For the early morning of July 1 courageous event

July 1, 2014 morning, the Guangzhou Baiyun District, Xingtai convenience supermarkets before the international metal market.

Chen Junjiang gone off duty "colleagues laser" shop, see partner Luo instrument is knock off store. They intend chat supper together. About 00:40, Chen Junjiang cousin Shen Yong wave came, happily holding three bottles of beer "occupation."

Opened the first bottle of beer bottle opener moment in the vicinity heard "thief" of Christ.

"Thief ah, there is a thief!"

Shouts sounded in hardware over the market, Luo instrument see and "bass" to stand up. A shadow from behind them ran 10 meters away,louboutin femme, across a row of one meter high railings. Chen Junjiang suddenly recover the past, Shen Yong Bo, Luo instrument have to keep up.

After the original, a knife-wielding thugs robbed motorcycle driver hurt, was the victim Feng Zhiguang,, courageous catch here.

Luo instrument memories, suspects are not high, slim, Chen Junjiang useless ten seconds to catch the man, appeared to catch up, and together they jumped into the vegetable garden across the street.

Luo meter chase vegetable causeway, see Chen Junjiang one hand clutching the clothes thugs, behind Shen Yong waves. Luo Miriam rushed out late due to wear shoes, not easily jumped vegetable,basket nike pas cher, was about to go containment bypass, suddenly heard Chenjun Jiang exclaimed:. "I can not do, quick to help me pull out."

Luo instrument will tear around the vegetable garden of black cloth, saw three of them in the vegetable scuffle ditch. Chen Junjiang tightly holding the head of criminals, twist body has been fanned swinging in the range of 70 °, Shen Yong wave suspect is pressing his hands tightly. Luo instrument quickly rushed to help, but to see facial pain was distorted, then began driving Pupil first arrived, shouting: "CAUTION! There knife"

LUO Yi Chen Junjiang body groping in panic, did not touch the handle, dip a hand full of blood. "Help, ah, my brother die." Shen Yong wave cried out. Gradually came to the masses moved quickly to Chen Junjiang streetlights illuminated get somewhere, then he screamed.

2:33, Weixing Ling call 120 for help, rushed to the roadside hailed Luo instrument. A taxi roaring, due to carrying the customer did not stop. Then a fellow will own the car open, Chen Junjiang was hastily loaded onto trucks. By Luo instrument lights seen a sharp knife pierce Chen Junjiang heart.

3 km outside of the car toward the hospital people fled, LUO Yi Chen Junjiang afraid to sleep, constantly shouting: "!!! Ajiang forbear on the line there is hope, hold back, all right," Chen Junjiang but did not respond. Luo instrument would like to see him speak, but unable to speak, his lips moving softly, his face pale.

Around 3:00, to the former hospital emergency room. "He was wanted to talk, I advised him to cut it out." The doctor Chen Junjiang push the emergency room.

7:00 The next day,woolrich outlet,, the bad news came, Luo instrument brain thud:. "Impossible, he entered the emergency room, I still talk to him, ah," Luo instrument that is protected him and .


Baiyun District, voluntary contributions exceeded 100,000 yuan

Courageous and heroic sacrifice Chen Junjiang issue has triggered a strong reaction in Guangzhou.

At 16:30 on the 2nd, Baiyun district are Wo Street Party committee decided to street organs, enterprises and institutions of the area, the whole issue of Chen Junjiang families townsman donations initiative. As of press time, the amount of contributions exceeded one hundred thousand.

Baiyun District Politics and Law Committee, District Publicity Department, District Civilization Office has sent a message of sympathy to the families of Chen Junjiang gold. Are Wo Street Party Working Committee, the Office of Luogang Economic Association to Chen Junjiang families were involved in the hunt staff to send condolences to Kim.

Are Wo Street Party Working Committee, said Wang Lixin, they have to coordinate the district police station upwards to reflect the situation, for Chenjun Jiang and other participants to apply for the honorary title of courageous and rewards related reports have been submitted. At the same time,, the higher authorities Chenjun Jiang's family, according to the policy for the family to give appropriate relief support. "For the aftermath of the victims, and we make every effort to appease, rescue work, only one goal: determined not to allow bloodshed and tears hero."

