in Beijing. Three years ago


The day before yesterday morning,, Town, Tongzhou District East is Red Tape Factory director Liu Yan was discovered missing, the plant is also a lot of equipment was sold overnight. As of yesterday afternoon, the country has hundreds of suppliers and distributors to recover arrears rushed to plant outside. According to preliminary statistics, Liu Yan swept up to 30 million more than the purchase price. Currently, Town, Tongzhou District government has to intervene,scarpe louboutin, the local police have opened investigations.

Merchant demand for payment nowhere

The day before yesterday morning, Mr Lee Yong distributors, as usual, came to the Oriental Red Tape Factory delivery, but found the door factory full of people. After asking that Mr Lee Yong, director Liu Yan has escaped and fled, those hundreds of people gathered outside the hearing came to recover the purchase price of all suppliers and distributors. Mr Lee Yong immediately out of the body sweat, "I want to turn to the money?"

Mr Lee, who lives nearby Shazikou owned for many years,nike tn requin, in Beijing. Three years ago, he contacted the tape in this industry, then get in touch with the Town, Tongzhou District is located in the East is Red Tape Factory has become one of the plant's distributors.

"I just saw this plant is an old brand, the product is very famous in the north." On the company's website, the reporter saw in the East is Red Tape Factory Profile is a company with assets of 60 million yuan of large enterprises, the annual output value of 300 million yuan,tiffany outlet italia, annual profits of 10 million yuan or more. "The plant has also worked for a unified food, Dairy Queen, Niulanshan liquor companies such as thousands of businesses across the country to provide the service."

Mr Lee Yong said that for three years he worked with the East Red Tape Factory has been very successful, the business has become more prosperous in Beijing. "Every time I hit prepayments are getting goods to go, well their credibility." Mr Lee Yong said that in December 2008, he went to fight the plant more than 20 million advance payment, two weeks before he was hit in the past 10 million,, but this time he did could get delivered.

Director disappear overnight

Yang Lei (a pseudonym) is this plant three hundred workers in one. Most of the factory's employees are locals, only a handful are Liu Yan's Henan Association. Yang Lei said the factory's efficiency has been very good, on the day of February 22, the entire factory staff also work normally before the incident,, did not find anything unusual, "the next morning to go to work, only to find that people are not a. "

Yang Lei said that the workers after work and found the leadership of the factory are gone, and the main production facilities are also missing. Asked nearby residents, the workers learned that February 22 night, it was the night of all of these devices sold away. "Factory wages owed us for two months," but we only know that Liu Yan is from Henan, specific residence is unclear. According to claiming the same village called Liu Yan, Liu did not return to their villages.

Yesterday morning,, the East is Red Tape Factory sign still hanging on the walls outside the plant, but the factory has no past angry. Many cars stuck in the factory door, the owner of these cars are workers who come to collect debts. Forty-five local workers sitting in the duty room to rest, there is often fragmented supplier trying to take away their goods into the shop, but the workers were blocked,, "Now what could not move."

Reporter Liu Yan's phone call, but it was switched off. Reporters tried and plant Financial Officer Liu Xue Jiang (sound) to get in touch, unsuccessful. Plant sales manager Liu Zhiyong, said he is also looking for the whereabouts of Liu Yan, everything else is unclear.

Alleged payments of tens of millions

And Mr Lee Yong,, Yang Lei, Liu Yan Liu Zhiyong, like trying to find the whereabouts of a few.

From the day before yesterday have hundreds of people rushed to the factory outside the recovery of debts, including Hebei,, Northeast and other places came to the manufacturers and individuals. They are paid in advance to the east of the Red Tape Factory advances amounted to tens of millions of dollars more,, at least there are more than ten million. Yang Lei said,hogan donna, on the night of February 22, there is a sum of money to hit 1.5 million on company accounts, "but the next day a check,louboutin femme pas cher, the account is completely empty." Preliminary statistics, Liu Yan allegedly swept away more than 30 million of the purchase price already.

Yesterday morning, dozens of suppliers and recover the money arrived distributors Town, Tongzhou District government discussion to say. Taiwan Town government office staff said, for the Oriental Red Tape Factory director sudden disappearance did not know. Currently the town government money being deceived these people to appease and records. Petition Office staff refused to disclose about the handling of the matter

Yesterday afternoon, the station Canal Town police station once a criminal investigation on the matter.

The reporter intern reporter Su Wei Peng Kefeng