Qu Lai is May 9th know these things

Asian Heart Network (Reporter Wang Qian Xi Zhang Wande), who lives in Urumqi seven Bay Road,hogan 2014, No. 35 Fairview home district of Qu Li (pseudonym) gas child always ring true: 6-year-old daughter Peas (a pseudonym) is another in the area of Fairview kindergarten the name of the children hand fan,http://www.shujuquan.com.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, when she wants to find the parents of the children, Peas said, "the teacher said, if we do not listen to anyone, let the same table fan disobedient children."

Qu Lai is May 9th know these things, and according to her knowledge, greatly kindergarten class children have had to endure the same table almost slap experience. Reporter by several other parents understand also that, that sort of thing happened once before kindergarten, and every zoo in the interpretation of the "past" the.

After this incident, the person in charge Su Haiming said Fairview kindergarten, kindergarten to correct the party's nursery (live teacher) Zhou wrong approach and made a deal with them.

Currently, Urumqi Water District Board of Education has begun an investigation of the kindergarten.

Parents: a conversation pull "slapping incident"

"I can not imagine how a teacher can come up with ways to manage this child." May 10 20 am,http://zujiclub.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1790419, talked about his daughter was "slapped" issue, song Korea is still frustrated.

Qu Li said that after at 18:50 on May 9, she and her community with several ladies to their respective Fairview kindergarten child back in the pavilion in the chat,http://www.tilear.cn/read.php?tid=179434&ds=1, the daughter Peas and classmate of several children playing in the side. At this time, "Today you are a fan of a few?" "Look." "How about you?" "I also let fans a bit" ...... this conversation daughter and children reached their ears.

Several mother quickly asked how their child is going on, this learned in kindergarten, if the class, lunch or queued when noisy, shoving and other "restless" behavior on or near the same table children with ways to make the fan palm discipline. "It is our teacher said so." Peas and several other children said in unison.

Parents also learned and Peas in a class with a good move because of Lei-lei a desk to sit alone,louboutin homme, in the breach of discipline would have to own their own fans.

Several parents worry that their children lie, asked the other children in the same class, the same result as the answer. There is also a child may be frightened because they were slapped and fever.

Immediately, several people rushed to the kindergarten teacher asked to work yet, the parties teacher Zhou think just let each other constraint management, and then the two sides quarrel between children. Then it came to kindergarten responsible person Su Haiming coordination.

Area residents have said that this sort of thing has happened before.

Residential tenants Zhao Mei (a pseudonym) kids on the kindergarteners, she recalled that in August and September last year, because their children have twice beaten the teacher, her quarrel with the teacher, but also the police. Police for questioning after class for children that teachers were criticized, and ordered expelled from kindergarten this person. But after about two months,http://lash-rash.com, and that teachers went to the park back office work.

Parents Li Li (pseudonym) said,chaussures nike tn, last winter, the daughter of Lei-lei (a pseudonym) and a children speak at nap time, the result was only wearing a small nursery ordered their belts, standing barefoot in the bathroom. "My child is small, poor self-discipline,http://www.mapfan.com/spotdetail.cgi, punish stations that we can understand, but it was so dry it somewhat outrageous." Li Li said.

Garden Party: teachers already on the parties for processing

"At present, said that if the child's teacher has been dealt with, but it has basically subsided." Yesterday morning, when the reporter saw the person in charge at the Fairview kindergarten Su Haiming, he says.

Su Haiming said,hogan scarpe, after he did not know kindergarten "slapped", the same day that asked parents to kindergarten, he immediately returned home from kindergarten to coordinate treatment. Coordination of the results, although not the same day, but the next day,http://www.jpaic.net, the parties with the kindergarten teacher Zhou on the relevant personnel to apologize fever children living at home. Meanwhile, the nursery has made a fine of 100 yuan Zhou, in front of the kindergarten faculty and face other penalties decided apology parents. Then, Su Haiming come up with a stamped seal nursery 'treatment decisions. "

When a reporter mentioned that parents reflect previous similar events, Su Haiming said kindergarten has been operating for about a year and a half, there are currently 134 students. Before those things, some parents to magnify the event, others are teachers and parents in a private communication and coordination over afterwards, he did not know. "Speaking left standing, but the child an educational way, not a long time, is a few minutes."

