurant's buffet dinner price is higher than usual, but the reservation is very hot. "Now more than half of New Year's Eve a seat has been set out." Leopard West Yan'an Road cafeteria ordering officials said bookings this year there are a lot of customers who are 5-10 or so families. Because people want more bookings,hogan spaccio, and therefore has no operands telephone reservations, hotels need to buy tickets in advance in person for the job. In addition,, Grand Hyatt buffet restaurant seats 54 layers of a rule, have all been booked. Another example is the new music store Haizhixing Japanese buffet rule, the seat has been booked out for about two-thirds.

However, many hotel buffet dinner price is higher than usual, such as leopard usually 238 yuan per person per night, dinner rose to 318 yuan per capita; Grand Hyatt cafeteria in addition to a 15% service charge, the basic price from the usual 298 yuan / person rose to a rule of 398 yuan / person, a rule is 318 yuan / person. For why would prices, rising labor costs to remove the evening, the hotel's explanation is self-rule, the dishes will be increased, such as adding some traditional Chinese snacks or small pot, etc. in the usual Western-oriented basis.

Miss Yang, who lives in Putuo District this year, ready to set a buffet dinner, she said, eat dinner buffet may not be very busy, but the restaurant environment is elegant dining, and family members are free to take the dish to your liking, solve each Personal taste different issues, will eat more casual and warm.

Mbayu Xuhui District,peuterey outlet, said the family elders booked early on to eat dinner in the hotel, but on his own terms, can accept a buffet dinner, because Da Guocai "A lot of the hotel on New Year packages like wedding decline in the quality,air max 95 pas cher, and buffet dishes more intuitive, easy to pick. "