Said to be "home"

□ "Dahe," Yang intern reporter Li Yukun to "Wuhan Evening News" reporter Guo Lixia

WASHINGTON 20 years ago,, in the streets of Wuhan stall Zhoukou people picked up an abandoned baby, adoption in his knee. Two years later, he again picked up a local grocer abandoned babies,louboutin soldes, the same wonderful reflection of upbringing.

20 years, while raising two children Yangshen Lin has been single, and the children lived a very poor day. Fruit, selling vegetables,basket tn requin, selling dry goods ...... 20 years, Yang Shenlin role in continuous conversion of life picked up the two children to adulthood. Today, the eldest daughter, a large static (a pseudonym) had to work to talk about her boyfriend, her two small static (a pseudonym) is also a sophomore.

Great Love markets picked up two abandoned children

Wuhan rained two days ago, and he's working,abercrombie soldes, "fruit stand" Unable to stand out, 65-year-old home idle.

Said to be "home", in fact, he spent 200 yuan per month to rent a house in Wuhan Green mountain village workers. Daejeong sixth eldest daughter went to Hankou a cell phone store to work,, at home on winter break and only the second daughter of a small quiet still with him, which makes Yang feel life though impoverished, but also "very happy."

One morning in May 1992, the 42-year-old bachelor saw a baby girl abandoned in Wuhan City workers Village markets. "It was not many farms Azeri, I picked up the child, says she found a piece of paper Date of birth: April 18, 1992 a small child, just one month, it was abandoned infant in her do not cry no trouble, smiled at me, my heart suddenly soft. "Yangshen Lin decided to bring the children to take home their own upbringing.

Coincidentally, one afternoon in April 1995, and again in the same markets Yangshen Lin picked up an abandoned baby. Only seven-month-old abandoned baby is hungry not a human form, the heart of compassion Yang Shenlin no hesitation, decided to hold back the home.

"More than two years time, God in the same farms 'send' Give me two kids, I think life with the sun." Yang Shenlin passing touch my heart happy, the children were named Daejeong, two quiet.

Hard working order picked up the child, Yangshen Lin Gan Shouqing poor

home in Zhoukou City Huaiyang County, Dalian Township Tuncun chicken. 3 years old, mother of sick leave thereafter Yangshen Lin has been growing in the impoverished. 34 years old, Yang Shenlin south alone, came to Wuhan City, "a street vendor." After the adoption of two successive abandoned baby, Yangshen Lin's "occupation" has never changed.

Not married, no child care experience,, the elderly father brought the kids from my hometown in Henan, dry day and shift the money himself. "At that time I have one day earn thirty or forty dollars, the children drink milk light day for more than 10 blocks,, barely earn a living." Dahe Yangshen Lin told reporters.

"We are not natural, but worth a biological father's heart especially good, people really special, although the family was poor, can be as long as there is money to him,hogan uomo, gave him what we want, especially in food and drink above, he was particularly willing. "My daughter Daejeong said.

Helping people grow sisters

Good finally rewarded, around 's never been a lack of good people.

Daejeong to school age, when Yang Shenlin find a private school in Wuhan, explain the actual situation, the person receives a large static enrollment fee remissions. Soon, because of the closure of the school, a large static WISCO into two small, but the school also eliminates her tuition.

Daejeong Middle School that year, in order to ensure the successful completion of the sister school, she decided to choose to drop out into the community as soon as possible to earn money for his father Yang Shenlin share those concerns. Since then, the two daughter static problem due accounts, Huaiyang, Henan go home in high school, and in 2013 successfully admitted to the Wuhan City, a two institutions, currently a sophomore.

"Now in college,, she rely on their own work-study program to earn some living expenses Gang." Yang Shenlin pleased to say that, along the way, he met a lot of good-hearted people, to help them through the most difficult time.

Today,, Yang a day,scarpe hogan,, although still poor, but he always felt happy from getting closer. This past Spring Festival, a large deadband boyfriend back. "Great quiet sixth went to work, as long as there is time to come back to see me two still at home now, had finished fifteenth went to school,, but the three of every two weeks, she'll be back." Yesterday, Dahe told reporters.

As the saying goes, returning to their roots, Yang said he was too old and wanted to go back home, "Big Brother house helped farmland species, and no money in building a house on the homestead, ye go ah?" Between Yang Shenlin helpless tone, mixed with a trace remains difficult Nostalgia erased.

(Original title: Single small vendors raised two abandoned children)

Edit: SN064