be sure to lock the doors locked for children

Tianfuzaobao reporter Chen Jun Li Guodong photography

11 o'clock yesterday morning,, in the town of Capri Island Anjing Pi district, a 50-year-old woman driving a car accident when reversing back to the black car parking spaces, will be crushed by his grandson. According to several nearby residents and district staff said the boy was run over about two years old,, the incident accidental fall from the passenger seat of the car, a car wheel rolling death.

Moment of the incident


Yesterday 11:00 Xu unit building entrance

Return back to the parking reversing grandmother grocery shopping sitting copilot grandson accidentally dropped the car, unfortunately crushed by a car in front

Accident car was towed away from the residual blood on the ground

4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, reporters rushed to the incident Tianfuzaobao Pi Anjing town Capri Island district. Things have gone more than five hours, had to restore calm in the area, asking neighboring businesses and residents walking in the courtyard, many people said they had heard about it.

Accident occurred at the entrance of a unit, accident black car had been towed away from the scene, but on the ground could see a small residual blood. Sister residential cleaning is one of the witnesses, came when she heard movement,shop online hogan hogan rebel false hogan outlet store, the tragedy has occurred,stivali gucci, "I just saw a woman holding a crying baby in the phone,portamonete prada, there are four or five-year-old woman looks like. "

It is understood that the woman surnamed any car is being run over the boy's grandmother, who lived in an upstairs unit before the incident. 11 o'clock yesterday morning, the woman driving out to buy food back, 2-year-old grandson was sitting in the passenger seat, back when parking in reverse, the boy accidentally dropped the car, unfortunately crushed by a car in front.

Children sent to the hospital is no longer alive

Yesterday afternoon's home in the accident, the parties have relatives heard the news arrived, the house was filled with people,woolrich canada, everyone looked solemn. A young woman is not dry tears, said the children had been sent to the funeral home, and then they refused to be interviewed.

Tianfuzaobao reporter then learned from the drafts of the town hospital, the same day around 11:30, a woman holding a little boy crying straight surgical inpatient. Hospital Dr. Zhang confirmed that it has no vital signs when children were sent, after the rescue,, still regret not have to save the child's life. The boy was eventually found the hospital with severe head injury, respiratory and cardiac arrest.

■ police say


The accident is under investigation but it is certainly an accident

Pi County Public Security Bureau police brigade incident handling squadron of police officers Zhang, the police went to the scene after receiving the alarm, the accident is currently under further investigation inspection.

Zhang police reports, initially learned that the accident occurred at any time Xing Nvzai reversing back parking spaces. Boys out in the end is how out of the bus, and is currently under investigation, but it certainly was an accident. And after the children fall car, driving grandma moment of panic,scarpe gucci donna,, too late to brake, but also with the next car scraped occurred.

Zhang police reminded when driving with children, be sure to lock the doors locked for children; Sichuan Road,, the new law in force at the same time in accordance with the provisions of this year, do not let children under 12 years of age sitting in the passenger seat; if it is with not one year old child to ride, be sure to prepare the child safety seat. Zhang said the police officer, especially a lot of the district where the child when reversing traffic should pay more attention, "the right rear of the car has a reverse corner,, children and relatively short, people who have no experience in reverse if you pay attention, you see Less than standing behind the child. "

■ Safety Warning


Accidents as the first cause of death in children under 14 years of age

According to statistics, China has more than 18,500 each year from 0 to 14 years of age died in traffic accidents,, the death rate is 2.5 times that of Europe, 2.6 times the United States, traffic accidents have become the first cause of death in children under the age of 14 .

To this end, the Consumers Association and the China Road Traffic Safety Association issued a reminder child restraint "four should", that children under 12 should not ride on the "first officer" Parents should take their children to ride, do not let the children in the car game should not let the children head stuck sunroof.

Sichuan New Road Act 2013 passengers should observe the following: require the use of seat belts; motor vehicles under 12 years of age shall not ride in the front row of minors, rear carry preschoolers, require the use of special seats . "

The best child safety seat placed in the middle back seat


A US study pointed out that the infant safety seat in the middle of the back seat, better able to avoid the damage caused by the car side impact, enabling them to risk of injury in a car accident 43 percent chance of decline.

■ provincial regulations

2008,, "Youth Protection Ordinance Guangdong Province (Revised Draft)" was promulgated, the new provisions of forty, of which there is a provision to children under 12 years of age can not sit co-pilot.

December 1, 2010, promulgated the "Regulations on the Protection of Minors in Henan Province", states: under 12 years of age shall not arrange minors in the vehicle ride co-pilot position. Otherwise, the parents may be considered illegal.

■ Warning Event

September 9, 2013 morning, Yunnan Yuxi a mere three-year-old boy and mother sitting on the passenger seat when traveling, the occupants of the vehicle and hit the mother Yuehua Jian traffic signal pole, the boy was playing airbags injured, vehicles damaged.