Qu Lai is May 9th know these things

Asian Heart Network (Reporter Wang Qian Xi Zhang Wande), who lives in Urumqi seven Bay Road,hogan 2014, No. 35 Fairview home district of Qu Li (pseudonym) gas child always ring true: 6-year-old daughter Peas (a pseudonym) is another in the area of Fairview kindergarten the name of the children hand fan,http://www.shujuquan.com.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, when she wants to find the parents of the children, Peas said, "the teacher said, if we do not listen to anyone, let the same table fan disobedient children."

Qu Lai is May 9th know these things, and according to her knowledge, greatly kindergarten class children have had to endure the same table almost slap experience. Reporter by several other parents understand also that, that sort of thing happened once before kindergarten, and every zoo in the interpretation of the "past" the.

After this incident, the person in charge Su Haiming said Fairview kindergarten, kindergarten to correct the party's nursery (live teacher) Zhou wrong approach and made a deal with them.

Currently, Urumqi Water District Board of Education has begun an investigation of the kindergarten.

Parents: a conversation pull "slapping incident"

"I can not imagine how a teacher can come up with ways to manage this child." May 10 20 am,http://zujiclub.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1790419, talked about his daughter was "slapped" issue, song Korea is still frustrated.

Qu Li said that after at 18:50 on May 9, she and her community with several ladies to their respective Fairview kindergarten child back in the pavilion in the chat,http://www.tilear.cn/read.php?tid=179434&ds=1, the daughter Peas and classmate of several children playing in the side. At this time, "Today you are a fan of a few?" "Look." "How about you?" "I also let fans a bit" ...... this conversation daughter and children reached their ears.

Several mother quickly asked how their child is going on, this learned in kindergarten, if the class, lunch or queued when noisy, shoving and other "restless" behavior on or near the same table children with ways to make the fan palm discipline. "It is our teacher said so." Peas and several other children said in unison.

Parents also learned and Peas in a class with a good move because of Lei-lei a desk to sit alone,louboutin homme, in the breach of discipline would have to own their own fans.

Several parents worry that their children lie, asked the other children in the same class, the same result as the answer. There is also a child may be frightened because they were slapped and fever.

Immediately, several people rushed to the kindergarten teacher asked to work yet, the parties teacher Zhou think just let each other constraint management, and then the two sides quarrel between children. Then it came to kindergarten responsible person Su Haiming coordination.

Area residents have said that this sort of thing has happened before.

Residential tenants Zhao Mei (a pseudonym) kids on the kindergarteners, she recalled that in August and September last year, because their children have twice beaten the teacher, her quarrel with the teacher, but also the police. Police for questioning after class for children that teachers were criticized, and ordered expelled from kindergarten this person. But after about two months,http://lash-rash.com, and that teachers went to the park back office work.

Parents Li Li (pseudonym) said,chaussures nike tn, last winter, the daughter of Lei-lei (a pseudonym) and a children speak at nap time, the result was only wearing a small nursery ordered their belts, standing barefoot in the bathroom. "My child is small, poor self-discipline,http://www.mapfan.com/spotdetail.cgi, punish stations that we can understand, but it was so dry it somewhat outrageous." Li Li said.

Garden Party: teachers already on the parties for processing

"At present, said that if the child's teacher has been dealt with, but it has basically subsided." Yesterday morning, when the reporter saw the person in charge at the Fairview kindergarten Su Haiming, he says.

Su Haiming said,hogan scarpe, after he did not know kindergarten "slapped", the same day that asked parents to kindergarten, he immediately returned home from kindergarten to coordinate treatment. Coordination of the results, although not the same day, but the next day,http://www.jpaic.net, the parties with the kindergarten teacher Zhou on the relevant personnel to apologize fever children living at home. Meanwhile, the nursery has made a fine of 100 yuan Zhou, in front of the kindergarten faculty and face other penalties decided apology parents. Then, Su Haiming come up with a stamped seal nursery 'treatment decisions. "

When a reporter mentioned that parents reflect previous similar events, Su Haiming said kindergarten has been operating for about a year and a half, there are currently 134 students. Before those things, some parents to magnify the event, others are teachers and parents in a private communication and coordination over afterwards, he did not know. "Speaking left standing, but the child an educational way, not a long time, is a few minutes."

"I said, and their identity does not match, then I am willing to accept the deal." Make a deal was nursery nurse Zhou said, "there are clear requirements kindergarten,http://www.kh.rim.or.jp/~goburin/cgi-bin/custombbs.cgi/;/, the teacher can not beat the children. But some restless or naughty children can not press provisions do it, I was in the classroom saying, 'Who is affecting you, you can fan his face.' I did not expect this sentence, provoked a series of things for the kids. "

Su Haiming said Zhou nurses currently still probationary period, in fact,nike tn, her children well, "Some kids call her 'mother' it." The reality is that wages are only a thousand or three nurses, teachers wages but also about 2000, staff mobility is particularly large, "If a class is no teacher, the child who is going to bring?"

"Every time I only played about ......"

Reporter: You are the children played face?

Lei-lei: played,http://sportsfan.jpn.org/cgi-kban/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=174&page=1.

Reporter: Why is playing?

Lei-lei: talking in class.

Reporter: beaten a few times? It hurt?

Lei-lei: Only beat, hurt.

Reporter: Who hit your kids?

Lei-lei: teacher, she said, who at the same table on unruly fan slap.

Reporter: The other kids do not discipline, the teacher how to say?

Lei-lei: fan.

Reporter: Do you hate the teacher?

Lei-lei: Do not hate.

Reporter: Do you hate you hate slapped slap children?

Lei-lei: Do not hate.