and snow was locked in a building

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June 26 morning, Changchun Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industrial mechanic school girls 15 years old snow (a pseudonym) was locked in the bedroom, third floor, and then people think happened, the snow actually jumped from the third floor window,doudoune moncler femme, the leg is hurt . In the afternoon, the snow was sent home side Nong'an hospital treatment,, until June 29, snow and family think it should go back to Changchun for treatment,, they think the provincial capital hospital medical conditions and health care power of hardware than the home side Okay. 29 afternoon, accompanied by his family live in the snow Changchun Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital orthopedic ward.

15-year-old school girl was locked in a hurry to jump off the third floor of his left leg fracture was cast "continuation coverage

/ Lawyer / school can not shirk its responsibility

After jumping snow regarding the newspaper reported, attracted everyone's attention, Changchun City Dongsheng, director of legal services Kwan Ping said, the snow on the matter revealed the school management problems, the school has its own rules and regulations, but if the snow is can not get out because they were locked in the building delay class, this is not snow own reasons,peuterey outlet, it is not in accordance with the disciplinary treatment. Schools should bear snow medical expenses, care,louboutin outlet, food subsidies fees, delay during hospitalization studies,, schools also have an obligation to their makeup, in short, the school can not shirk its responsibility regarding jumping on snow.

City Evening News yesterday morning, the reporter went to the Welcome Road near Luyuan Changchun pharmaceutical and chemical industry technical schools, although it is Sunday, visible both inside and outside the school teachers and students figure. That had come, Sister guard with a reporter came to the principal's office, Liu Cuirong snow principals and teacher Wu accepted the reporter interview. For some things before jumping snow Lau and Wu are given their say.

Questions & gt,moncler uomo; & gt;

Girl jumping out hard,

Snow family call the newspaper said earlier, June 26, 10 am, the snow and the other a female classmate Liu went to the toilet on the third floor bedroom, Liu students get away first, the snow was a lock on the third floor, after Kang Last classmates upstairs door, saw the snow deliberately locked the door did not let her out, after the snow before jumping floor. Snow family would like to know, since students Kang opened the door on the third floor to see the snow why not let the snow out of it? In the meantime, the school teacher Wu also was snow on the third floor was locked in something do not you know it? Is the snow out of the building so difficult?

Principals & gt; & gt,abercrombie femme;

Snow to stay in the building is a disciplinary offense

Lau said that this thing should not have happened, and as schools very seriously, discovered after snow jump, send their children to school and actively sent the People's Liberation Army 208 Hospital nearby. As for the snow to be locked in the building not being put out of business in a timely manner, Lau said, then went upstairs to see snow Kang female students is the school management committee works homes, school regulations, health building with students after the students found to promptly report to the teacher as well as dormitories Branch teacher, and then let the teacher took the student. Wu said the teacher, when he did receive a call from Kang students, but not much time to hear snow jumped. Since Kang students upstairs to see the snow,, according to common sense to let students return to class snow followed by Kang get away, but this actually gives schools a way to manage the school's rules and regulations, you need to take the program. It seems that the simple things a little complicated.

The reporter from the party's attempt Kang student population to understand some cases, Lau said Hong classmates minor inconvenience to be interviewed. Conversation, Lau has repeatedly stressed the snow is discipline students. Because students want more classes at 10:00, the snow is not down in the building, according to school-related regulations,, the snow acts belong discipline. Hearing this, the reporter confused, and their families, according to the snow I was talking about the snow and another girl to go to the toilet convenience,tiffany outlet, and snow was locked in a building, in which case even the gods downstairs also said than done.

Teacher & gt; & gt;

Unclear why the examiner was busy jumping

For snow Why jump, Lau was not very clear, I did not expect the teacher Wu also said that he is not clear. Wu said he was busy at work at the school,giubbotti woolrich, is also a teacher assistant principal day of the incident, school buildings have vocational skills exam, the examiner and Examination him busy things over there. That school leaders received telephone knew snow was hurt, he rushed to the scene and sent to another teacher's Liberation Army 208 Hospital of the snow, and the snow father notified by telephone. A 15-year-old girl there was an accident at school, do not nobody call the police? Lau bluntly said that this is not a criminal and security cases, will not be necessary ...... Wu said, adding that the police in the school at that time the school has passed.

Treatment & gt; & gt;

In the agricultural safety issue both sides argued the doctor

Snow accident, previously sent to the People's Liberation Army 208 Hospital, why and later was sent home Nong'an snow nearby hospital out? Snow family said, because the school said the snow "new rural cooperative", home treatment can be reimbursed part there, so you can be reimbursed part of the school here, in schools persuasion, County of snow before returning to farming. However, yesterday the school in terms of the interpretation of an entirely different matter. Wu said he also tried to retain the snow in Changchun treatment, but his father does not agree with the snow, bent back Nong'an children. Lau said that when she asked the children to stay in Changchun Wu treatment,abercrombie femme, and told Wu If your child must have an ambulance back to agricultural safety, but in the end the snow father found himself back handlebars Nong'an a child. June 29 afternoon, when snow was sent back to Changchun learned that family therapy, Wu said he was somewhat surprised start, but still drove and director of the school office, the students went to the chief of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, hospital settled snow.

Division Head Quarters & gt; & gt;

Keys should be in the hands of administrators

Yesterday, in the reporter's request, the school with a reporter went to the trouble of floors,,parajumpers, the floor prescribe anti-theft door. University officials said that if the students in class, the two channels will be locked security doors, light snow happened that day is to be locked in the floor, the reporter noted, the snow a short distance from the bathroom to the bedroom. University officials also said that the snow is to jump from his bedroom window, although the bedroom window railings, but the lower part of the railing there is a gap. "Snow fell on the second floor at the time when the jump equivalent position on top of a color-coated steel housing, residents across the floor to be found, then the school people to come out." A staff member told reporters.

The reporter asked around a dormitory division responsible person,giubbotti woolrich, usually two door keys who control it? The other said the key in their hands. That was how Kang students get in? Her hands are also key? In this regard, the head of the department,, said the hostel was not his own, is not clear.

Families & gt; & gt;

Schools should "borrow" 5000 yuan to snow

This thing after media reports, the school feel about snow reimbursement thing to walk the "new rural cooperative" is unlikely,air jordan, and in addition, the school is also concerned because the future school enrollment snow this thing will bring bad impact. Scruples, relative care given to snow, snow family feel a little weight, regardless.

Yesterday afternoon, the snow a relative on the phone with this reporter, said June 26 schools to come to the hospital sent 5000 yuan, saying it was the first snow of home loan, make the sign, snow family refused. Snow family believe that children do in school out fully responsible for the school. The schools send out 5000 yuan and to "borrow" the way home to the snow come forward to deal with this matter, it is chilling.

Finally, the family said,parajumpers jakke salg, yesterday, the school has been to the children at the hospital saved money for the families of the signature requirements for schools and other statements to be refused. (Reporter Wang Haitao report / photo)