soon after the death of his father

Someone to help find a missing person families lost a child was sent to the police station, someone jumped Qinhuai save drowning woman ......


National Day Golden Week, the streets full of positive energy in Nanjing

National Day holiday this year, Nanjing Park area crowded, civilized travel everywhere, scenic health better with more and more tourists speak civilized. Moreover, the National Day Golden Week Nanjing staged one street full of positive energy, though not earth-shattering event,, but a little thing are touching, grateful.

Honesty charity


Change did not take the bus ride, college students looking for drivers up fare

October 5 in the afternoon, a tourist from Shanghai to Nanjing, the young man came to the police station to police in Nanjing Shaoshan, seeking police help him find a bus driver, the one who helped him thanks Nanjing bus truck drivers; and secondly, by the bus driver's charity of the gratitude owed must pay $ 4 on bus fare.

This is the name of the young man named Zhang Youliang, college students in Shanghai. 4 afternoon, Zhang and students similar to the Nanjing Yuejianglou scenic play, but because of the unfamiliar route, near the Nanjing Railway Station Shaoshan, he mistakenly got on a bound direction after five Interchange 69 bus routes, and has sat down at the bottom station.

Zhangyou Liang said, "I did not have any change, I told the bus driver explained the situation, or would like to ride back to the city, to find the students will immediately fill the fare. This name of the bus driver looked at me and judge me the situation is true, but I learned from Shanghai to Nanjing play, he immediately said that did not change even if the bar, he would allow me to turn the car back to the city. "

Zhang students feel special master drivers were polite, he decided to return to the town after a certain amount of money to make up the ticket. But when he got off to a nearby shop and hurried exchange of 4 yuan coins,, the bus was gone. Since then go anxious, Zhang did not have time to ask the driver's name and phone, just in a hurry to use a cell phone camera 69 bus license plate number.

Seeing the students agreed time approaching, car money can not be returned, Zhang students are very anxious. In order to complete the wish Zhang in the police help to find a classmate who helped Zhang Nanjing Yang Lei 69 bus drivers. "Young man, you are too good faith, the money is not much, but it can not expect the money to send back, I also feel that you are a man of integrity, and I am impressed." Master Yang said Zhang students are welcome to tour later when Nanjing, then take Once he opened the car. At that time, he must play host with lad tour Nanjing.

Eager to help others


Foreign citizens crying boy got separated him to the police station

11 o'clock yesterday morning, the citizens of Nanjing Tang found a 5 year old little boy crying in the street in Xing Gate station,sneaker hogan hogan occhiali scarpe hogan online, may be separated from their families after and lost. Tang fear their children encounter bad guys, and immediately hand down critical thing, the child rushed to a nearby police station.

Yuejianglou police station, according to the name of the child provided a picture of the child than the photos on the platform household, the boy did not say. Lost little boy said he was with her mother, grandfather, who come out to play together, and accidentally got separated. Could not find the boy's family, we very anxious. Soon came the news from the 110 command center, the child's family, the police. After connection, confirm that the little boy is looking for other people. The police immediately sent a car to send their children to the family side.

It turned out that the little boy a dozen people from Sichuan to Nanjing self-play, the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is the last stop. Back to the hotel for dinner at noon when naughty boy stole Paochuquwan, the results lost. They back away from the police to the police child, just over ten minutes.

White-haired granny lost,, day and night to find police and their families

Two o'clock yesterday, police received the alarm call saying Saihong near Saihong have a gray-haired old lady sitting on the roadside, aged about 90 years old,moncler jersey, because the age has been high, lisp Chu. Subsequently, the police brought her back to the police station, after a long period of inquiry, that the old man lost.

Dong Lei police instructor introduced,woolrich store ufficiale, the elderly who do not have any useful documents, there is no phone,, but do not know the feeling of sanity that name can not find out. The old man has been insist that he lives near the water, Simon, and father of two children and a woman.

