Original title

Ankang China Daily (Reporter intern reporter Zhang Yu Chen Si deposit bamboo) "never dreamed, lost two electric motor can get it back!" 14:00 yesterday, the well-being of people missing two years ago, Lee pushed the electric motor,http://www.gabugabu.net/i/cgi-bin/bbspatio/patio-i.cgi, and some hilarious! Like him, there are more than 70 on-site owner to reclaim a stolen motorcycle.

Ankang City Public Security Bureau Branch Secretary Han Bin Qiu Zu full, this year on February 28, when the council special police brigade plainclothes police in Xing'an park entrance on duty, the electric car is theft suspects arrested Tang. According to Tang confessed that they gang a total of six people,louboutin outlet, stolen motor vehicles and motorcycles are sold to the well-being of Jiangbei Lee acquisition point. Bureau immediately set up a task force to split the secret surveillance of key suspects and evidence. March 31, the police task force began to close the net and arrested several members of the gang.

Lee suspects confessed that his 500 to 800 yuan per stolen vehicle purchase price, and then sold at 300 yuan per fare Hanbin five, mouth,http://wwwonders.com, etc. Hang Liumou stolen goods. Since coming fast money, Lee let his wife and 23-year-old son is also involved fence. Subsequently, the police follow it to find the suspect Yoo, 50-year-old,http://www.prco.jp/~shake/apeboard/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_messa/, suffering from laryngeal speech is unclear,jordan pas cher, he launched his wife, son and relatives to contact buyers. For how many cars they sell stolen cars in the end, the suspect said Yoo, Hang mouth, five area, most of the villagers of electric cars are bought from his home,prada outlet online,http://www.moriichi-net.co.jp, each up to sell 1000 yuan,http://orientalheart.com, the lowest selling 200 to 300 yuan . According to the local village reflect the original town has two regular electric car shop, finally are "Liu dealership" shut out. Qiu Zu full,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, the police have been recovered stolen motor vehicles and motorcycles 348,tiffany milano,http://www.hnpy.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, involving more than 150 million, has claimed more than 70 vehicles. Currently,air max femme pas cher,http://pcbbbs.net/read.php?tid=468/read.php?tid=468, the police work continues in stolen goods, the public can bring Diuju purchase invoices and ID cards, etc., to the site to reclaim the vehicle.

(Original title: "stolen vehicle line" squeeze two regular electric car shop (Figure))