Yesterday around 7

Bus doors can clip it dead?

Three questions to find answers

Question 1

Valve enough lethal impact?

Police said the impact of the valve is great, but it should not be fatal, only the Li knocked unconscious in the past, the real death should be Li was caught in the door in 20 minutes no one found that the rescue is not timely to death a.

Question 2

Doors can grip people?

It was in a bus company car for many years Master Liu introduced, he understood "to death" Mike's car, the car door closing process is slow, it is generally avoided in a timely manner before closing. Meanwhile, the car door is closed when power is very small, and may even be in the closed, opened by hand.

Question 3

Why did the deceased neck bruises?

Reporters learned yesterday from the 120 to understand, and there is no obvious bruises on the neck of the deceased. If you are caught dead, why did bruises?

Yesterday around 7:20 in Mianshan yard C3 Road internship pilot Mike died mysteriously. When my colleagues were found strange that his neck was driving his bus door tightly clamped,peuterey uomo.

Yesterday, Ma Street police station, said the evidence the police have ruled out homicide scene possible. Where the team captain Mike Sun made to the police and forensic presentations, Li said the accident may be in violation of the "first valve to open the door,abercrombie milano,, then launch vehicle," the order, but the first launch vehicle after the car door valve,, and then leading to the tragedy.

This, has many years of bus driving experience Master Liu said that difficult to understand, because the general bus can not instantly shut the door, most people can avoid before closing, and closed the door can be easily opened by hand. "It stands to reason will not happen." Master Liu said.

Broke the news:

Door caught a bus driver was killed in the neck

Yesterday morning,,woolrich donna, members of the public into our hotline Ms Chu said:. "Mianshan yard police cars and ambulances out there, there is a driver died suddenly, as if the driver was a practice."

"Around 9:00, parking lots, there are ambulances and police cars out of fear inside the thing, I called to ask friends who work in the car inside." Ms. Chu said a friend told her that there was a new driver is the door in the morning clamped to the time 120 people have died.

11:00, in Mianshan car ran off the Mount of a master that has a lady this morning to inquire about the matter, but the situation is not clear. The store next to a boss claimed yesterday 8:00 o'clock he saw 120 emergency vehicles into the parking lot, followed by 110 police came, but separated by only 120 while the police and ambulances have left, just listen said the deceased was the bus caught the head.

"I heard a car door in the morning when they were caught in the head, found him already dying." In Mianshan yard, said a bus driver, and there are four teams, the accident the driver was Kunming Urban and Rural Transit bus limited liability company a team of employees, as if no positive.

"Doors can clip the dead?" Yesterday afternoon, once the driver of a bus company, said Liu. He said there is a rubber strip door buffer zone,woolrich milano, but the doors are retractable doors, power is not great.


"The best interviews and other processed again,"

Around 11:00, Mianshan car inside the bus and out orderly,, the station still has a lot of passengers on and off, facing the platform is a large parking lots. The reporter wanted to go around to the back parking lot, security personnel stopped by the door. "Things happen that we do not know in the morning, not just foreign staff out of the yard." The security said that if you want to interview, you must first find the office leadership after registering. But the reporter to the office next to the station when asked, the answer is "leadership is not," I do not know if someone died there, and rejected a reporter's request to enter the yard.

16:40 or so, the reporter contacted the team captain Sun, asking what happened. Sun said the captain did not know reporters,piumino moncler, if you want to understand the situation can go to his office on the phone. 17:10 or so, reporters once again came Mianshan yard and find a captain Sun office in the back parking lots. Sun said the captain of a man is not, go do something, and something you can go next door to the control room to ask.

"We all come to take over,, the situation is less clear in the morning." 17:20 or so, control room, a responsible person, Sun captain is handling the matter, and so finished with the best proposal reporter interviewed again. The official confirmed to reporters that the driver to team work time is not long, inconvenient to say the specific circumstances. Afterward, the reporter once again call the captain that the identity Sun, Sun said the captain is still out, and sometimes can not return to the office, temporarily unable to be interviewed.

Sun office is next to the captain of the team bus parking position, the scene did not find any traces of blood. 17:35 or so, one is ready to take a bus safety inspection staff car to leave, said the company is contacting the families of the deceased, the specific cause of death to be clear only after the police investigation and so informed. "If the rumors, then it will break its own truth." For the market rumors driver caught dead saying, the staff and no positive reply.


Has ruled out the possibility of homicide

18:30 yesterday, in an interview to the yard where the district police station - Ma Street police station, the situation was finally clear, the same day the police officers briefed Wu.

Yesterday 8:00 o'clock, Xishan District, Wu Ma Street Police Station officers arrived at the scene, when the 120 emergency center medical staff has determined that the driver has died. After police and forensic scene investigation and interviews, the basic reduction through the trouble, and initially identified the name of the driver's death.

Yesterday, around 7:20,, the old bus driver and rural bus Kunming limited liability company, one team on the bus master king found his car sat new colleague Mike. See Pharaoh, Mike found himself took the wrong car keys, and quickly ran to the control room to change the key. See Mike leave, Pharaoh went to the toilet, more than 20 minutes after the king returned to the car and when the master, but to see another colleague Master Yang and Li 2 other people in the rescue.

Wu police reports, listen to Master Yang said that around 7:40 in the morning, before he came to open his own bus, suddenly saw a man standing next to the road in front of the bus C3, motionless. Master Yang began to think that this man down to work, a few minutes later found wrong, have a look only to find Mike's neck was caught in the door, the body exposed on the outside. He quickly called the other two colleagues, Bankai the door and put the small Li on the ground began to do artificial respiration and call the 120 emergency number.

Why Mike caught in the door? Sun team captain with another one C3 road vehicles for police officers and forensic Wu made a presentation. Customary bus driver in front of the first car crank up the heat a bit, the basic sequence is first valve opens the door, go to start the car. Once the order reversed,, the valve will have a huge impact, leading to the door is closed. Li estimated that the first car started up after only remembered valve did not open, so I went to the car door, open the valve located on the bottom right of the door, so the tragedy occurred. Wu police reports, according to preliminary forensic judgment, has ruled out the possibility of homicide, but the final conclusion is still under investigation.

HOU Yu Meng Li Jiajian Caiwen signed off