Because finding valid information, two enthusiastic people also anxious, they expressed their willingness to work together with the police, with the elderly to find her home near the water, Simon. Water Street near St. Paul Simon, one of the older man said, she seems to have seen this elderly, "seen previously lived here and lived in the inside, but now that all torn up inside the house Nobody lived. "

A neighbor said he could help the elderly to find their families,, "We used to be neighbors ah. To live next door to our house, but now they move home, but I was able to find her son." After many contacts, yesterday 12:00, the elderly daughter rushed to the scene and saw the mother lost her daughter's eyes filled with tears. Introduced his daughter, the elderly, surnamed Li, 90 years old this year, soon after the death of his father, mother,, a man living alone in Tuas chating, water Simon is her former residence. Usually she and her two brothers are often home to visit, but this time the old man lost lost, they do not know.



Toll jumping into a river to save people, wearing wet shoes continue to work

At 15:00 on October 6 and more, the text is Nanjing Confucius Temple scenic bridge,, suddenly came the "splash", bridge someone shouted "man overboard it!" After the nearby parking toll found quickly ran to the bridge, saw a woman struggling in the water, a lot of people gathered on the bridge, but nobody dared to water. Yangshu Long seeing, even clothes and shoes have not had time off, leap into the water to save people.

After launching, Yangshu Long found that this woman had jumped into the river to drink a lot of water, the woman he was afraid to sink in to the woman approached from behind to hold her to live and travel with her to the shore. Yangshu Long exhaustion of strength, holding the woman slowly swam to the shore. By the side of the road can Qinhuai steep pier, unable to climb; while the other side is the hotel walls, he could only put the woman to the hotel by the river, but could not put her lifted ashore. So Yangshu Long standing in the water, forced to put her out of the water, waiting for rescue. At this time, two people climbed over the fence, to find a place in the next step as a foothold hotel facades, and the suicidal woman to pull together level. There can be some distance away from the deck stairs, must climb to the shore,hogan uomo rebel scarpe hogan bambina hogan rebel prezzo, for safety reasons, choose Yangshu Long wait for police assistance in place. Confucius Temple police station rushed to the scene, borrowed a cruise ship, where the Department plans to will commit suicide to save the ship. Because the river is dirty, Yangshu Long ashore wet and smelly clothes and shoes was found, the money inside the wallet and bills are dripping. As not to delay the work, he found a colleague borrowed clothes put on, wearing wet shoes continue to work.

Aunt a river to commit suicide, two tourists come to the rescue

Coincidentally, this courageous move, once again staged in Nanjing, the difference is that this is not a rescue citizens of Nanjing, but two foreign tourists. October 6 5:00 in the evening, in Qixia District Yongji Avenue side of the Yangtze River five Madu Jiang, an old man jumped into the river to commit suicide, at this critical juncture, the ferry is to play these two tourists were rescued Aunt up.

A two tourists from Guizhou Ms. Jiang,woolrich parka outlet bologna, one is Sun from northern Jiangsu. When they first discovered the river in the elderly. Ms. Jiang said, "At first I thought Aunt swimming in the river, I saw the back right thing, she choked water, very dangerous." Tourists Sun said, "We thought she was something of fishing in the river, saw her floating in the river, the first one of a dew dew, I said wrong quickly to save. "Mr. Sun and Ms. Jiang side of the police, while rescue aunt.

Sun went to the river, to see Aunt drift more than one meter away from the shore, he reached the aunt pulled up. After Aunt saved up, cold and trembling, Miss Jiang aunt quickly took off his coat to wear. "Her clothes are all wet,, so much older, to be cold, it must take off her ah." Ms. Jiang said, "I am cold spot does not matter, we young people can Kang Zhu Well, Aunt not."

Yanziji then rushed to a nearby police station, the aunt of armed police hospital for treatment and contact their families. It is understood that the aunt had two men and two women, four children, currently living with her daughter in Nanjing, four children due to frequent disputes for maintenance issues, lower Aunt heart sad, thought of suicide, fortunately met two kind of tourists. Then her aunt's daughter back home.

Reporter Lu Bin