Du Zhaoliang that two was "a trail

Human trafficking is a long-standing global crime, is the process of human civilization in a tumor. "Dream of Red Mansions" in the Xiang Ling, who have been the victims of traffickers is a trafficking. Because the temptation of money, desire expansion, human trafficking crimes to trafficking in women and children for the most. Especially in poor areas and mobile population centers, such long-term rampant crime. Last June, the Shanghai Xuhui police trafficking in women and children accidentally uncovered 15 cases of gang crime. Criminal process can be "crazy" to describe the word. Recently,chaussures tn pas cher, Xuhui District Court involving four accused Liu peaches, Kenny Wong, Chenkai Xiang and Du Zhaoliang first instance verdict, respectively.

Innocent girl looking for work for a pirate ship

Last June 12,http://www.tutengjiuzhou.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=164613&extra=, Fuyuan County, Yunnan, Liu peaches and Kenny Wong idly wandering in the streets. At this time, two girls sitting roadside attracted the attention of two men, pretending to care about Liu peaches ground before the inquiry. These two unsuspecting girl replied Looking for a job, just do not employers.

Hear to find a job, Liu peaches showed great "enthusiasm", volunteered that he had opportunities. Through further communication, they learned that two of only 14 years old little girl named Xiaoxiao, another cousin is Xiaoxiao leaflets, also only 15 years old. "How to go to the supermarket?" Kenny Wong deliberately lure.

See the front of this, although the two never met her brother, but very good, two girls immediately expressed their willingness to try, then followed one after came to a small supermarket. Kenny Wong went in for a few minutes, came out to say the boss is not going to sign a contract Qujing. The penniless already had two girls then stare, looking forward to two "kind" big brother can help one. At this time,giubbini moncler, Qujing aspect really called the phone,hogan, through the finish,hogan sito ufficiale, then Kenny Wong said the girl for two, the boss on the phone said, Shanghai's high wages, should they went to Shanghai to find work. In this way, two innocent girl with yellow, Liu two together on a train bound for Shanghai. They know where they encounter not "well-intentioned people,http://www.slyck.com/forums/index.php?item/create_form/1,woolrich prezzi," but numerous convictions of traffickers.

Overnight at the hotel the night police came to the door

Kenny Wong had misdeeds, he found guilty of affray, robbery, theft, etc. has been repeatedly sentenced. During probation, he still additional punishment before the crime has not yet finished, another new text in the body, still wanted by the police. That gave him a cell phone, it associates Chenkai Xiang, and have enjoyed Chenkai Xiang robbery, rape lawsuit eaten nine years. That day, Chen said on the phone at the station picked up "a silly woman," Liu peaches and Kenny Wong claimed that the road encountered two innocent girl. 3 people agreed rendezvous in Shanghai, and then find the next home of the three women sell. After appropriate consultation,http://kagome.fan-site.net, Kenny Wong contacted their long-term "business" partners - are in Jiangsu Suqian and inform "silly woman" exit price 6000 yuan, two girls exit price of not less than 25,000 yuan per person. Also known he did not tolls, require Du scored its first 1500 yuan savings card accounts.

After reaching Shanghai South Railway Station, who paid 6,000 yuan joints led away "a silly woman." Liu peaches busy contact other two girls next home. At this late, find a hotel to stay put Kenny Wong, also took their identity registered to open the room. Not long after the arrival,http://www.civilservicesaudionotes.com/index.php?option=com_users&view=registration&return=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5jaXZpbHNlcnZpY2VzYXVkaW9ub3Rlcy5jb20vaW5kZXgucGhw, three traffickers in sleep in the amount of money, doing two tours River dream girl, the police will get clues suddenly appeared in front of them, together with the police to come along with leaflets parents. Get rescued lobular sheepishly admitted that he was just as bad before exams runaways. Moreover, in order to facilitate finding a job,woolrich prezzi, but also shows his age reported big two, in fact, only 13 years old this year, leaflets, and Xiaoxiao was only 12 years old. Kenny Wong, Chenkai Xiang Liu peaches due to suspicion of trafficking in women and children have been arrested according to law, and soon, other co also been arrested.

