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Husband hold the wedding with the parents call his wife back

In-laws,http://www.love2shine.org.uk/activity/p/126710/, parents, biological child, sister, police forces win virtual love

(Reporter correspondent Xu Qin square cool) "wife, you come out, look at the child copies,http://www.wireless-safety.org, return with me" - last night 9:30 Xu, Wuhan Tianhe Airport Terminal security channel appears at order who sadly scene: a young man holding a substantial wedding, shouting toward the quarantine.

Found too far away, the man went to the duty room terminal, begged duty female police into the quarantine area will bring out his wife, "Do not let her get on the plane ah, otherwise my family on the loose." young men Yanmianerqi, feeling out of control.

With the introduction to the elderly and women, the young man, surnamed Li, is Tongcheng people, only a few years of marriage, his wife Wang Mousheng in 1989, the two have a 2-year-olds. This year, Lee found his wife Wang often the Internet bubble, and Ningbo one male friends had a good talk, the two sides are brought together want eachother. Lee and his family found discourage well-meaning, but Wang unmoved. Lee and his wife to contact friends, but the other said,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=63&page=2/a%22, and Wang sexual gratification, others can not interfere.

A few days ago, in spite of her husband and children of the block, Wang online appointment to meet with friends in Ningbo,woolrich outlet, Lee can not, only the wife's identity hiding. June 3,hogan uomo,http://www.aurosiksha.org/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, his wife took account of this alone, to Wuhan Tianhe Airport,http://pcbbbs.net/read.php?tid=468/read.php?tid=468, ready to fly to Ningbo. Lee sees the two-year-olds to others with, with parents and sister arrived in Wuhan interception.

Go to Ningbo plane is 22:30 takeoff, when Lee,http://www.fgzx.org/?action-viewnews-itemid-5, who came already 9:40, the plane about to take off, he can not enter the quarantine, all sorts of desperation only to the police for help. To prove their identity and Wang's husband, Lee raised more than 40 centimeters wide wedding as proof.

Wang, the police found in an isolated area, Wang at first refused to come out. After the police took her to the quarantine mouth, she saw her husband holding the wedding, hesitantly walked out. A meeting, the couple would tense atmosphere was very tense. Regardless of how the presence of three relatives of persuasion,http://supplemart.net, Wang still refuse to return. Lee Wang and her parents letting children talk,piumini moncler, the police also joined persuasion. After a moment of persuasion,hogan milano, Wang finally agreed to go home to deal with emotional problems and Lee.