widowed people quickly get married

Chinese Commercial News reporters Han Zhengshi and Xi Shengmu British Chongqing Daily News for fraud compensation, Zhang Nanan District residents actually playing the octogenarian mother's idea, so she and a 40-year-old man Dianjiang sham marriages,http://www.cecyteo.edu.mx/site/index.php, thereby deceive compensation 7.9 million. Reporters learned yesterday,http://www.43mom.com/read.php?tid=797612&ds=1, today,air max tn pas cher, Dianjiang police uncovered this fraud case state property, state property on suspicion of fraud, Zhang et al.,air max outlet, Coercive measures taken.

Last June, the residents of the south bank of a zone to get a message: the village government land will be expropriated, each household will receive a large sum of compensation. According to regulations, compensation is a per capita basis, more than one person can have more than 79,000 yuan compensation. To this end, local residents broke a wave of "flash marriage",http://bbs.ja138.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=924058, "flash off" wave - divorced, widowed people quickly get married, married people are fake divorce quickly and then immediately get married and leave others to do everything possible to find someone to impersonate evicted families to defraud compensation.

Zhang local residents in the confirmation message is true,piumini bambina moncler, too, and his wife Liulin Chun playing the "thinking", but because the family already married children moved out, leaving only the account where the couple and mother. Thus, the couple after discussion, decided to give the age of 80 year-old mother to do the door "marriage" was a lot of compensation.

After that, find relationships wider LI Ying Zhang, for his mother asked him to help find a "wife" and promised to LI Ying 25,http://www.bh224500.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=52186,000 yuan commissions. Last July, LI Ying Cheng Town DianJiangXian enlisted the 40-year-old man promised justice, and promised to give back something to Xu Yi 8000 yuan commissions. Soon,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, Xu Yi and his wife "divorce", and to the south bank of the District Civil Affairs Bureau and Zhang 80-year-old mother for the marriage registration. Since then, Zhang signed with the South Bank area of land in order to do the resettlement compensation agreement in October that year, Zhang, Liulin Chun couple successfully put "stepfather" "deserve" national compensation 79,000 yuan in cash to reclaim and gave LI Ying commissions 25,000 yuan.

In February, police received a report from the masses Dianjiang: Cheng Town someone sham marriages way to defraud state compensation. Alarm,peuterey outlet milano, the police visited the survey found that the marriage is ridiculous, then organization capable staff, after thorough investigation,http://www.ruralnet.or.jp,moncler outlet, found that the presence of these people in order to defraud the State of false marital property is suspect. Recently, the police on suspicion of fraud Dianjiang state property for Zhang, Liulin Chun, LI Ying,http://wenwen.yjfcyy.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=838298, Xu Yi,http://237.newfine.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, who has taken coercive measures. The case is under further investigation. (Text characters are not his real name involved)