"I said, and their identity does not match, then I am willing to accept the deal." Make a deal was nursery nurse Zhou said, "there are clear requirements kindergarten,http://www.kh.rim.or.jp/~goburin/cgi-bin/custombbs.cgi/;/, the teacher can not beat the children. But some restless or naughty children can not press provisions do it, I was in the classroom saying, 'Who is affecting you, you can fan his face.' I did not expect this sentence, provoked a series of things for the kids. "

Su Haiming said Zhou nurses currently still probationary period, in fact,nike tn, her children well, "Some kids call her 'mother' it." The reality is that wages are only a thousand or three nurses, teachers wages but also about 2000, staff mobility is particularly large, "If a class is no teacher, the child who is going to bring?"

"Every time I only played about ......"

Reporter: You are the children played face?

Lei-lei: played,http://sportsfan.jpn.org/cgi-kban/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=174&page=1.

Reporter: Why is playing?

Lei-lei: talking in class.

Reporter: beaten a few times? It hurt?

Lei-lei: Only beat, hurt.

Reporter: Who hit your kids?

Lei-lei: teacher, she said, who at the same table on unruly fan slap.

Reporter: The other kids do not discipline, the teacher how to say?

Lei-lei: fan.

Reporter: Do you hate the teacher?

Lei-lei: Do not hate.

Reporter: Do you hate you hate slapped slap children?

Lei-lei: Do not hate.


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The news that his son was sentenced

Reading Yongchuan, Chongqing Morning News reporter Zhong Geng military correspondent Zhang Bing jingle bell ...... phone rang, Mashi Gui can not wait to grab the phone,http://www.qijiworld.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=667393, the microphone at the rope mouth: "? Hey, Mom," the microphone there hesitated, uncertain voice with Q: "Yes Xiaoyong?" I heard my mother slightly vicissitudes are incredibly familiar voice, tears suddenly welling Mashi Gui.

This scene took place in the prison five prison WESTERN Telephone ends is a mother, in breach of the law is split custody two sentences.

He is a son


Focus on high school dropout after drug addiction

Mashi Gui,nike tn prezzo, male, aged 40, Chongqing Tongliang people, in May 2014, found guilty of theft was sentenced to one year in prison and now WESTERN five prison sentence transformation zone.

Mashi Gui was born in a warm and wealthy family, parents are engaged in garments, food and beverage of individual businesses. Mashi Gui lived a childhood fear of abject poverty, are the best local schools on academic achievers, he won the teachers and parents alike.

1988, Mashi Gui admitted with honors local key middle school. Started when he was good in the eyes of parents, children, teachers in the eyes of honors. The first two days, he started with friends on social idlers, then scores plummet.

Father believes that "sticks out under the dutiful son," often told he swore to fight, is in a rebellious period become more rebellious. Faced with the child's error, every time the mother tried to help justify and excuse, let his son again and again to escape his father's beatings. For this reason, parents often quarrel Mashi Gui.

In 1991, the mother hopes son Mashi Gui can be changed in the new environment, he was transferred to Chongqing, a key middle school. It did not, the parents are not around, Mashi Gui become more indulgent, just read half dropped out.

Mashi Gui one into the community, in the face of temptation and debauchery of life, more disoriented, six months after the drug addicted. Since there is no fixed income, whenever drug seizures, the first thing he was looking for his mother for money. And each time,hogan uomo outlet, the mother would meet him unconditionally, it also allows poison ri in deeper and deeper.

She is a mother


Bankrupt just to give children to raise drug money

Due to disagreement on the issue of child discipline, Mashi Gui parents become increasingly intensified. In 1994, his father angrily away from home,, then no news.

Father's home, did not cause reflection and mother. Baby son suffer because they do not have the heart, mother still continue to provide drug money for him.

1996-2007, Mashi Gui has four compulsory treatment are sent to labor camps,scarpe hogan outlet, but every time shortly after the lifting of teaching,http://www.valleynewslive-ondemand.com/forums/activity, he will embark relapse old mother connivance.

Ten years, the mother will be home to almost all of the property sold became Mashi Gui's drug money,http://www.noshironet.jp/bbs2/light.cgi?res=84, once fairly wealthy family gradually crumbling. Even so, every time Mashi Gui money to the family, financially strapped mother still never refused.

Because of lack of financial resources, mother every day as he struggled to find ways to raise drug money. Eventually, helpless mother embarked on the road of deception,http://cowoco.net, after many superstitious means to help people ward off other people's property by fraud during the 2010 Spring Festival in Sichuan Province was arrested by the local public security organs, after the court sentenced to 6 years, and now women's prison in Sichuan Province.

