causing lower back

Reporter correspondent Peng Kuang Chunlin group millet Ome

Recently,louis vuitton outlet, one on "Office hip injury can not afford" microblogging quickly spread. The micro-Bo said, because the former sedentary computer, many office workers, especially women getting fat buttocks, legs getting rough. Slowly, their fat around the stomach much ass One has grown up, with swollen thighs like, this figure is known as "office buttocks."

Do you have "office hip" it? How should relieve and prevent "office hip"? Reporters yesterday interviewed experts. Experts said that when workers work out of time can make some simple exercises; after work or on weekends, you can do some aerobic exercise, exercise time can refer to medically recommended "1357 exercise principles."

Hot fat accumulation leads to "office buttocks"

Sports physiology study found that people do not love sports hip muscles will atrophy, reduced tension, relaxation phenomenon occurs, causing lower back, knee and ankle pain, and even the activity is limited. Tel Aviv University researchers also found that sedentary people buttock muscle tissue to form a thick layer of fat, but fat cells than normal accumulation of fat twice as fast.

"Now, a lot of workers who are in cars, especially the long-term needs in front of the office staff desk or computer processing various documents, work little time to walk back home was busy with household chores, helping children learn,, or addicted to the drama, the network rarely exercise,air max pas cher,, causes the body to the intake of calories more than your body needs, over time, is easy to form the accumulation of fat in the body. "Changsha City Chinese Medicine Hospital (Hospital of Changsha, eighth), deputy chief physician of Endocrinology Peng Yuhui introduction, these fat deposits are generally the first to appear in person in the hips and waist, hips and thighs in particular junction. Secondly appear in person abdomen, lower abdomen and around the navel as the center. In addition, people around the thighs, especially inside, the outside, but also easy to hoard fat. This figure is generally referred to as "office buttocks."

Peng Yuhui pointed out that lack of exercise sedentary people, its fat accumulation speed is often faster than regular exercise, a lot of people, "office buttocks" not only affects the body beautiful, the future is also likely to lead to obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even lead to lumbar knee disease and other problems.

Self-test to see if you have "office buttocks"

Miss Jiang had people running the business in the unit,louboutin pas cher, rarely seated all day long. Last year, when adjusted to the office clerk, she almost all day sitting at a computer desk handle a variety of documents, only to pour and lunch time, she would stand up and walk around a bit. One year down, she felt his body had significant changes: "Now I not only more than ten pounds of weight gain, but also with 'love handles' on the stomach, One big ass than before, thighs rough a lot, last year Many outgrown pants, and I think I was a typical 'office buttocks'. "and Ms. Jiang, as many workers, especially women have the same feeling.

How to determine that he is not "hip office," the high-risk population? Peng Yuhui warned that the public can make the following simple test: prone on the bed, one leg bent at right angles to the knee, feet towards the ceiling, while the gluteal muscle contraction force, these legs slowly lifted off the bed about 12 cm, remains stationary. If you can maintain for 30 seconds, only to feel the hip muscles tense,nike pas cher pour homme, indicating your hip muscles function properly; if you always shake, or feel the legs and lower back in a tight state, which indicates that there is a problem of your hip muscle function, are susceptible to "office buttocks."

Reminder is important to strengthen the movement out of time

How to relieve and prevent "office hip"? Peng Yuhui proposal, the office staff,, in daily life should be kept light diet,, eat more fruits and vegetables, eat, or eat tea, cakes,, candy, high-sugar, high-fat foods, taking out time for exercise. May wish to set a reminder on the phone daily exercise: Every morning, afternoon, put down the work at hand, work between the parade 10 minutes; after lunch in the office doing a yoga exercise, or walking in the vicinity of the unit 15 to 30 minutes; the downstairs, do not take the elevator, take the stairs to change, every step two steps, 10 times as a group, do the four groups.

"Office workers can also do some simple office operations in his spare time, that upright stand up straight,, hands flat on the shoulder in a line, the focus fell on one foot, the other lifted to 90 degrees down ., alternating legs, each doing 60 to 100 under "Peng Yuhui remind people after work or on weekends, but also for some aerobic exercise, such as jogging, cycling,hogan outlet 2015, etc; can refer to the recommended exercise time on medicine," 1357 Exercise principle ",, that daily exercise at least once every 30 minutes of continuous motion at least, not less than five days a week campaign, the fastest heart rate during exercise and not more than 170 minus their age.

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Prevention "office hip,," a small movement

After kicking movement: lying on a mat or on the bed, with his knee and arm support the body, thighs perpendicular to the ground, back straight, then right leg straight back, then held up his right leg, raise as much as possible. Thereafter, the left leg the same operation is repeated. Each leg 10 times, making four groups.

Massage bath: the bath water in the thigh and buttocks massage wash back and forth, insist two minutes, helps to reduce excess moisture in the buttocks, and promote blood circulation.

(Original title: Office buttocks, do you have?)