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Kenny Wong, Liu peaches, Chenkai Xiang, Du Zhaoliang rightly indictment was filed. However, in the trial, one of defendant to defend himself when actually the trafficking of women said to be the person to help his wife, is in "good thing."

According to account, Suqian the village where he lives,spaccio woolrich,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, some families poor man, or because of a disability, widowhood, divorce, and other reasons, it is difficult to find a wife. However, as long as they are to the "introducer" to pay several thousand dollars first million referral fee, can always find a woman okay. Wife bought a woman has a special call, called "barbarians." In the village, he is such a hot "introducer" outsiders had introduced his hands endless "barbarians." Du Zhaoliang aged 50, the legs have a disability,http://wingdiscuss.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=114077, in order to open the disabled vehicle soliciting for a living. 2008, carrying passengers,woolrich sito ufficiale, met Liu peaches and Yunnan to Kenny Wong, conversation, Du Zhaoliang that two was "a trail," and could not help but burst of surprise. Would like to discuss the village there are a lot less than a bachelor wife, doing an "introducer", would not soliciting easy money than driving? So, three people hit it off with each other to leave their contact details, so, one contacts in Qujing, Yunnan and Jiangsu Suqian flow of trafficking in women and thus a chain link. Liu et al peach looks homeless women looking for some small town in Yunnan,spaccio moncler, the first to introduce the work or ask them to drink as bait, the control in the hands of the other side, and then bring these women from Yunnan to sell Suqian From 2000 yuan, 3000 yuan to two or three million, "according to quality." Succeed, and then three people share the money. Later, peach brother Chenkai Xiang Liu also involved into the gang.

A brother and even his sister also sell

Liu peaches once Chenkai Xiang married his sister, and brother-brother is arguably their own side. However, it appears in the trial had such a funny scene, one suddenly angrily accused Liu peaches: "! He took my wife to sell, I hate him."

During the original, Chenkai Xiang guilty of robbery since 2000 are still serving in Yunnan, Chen's wife Liu peaches will is his sister Carole sold to work in the name of Anhui, not only do the others wife, but also for others born. When Carole visits to bring such a bad message, Chenkai Xiang just can not believe my ears,http://simtechnologies.de, a brother of how even his own sister to sell? May 2009, out of the walls of Chenkai Xiang really gas, however, will be severely beating Liu peaches. But then when you engage in trafficking activities, both of them come together hand in glove.

More crazy than this, or that Liu peach! Liu peaches had put his wife to sell 28,000 yuan in Jiangsu. Later,http://directorblog.jp, no one to take care of two children, his wife Liu peaches bought back again. In order not to incur losses, followed by peaches Liu took his sister to sell.

As for the other defendants have story, 20 years ago, he was a bachelor discuss older than his wife. In 1991, in a way soliciting, Duzhao Liang met two foreigners, after that conversation,http://www.chris-music.fr/, the two hands of a woman looking for a Yunnan "husband." Du Zhaoliang as a purse, spent 1,000 yuan this name is called Jen woman bought it. The next 20 years, Du Zhaoliang and Jen children, cater to "introducer" to make a living. Absurd is that the court, four people, without exception, said he did not know was a crime, a wife thought someone else was doing a good thing.

Court held that, Kenny Wong, Liu peaches, Chenkai Xiang, Du Zhaoliang in 2008-2011 to introduce the work between the grounds, has repeatedly abducted 14 women and a child, constitute the crime of abduction of women and children, in accordance with Article 240 of the Criminal Code regulations, were sentenced to 14 years, 13 years,hogan outlet milano, 11 years, 8 years imprisonment and deprivation of political rights and fines.