After his mother in prison, although Mashi Gui regret and guilt, but still can not resist the temptation of drugs. To get drug money, he later embarked on the road to steal. September 2013 -2014 in January, has to steal 12 times, illegal to steal other people's property totaling more than 9,000, in the first theft was arrested by the local public security organs, in jail.

They call Mother Birthday


Mother's hurt him deeply guilty

The news that his son was sentenced, under Mashi Gui desperate mother contracted a serious illness, the hospital has twice issued a notice in critical condition. At that time, still in the detention center awaiting trial Mashi Gui still unknown.

In May this year, Mashi Gui mother received a letter correspondence, the mother learned of the status quo. Since then, the mother's body became a pressure in his heart of stone, he spent considerable distress, depression. Careful discipline police noticed his unusual, numerous experiences of finding him talk, I learned Mashi Gui ideas, work carried out psychological counseling.

When the mother was dying Mashi Gui learned the news, the first time the prison area were reported to prison education department. Given the transformation Mashi Gui usually perform well, Sichuan education department decided to contact the women's prison. After careful coordination, decided to Mashi Gui mother, family contact by telephone. September 3, Mashi Gui finally heading for the mother from Sichuan, a phone call that day happens to be his mother's birthday,http://www.idyllarbor.com/research/search.cgi, so they appear in the text at the beginning of that scene.

"Mom Happy Birthday! I'm sorry your son,http://yoripon.webege.com, you have to take care of themselves ......" Five minutes, asked the most is the physical condition of the mother, the mother learned that the disease has been basically stable, Mashi Gui face a long-lost smile. On the other side, the mother repeatedly asked his son to mend,scarpe hogan, hoping that he can come and pick their own home, Mashi Gui smiled, nodded eleven promise.

Mashi Gui once imprisoned for their indulgence very sorry for himself the damage to the mother feels guilty. Now,hogan sito ufficiale, his biggest wish is to hope that the health of the mother, so their full sentence, the Son of filial piety can do to make up for mistakes they have committed.

(Text inmates as a pseudonym)

WESTERN prison

In the past, he is good in the eyes of parents, children, teachers in the eyes of honors. What makes him lose myself, deep drug quagmire, unable to extricate themselves? Mother, son face drug,http://www.zuitaian.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=450564, not the bottom line of connivance, not only did not save his son, but his son sink deeper and deeper, eventually leading to the entire family broken, mother and son in jail ......

(Original title: mother son dye addiction to sell their assets for child abuse)

Reporter Zhao Fang

Xianyang China Daily (Reporter Zhao Fang) can not find work or money to eat, from Henan to Xianyang few days later,abercrombie homme, they played a robbery Pangmou helpless idea,hogan sito ufficiale, and in the evening of January 20, the implementation of the robbery,http://www.idbren.com/thread-5642876-1-1.html, but one woman in the snatch After satchel failed, he stabbed the girl with a fruit knife abdomen. Fleeing to see is that the police were looking for him,http://www.axiabridge.com/sunbbs/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=6&page=Lastseasonw, he was deeply hopeless escape, he hid in the bushes in the 110 phone call, said: "I want to surrender, I'm the guy who robbed ......"

January 20 evening 11 o'clock, Xianyang Municipal Public Security Bureau patrol special police brigade Qindu Chen Yang squadron received 110 school police, said a woman stabbed at Chen Yang Village turntable after looting. Alarming Patrol after that, the injured woman had to contact the 120, has been sent to the nuclear industry in Shaanxi Province, two hundred and fifteen hospital.

According to the police for verification,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, was stabbed woman surnamed Wang,http://meinv.chnindex.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, 21 years old, Qindu area horse town who work in the vicinity of Century Boulevard. Prior to the incident, she was alone to Chen Yang walking direction from One Village turntable bridge,http://www.artmuseums.go.jp, when the line to the northwest corner of a dark place turntable, a man rushed from behind,louboutin homme pas cher, trying to snatch her bag. Upon seeing this, Wang tightly grabbed the bag with the man failed to grab on to Wang abdomen and striking with a fruit knife, fled the scene.

"Patrol special police brigade dispatched five squadrons, more than 10 police patrol cars,hogan donna, more than 50 patrol in the incident to the periphery began a blanket search." Patrol special police brigade deputy squadron commander Chen Xi Yang Zhiqiang said the police all the way in the woods, green from search, about two hours later,http://hyde.run.buttobi.net, 110 command center command came, someone call 110 telephone surrender. 2 o'clock in the evening, in the 1st Bridge will patrol armed with knives robbed wounding Pangmou control.

