"It is not we

May 22 is the 21-year-old child soldier guy Xue dream home to visit relatives on the last day, the day of 13:30, and after dinner he and his father out, picked up a white bag, after which he will hold the bag in place waiting.

After waiting 40 minutes,http://www.clmyy.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=87032&fromuid=2508, two women came hurriedly,http://sportsfan.jpn.org/cgi-kban/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=84&page=2, several verification to confirm that the owner, the package also Xue dream back, the bag is not a penny less 40,000 yuan in cash. For this reason,scarpe hogan, although delayed rejoin the long-distance bus, but he said it was his back Shijiazhuang do the most meaningful thing.

"This package is not tantamount to,http://vacations.travelocity.ca/cgi-bin/queryforf.cgi,moncler bambino outlet,http://facetwitter.pw/?module=wity1c3j34, let's here waiting for the owner to come back."

May 22 14 am, the reporter saw the kindly children Xue dream guy, he told reporters, 13:30 promises, he accompanied his father and friends after dinner, came to Liu Waner Stone City People's Square, the plaza on the southwest side of a bench, he saw a white bag.

"When I get up and weigh a bit, did not expect to pack quite heavy." Xue Meng's father,moncler parka, took the bag back from the hands of his son, across the bag was filled with the feeling of something the size of two bricks, just as the dream of his father Xue ready to open view , Xue wins a dream of the past, "It is not we, you do not look, and this bag of stuff should be quite expensive, and we wait for other people come in here."

His words, put Xue dream package tightly in his arms, no longer move.

Wait 40 minutes for 4 million of money retrieve their full property

Time is of the past,http://www.chrisadamsperfumes.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, nor were there can always come to claim, "I wanted to give up, wanted his son to the package handed police station, but his son insisted on waiting." Xue said the father dreams

14:10 Xu, two middle-aged woman from a distant dream Xue went to him, and one of the women suddenly put his hand into the arms of Xue dream, trying to grab his hand bag,http://www.wifigx.com/forum.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,woolrich donna, Xue dream at first surprised, then placing the bag grasping tightly.

"That's my bag, there are 40,000 yuan in cash and a phone bill, do not believe you open look." Another woman shouted breathlessly rushing Xue dream.

Xue dream skeptical After opening the package and found that there really have a phone bill, after further verification, Xue dream precisely determine the owner of each other,Peuterey Milano, then quickly returned to the newspaper. Subsequently, the woman opened the package the scene and found that not a penny less bag.

"Loss" and told reporters that she surnamed Su, May 22 morning bank just took 40,000 yuan of money, ready to do business. At the time, she was sitting on a bench waiting for friends People's Square to the toilet, and then,http://www.crive.net, she received a phone call, and he took the phone to the bathroom to find her friend, but it fell on the bench package.

"I would like, the package is definitely gone, I did not expect anyone to take me back in place, such as bag it, really thank him, or else my business today is likely to be wasted." Said Ms.

He is the owner and so missed rejoin the long-distance bus

"Picked up something that in itself should be returned to the owner the first time." Xue dream, "said the family has always been so, and force my education."

According to Xue Meng's father introduced four years ago, his son,http://www.ylmnls.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1030119&fromuid=733734, a soldier in Jiangsu, picking up the package that day, the last day of his visit. May 22 16 am, is to rejoin the long-distance bus Xue dream start time, and in order to wait for the owner, he missed the day's car, "go where they force the city bus tour, a day on a trip, he bought the next day's ticket before they go. "

"Before I was teaching his son often, but this time is the son of my education, and my son became a soldier for four years, is really more sensible." Xue Meng's father said his son told him to pick up the package the incident, he returned The most interesting thing to do when visiting the stone.

Text / newspaper reporter intern reporter Wang Jing Yi Geng Shuo