Reporter Zhao Fang

Xianyang China Daily (Reporter Zhao Fang) can not find work or money to eat, from Henan to Xianyang few days later,abercrombie homme, they played a robbery Pangmou helpless idea,hogan sito ufficiale, and in the evening of January 20, the implementation of the robbery,, but one woman in the snatch After satchel failed, he stabbed the girl with a fruit knife abdomen. Fleeing to see is that the police were looking for him,, he was deeply hopeless escape, he hid in the bushes in the 110 phone call, said: "I want to surrender, I'm the guy who robbed ......"

January 20 evening 11 o'clock, Xianyang Municipal Public Security Bureau patrol special police brigade Qindu Chen Yang squadron received 110 school police, said a woman stabbed at Chen Yang Village turntable after looting. Alarming Patrol after that, the injured woman had to contact the 120, has been sent to the nuclear industry in Shaanxi Province, two hundred and fifteen hospital.

According to the police for verification,, was stabbed woman surnamed Wang,, 21 years old, Qindu area horse town who work in the vicinity of Century Boulevard. Prior to the incident, she was alone to Chen Yang walking direction from One Village turntable bridge,, when the line to the northwest corner of a dark place turntable, a man rushed from behind,louboutin homme pas cher, trying to snatch her bag. Upon seeing this, Wang tightly grabbed the bag with the man failed to grab on to Wang abdomen and striking with a fruit knife, fled the scene.

"Patrol special police brigade dispatched five squadrons, more than 10 police patrol cars,hogan donna, more than 50 patrol in the incident to the periphery began a blanket search." Patrol special police brigade deputy squadron commander Chen Xi Yang Zhiqiang said the police all the way in the woods, green from search, about two hours later,, 110 command center command came, someone call 110 telephone surrender. 2 o'clock in the evening, in the 1st Bridge will patrol armed with knives robbed wounding Pangmou control.

Police investigations showed that Pangmou 27 years, Ju County,nike tn, Henan Province. It claimed that he came to Xianyang January 16, before coming up with five or six hundred dollars lost almost everything because of gambling,, do not have to find a job, no money accommodation, meals, then played a robbery idea, but unsuccessful stab robbery The victim ran away,, he saw near the police looking for him everywhere, know Chachinantao, he hit 110 surrendered.

Currently, Wang is still in hospital receiving treatment, Pangmou XingJu.

(Original title: "I want to surrender, I'm the guy who robbed")