Police investigations showed that Pangmou 27 years, Ju County,nike tn, Henan Province. It claimed that he came to Xianyang January 16, before coming up with five or six hundred dollars lost almost everything because of gambling,http://fwsc.wenxiu.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, do not have to find a job, no money accommodation, meals, then played a robbery idea, but unsuccessful stab robbery The victim ran away,http://www.leon-works.com, he saw near the police looking for him everywhere, know Chachinantao, he hit 110 surrendered.

Currently, Wang is still in hospital receiving treatment, Pangmou XingJu.

(Original title: "I want to surrender, I'm the guy who robbed")

criminal detention of 14 people

Near subway, Commercial Street, some people put a table,woolrich prezzi, a vertical signs saying China Mobile, China Unicom, promotions, charging 300 yuan credited into 600 yuan, 500 yuan arrival charge 1,200 yuan,tn requin pas cher, is very familiar with this scene? After paying recharge immediately credited to say there are SMS tips, and really make cheaper? In fact,http://www.leesauthenticationservice.com, all this is false, which is a professional street fraud gang.

 Recently, the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau undercover investigation detachment in "six special" combat campaigns and "hit detection Hundred Days Campaign" campaign, continuous play wiped out several different patterns of street gangs fraud.

SMS recharge successful people believed

One day in early March, Zhang saw one hanging in the subway, "China Mobile" booth is conducting promotional activities, charging 300 yuan credited into 600 yuan, 500 yuan arrival charge 1,http://orangebeer.com/fantasy/fantasy.cgi,200 yuan, has a lot of people watching recharge. She also paid a 300 yuan recharge,http://segyo.ac.affrc.go.jp, recharge quickly received the message after a successful payment. Back home,http://www.xq0757.com/read.php?tid=932140, she excitedly told her husband this event. A husband, a roadside stall in the promotion of China Mobile? Feel a little strange,http://www.shenghero.co.jp, you call the mobile telephone counseling service, did not find the money credited into account, there is no promotion issue, knew fooled,moncler outlet, then quickly called the police.

Recently, the Guangzhou police often receive similar alarm calls, sometimes as many as 20 cases in one day. Such cases occurred in the city's crowded roads,moncler donna, especially the subway, shopping centers, the suspect usually the name of "China Mobile" or "China Unicom" and other telecom operators under the banner, holding "× hundred to recharge Posting × one hundred yuan bill "signs. The most confusing is that after the victim paid recharge models, the arrival of a so-called text messages sent to mobile phones on the victim, so that the victim believed. "They just use a rear platform just send a text message."

One day succeed dozens of single income over million

This is a fraud gang of 30 people belonging to a company called "jumping on the letter" Communication Technology Co., hiding in the Tianhe North Road building. They are divided into several groups each day, usually in pairs, 10:00 batches came to the subway,air max outlet, shopping malls outside warn fraud.

Recently, the police launched an operation to close the net, in one fell swoop and arrested 26 suspects,http://mobile.deai-fraud.com, criminal detention of 14 people,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, destroyed the gang hideout located in the Tianhe North Road, and seized books, posing as telecom companies sign a number of other tools of crime. When police arrested the gang is training new employees, teach them how to flicker passers-by,http://buntyn.stamina.jp, how to deal with industry and commerce, public security inspections. It is understood that the gang one day succeed to defraud dozens of orders, returns over million.

(Original title: 300 to send 600 street vendors charge a lie)

there are some who face boring

(Reporter Chen Tan) yesterday,http://world3t.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=149179,louboutin outlet, in front of a shop in Sanlitun village gathered hundreds of people. Despite the gloomy weather, but they are still patiently lined up. Originally, a worldwide limited edition sneakers on sale at 9:00 last night, due to the sale of less than one hundred pairs of Beijing, many fans are flocking shoes, crazy level no less than the "powder" buy iPhone,http://contest.japias.jp/tqj1998/10098/yybbs.cgi, which of course the cattle figure.

According to a senior shoe fans Li told reporters, this pair of shoes for the world's limited edition, only 200 pairs of China, Beijing is probably the store could be assigned 50-100 pairs, the official release date for the night 9:00. But from the day before yesterday afternoon, there were already a few people in front of the store, "camp",http://sportsfan.jpn.org/cgi-kban/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=14&page=2, a lot of people lined up all night waiting for more.

Last night, reporters rushed to the Sanlitun village,parajumpers soldes, in front of the shop to see this number of people have been waiting collar lined up more than one hundred meters long lines, many shoes fans are look tired, some sitting comes Mazar, there are some who face boring, yawn. In those who line up in the same dress nearly 20 men waited at the forefront of the team, they Messenger backpack, dressed in sportswear. Someone told reporters that those people are cattle.

