Thing by the people

Reporter Li Yiming Wu Yunyan photography

Women's Republican women do not easily than we are now, large family accounting, finance, small choice of meat to go to markets, and consequently to learn. These are the recordings in the early Republican school for girls with "Family textbook" on. Yesterday, we saw the book in Shapingba preparatory education at the museum, according to this school textbooks down, essentially laying a "ladylike" basis when.

February 28, we reported that the Board of Education Museum preparatory education news Shapingba District, at present, they have to collect more than 500 textbooks of the Republic of China,, involving many aspects of language, physical health, sports,moncler uomo, and counting. The "Family textbook" shows women inside the Republican era thought that to be a good wife, not an easy task.

Now the idea is not put clothes on backward

This "family textbook" cover light blue, several flower blooming chrysanthemums and sunflowers, beautiful and warm. Clearly marked on the approval by the Ministry of Education, is the passage of a girls' school textbook.

"Family textbook" is divided into several chapters clothes,nike tn requin, food, daily hygiene, interpersonal, childbirth and postpartum feeding, parenting,nike tn requin, sports, moral and so on. In clothing, for example, is divided into the material of the clothes,peuterey uomo, the choice of clothes, the luxury and fashion, tailoring and patching, preservation methods.

Choose clothes to meet their professional identity

HONG Yun Preparatory Office of the Republic of China after a rough read these materials, tells us that teaching more skills-oriented Republican,, and revealed very simple concept, nor even out of date now.

For example,air max tn pas cher, the choice of clothes, "Where the staining patterns are appropriate to their age when. Everyone should be their career,, convenience and selection of materials, dyeing,, of course. But when combined with the appropriate identity you want to, but he intends to cheap lady Popular women's industry, academics and businessmen of clothing die, only to sell it to outsiders ridicule it. "

Choose clothes in colors, materials, which should be in line with their career and identity, such as the rich people go to the streets to imitate the popular people, scholarship wear clothes according to business people, will only ridiculed by others.

Dress does not have to chase luxury

When it comes to clothes, "use", "to where intimate relations with clothing, soft appropriate aptamers, dirty easy to see, and often have to wash ......" In addition to practicality, the textbook was also revealed that the simple view of people, luxury and fashion attitude is evident.

"The world for clothes, frequently forget their original purpose, tend to luxury, by the popular,, good to Ho Huan. Husband want to show off to the luxury of the self-concept of the crowd, after benefits to curiosity, frills heart into the sky,tn nike pas cher, beefing Germany,, health, economic and other matters necessary for regulating the family into the grid not in ...... "

Clothes for men, it gradually forget the original action and chase the luxury and fashion, but this is some vanity love to show off at work, and the economic, moral, health and other misfits.

Family financial management accounts, everything should be


Grocery shopping: what will distinguish fresh pork

"Get on the hall, but also under the kitchen." Jolly, which also must learn how to distinguish fresh pork. "Ordinary flesh, fat and shiny with its natural aroma of meat strong and elastic, to refer to the pressure of its juice not, the case for good."

Interpersonal skills: just the right sense of proportion for younger seniors

To manage the home, but also properly handle the many complicated human relations, interpersonal skills, manners are very important. "Family textbook" is not only women who specialize in teaching how and elders,, along the same generation and the younger generation, but also teach how to manage appease nanny at home, on the human contact, how should calibrate.

"The family of the elderly stubborn, headstrong of children, often with difficult things, add to the body of servants, and sometimes feel wronged wronged, when the sympathy of the good reward." In dealing with the problem of nanny, nanny as originally living not easy, with care for the elderly are more stubborn wayward children, should be considered more as a nanny to comfort them more lenient.

Money: In accordance with the accounting standards to teach

Manage the household economy,moncler outlet, learn financial management is one of the required courses. From the most basic daily bookkeeping, how to do more than the balance of payments, the book has detailed examples form, "are in accordance with the accounting standards of the books to teach, and accounts to be doing very fine, education fees, book fees, fees, temporary fee ...... "Interestingly, the book also specifically emphasized that the budget order in the family, living expenses, health costs ranked first, expense row last.

Why people want to rest? What are the dangers of smoking?

Republic of textbooks


Than we thought to be rich

"Republic of teaching materials, even richer than we thought." For example, why people need a break? What are the dangers of smoking? ...... Opened a "physical health", and "geography" "single parallel bars games and competitions," was from primary to higher school week will open two to three hours of gymnastics classes, general gymnastics are based in Germany, Sweden, etc. Gymnastics evolved. Shapingba Museum of Education Preparatory Department official said that although the collection to a lot of useful historical data,hogan olympia, objects, but also the distance from the museum.

Education is still collecting historical data

A sandy area within the jurisdiction of various schools by the National UNESCO recognition, such as medals, medals, certificates and photos in kind;

2 Early school,tn requin pas cher,, school, college, the school's campus buildings, campus scenery, running schools and teacher-student situation, all kinds of historical data, images, and related in kind;

3 Other educational activities have a significant impact in the history teachers and students to participate in social activities, information materials,nike air max pas cher, objects, etc;

4-known important achievements of teachers and students in each period,tn nike pas cher, deeds,spaccio peuterey, writings, as well as society at that time had a significant impact physical, photographs, national newspapers and other media coverage.

Where staining patterns are appropriate to their age when

Clothes for men, frequently forget their original purpose

On the living room, but also under the kitchen

Thing by the people, can not salute

"Girls' School Professor" Family textbook "indicating that the rise of women's status."

- Museum of the Preparatory Office of Shapingba education HONG Yun

(Original title: Chongqing is now the Republic of textbooks to teach the girls do "Goddess")