In colored tidal wave of men and women fashion people queuing up,http://bbs.wisidi.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=23833, the reporter found a 50-year-old looks middle-aged women,louboutin, "I was for his son to line up, and he had just finished college entrance examination, if you can buy can be considered to His reward it. "According to the mother, said her son is very sensible, had never bought anything to ask their parents to give him a good shoe," entrance finish heard him talking about these shoes, know that he was particularly fond of the children for so many years Hanchuang hard, hoping to satisfy his desire, it can be considered a bonus. "learned that the mother of good intentions,http://www.pornotoplist.info/cgi-bin/toplist/in.cgi, young people line up to cast the eyes of both envy and sympathy. "Auntie you drink," "Auntie let me help you row, you find a place to take a break, one will come back ......"

Yesterday evening, with the dark sky and bursts of wind, rain poured down finally. Line up a boom and scattered the crowd, have taken refuge in nearby shops rain. However, when the rain just smaller,hogan uomo, they "comeback",http://www.kaitai-ueno.com,woolrich donna, or holding an umbrella or raincoat,http://bbs.play360.net/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=48873, true to his position.

"Original 2000 yuan shoes casually hands down, be able to sell more than ten thousand, which is also not necessarily be able to buy it." When the shoe fans told reporters,http://www.gazdinka.com/1156103/his-wife-thought-bride-price-money, the reporters who are deeply skeptical. However, when reporters Access US ebay and other shopping sites found that the lowest price of this limited edition sneakers have been pushed up to around $ 2,500, and the volume a few.

11 o'clock last night, there microblogging users post, they finally lucky enough to buy the shoe. Text and photo J199

let the man go to the hospital. Surprisingly

Man with a kitchen knife chopped off his own finger,http://www.balibali.com/cgi-bin/bbs/petit.cgi?.

Yangzi Evening News (Reporter Wu Sheng) yesterday morning,peuterey uomo, Nanjing, a man kneeling in the street, with a kitchen knife chopped off his own finger, and afterwards also was refused treatment. According to eyewitnesses,http://www.wanzhouqiche.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=81498,tiffany outlet, the man may stall in mahjong by what stimulus out after the emergence of abnormal behavior.

Yesterday around 10:00, 110 police arrived at Shimonoseki alarm No. 40 five villages near the area, saw a more than 30-year-old man kneeling in the street, his left little finger section fall to the ground, on a white T-shirt stained with blood in his mouth continue to himself: 10 What kind of things? More events? On a chair next to him,nike air max pas cher, also placed a kitchen knife.

The man continued to worry about self-injurious behavior, the police quickly grabbed a kitchen knife. Man waving his arms, still talking to himself, emotions completely out of control. 110 police call to a 120 ambulance, let the man go to the hospital. Surprisingly,http://www.toyomane.com, yes, the man refused an ambulance,http://www.auto-tsukamoto.com/hpgen/epad/epad.cgi?del=55, but ran into the area outside a building on the second floor, into an office. Up to 110 police immediately brought under control, and then repeated persuasion,hogan italia,http://www.sofmap.com/product_detail/exec/_/sku=11366872/-/gid=SA07060000, he was under the upstairs ambulance. Then sent to the south east Affiliated Medical sophomore hospital emergency room.

After the incident, a friend of the man arrived on the scene, watching his own self-mutilation fingers chopped off, both distressed and angry,http://jp.cosplayfu.com, criticized him a few words on the spot. However, my friend declined to man the reason of self-mutilation.

According to residents of the surrounding description: The man and his wife divorced six months ago, is currently living alone. He was at home yesterday morning near the entrance of a stall mahjong playing cards, trot back out after the sixth floor of a residential building their own home, brought out a chair and a chopper went down, his mouth and muttered, "ten dollars count What "kind of thing. We did not wait to find out, the little finger of his left hand on the chair, his right hand leash, chopped off a section. The presence of people are shocked. When a reporter asked when the mahjong players out what had occurred stalls,http://www.capetownbbs.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=11710&extra=, several men were playing mahjong represent less clear.

It is understood that the fingers cut off, if properly preserved and replanted in a certain period of time, be able to restore function. Surgeon for the man feared that the man feeling a bit emotional, also affect the results replantation surgery,piumini bambina moncler, surgical success,http://hongkong02.rs-online.com, not to say. Police said the specific reasons to be investigated.