Dabu condolences to the families of Chen Junjiang

Yesterday afternoon, Dabu light German town party secretary Liu Chang yuan to 2000 yuan Chen Junjiang family sent condolences to King, he said, would make every effort to help local families Chen Junjiang solve practical problems.

Dabu county government on behalf of the person in charge of Civil Affairs, sent condolences to 20,000 yuan. Council official, Meizhou ten practical livelihood in this year's "mental illness caring rescue" a patient admitted to the poor free of severe mental illness. As the father of Chen Junjiang up to standard, will provide free admission and treatment. In addition, for the family Chen Junjiang five guarantees relief when the low households, so the scope of relief, the amount of money has more benefits, especially medical assistance.

Heroics lead hot friends

Yesterday morning, Chen Junjiang courageous deeds widely reported by the media,, immediately caused a hot Internet users. Many netizens have spontaneously lit incense in microblogging and related comments in silence for young heroes. As of press time before reporters, Baidu, "Chen Junjiang 'Relevant pages over 16,000, Tencent, Sina Weibo read over 600,000 times, over 5000 related comments.

UserUS tornado thumbs up: "Tribute to pay tribute to the child justice!!" In praise Chen Junjiang while defying courageous gangsters, friends @ Daniel Giant made a few "sad face" for this 18-year-old Life sorry;susu the blessing "heroic goodness boy all the way!" Most of the users have sent more than three users with similar comments.

Some Internet users believe that, although sometimes courageous will pay a high price, but compared to this, people respond more chilling indifference, courageous and more need to be promoted.

They teamed gets her relay criminals

July 1 morning, people LUO Yi, Shen Yong Bo, Weixing Ling, who also participated in the Qinzei. They come from all corners of the country, both locals, there are outsiders, relay together, the suspects are brought to justice.

Weixing Ling

"There is a thief Well, you catch the thief."

Knife criminals from recently when only half a meter, while waving at him stab a knife while shouting: "! What's your name is called, do not call" Fortunately,woolrich outlet, back and Yang Weixing Ling hide the past. Watching the criminals fled back, Weixing Ling had become firm commitment hesitation: "! Be sure to catch him, had a knife in his hand."

When criminals robbery, car happened to pass by Weixing Ling heard cries for help, immediately approached courageous, to protect the scene, recorded statement, visit the injured - the whole day for that matter, he did not sleep a wink all night.

to leave, let him have a sense of remorse. The next day, a lot of reporters to interview Weixing Ling, he just repeated that,hogan online, I just do the little things,woolrich parka, nothing to say. He and immediately went to see the motorcycle driver was robbed Feng Zhiguang, comfort Feng Zhiguang said,, do not think too much, first recuperate.

For the early morning of July 1 courageous event, his logic is very simple, there are thieves Well, you catch the thief.

Luo instrument

"In the future will be courageous, but be careful."

Luo instrument stand out from the supper go, did not spare some time to wear slippers, naturally, refused to be afraid. He said to go out to hear from between Chen Junjiang death, his mind is a blank.

This is a young man who just turned 18 years old, he also showed Pupil process is not commensurate with the age of the brave - without hesitation, regardless of safety. Although there are scared afterwards, but it was no time to think.

Luo instrument Qinzei just remember when the suspect himself severely crimping arm, a move not daring to move, until more and more people come around, he found himself the effort has been exhausted, said, "I did not force it, you quickly come. " Attend breath, he went to rescue Chen Junjiang raise.

Biro instrument year older brother Luo like instrument from each other and learned a number of advantages:. "A river is very warm, very serious work, and his very low-key, is a very easy-going person," his most admired Ah Jiang can help the boss to accounts receivable, which won the trust of the boss said Minge river must be very good character can.

Weekdays, he and Chen Junjiang discuss not only the work of business, or a rare fellow chess player chess. "A river will often find me at chess, that is to revenge, because he rarely beat me."

But he never got a chance and his partner of chess.

He said that after the encounter the still courageous, but not on a whim, but to proceed with caution.

Shen Yong wave

"Our family has always been very generous attempts person"

1 am Weizhui process, Shen Yong Chen Junjiang cousin is the second wave of criminals who grasp.

Shen Yong wave is like something for a person. The summer of 2007,moncler uomo, he and his classmates near Baiyun Avenue Yongtai village ran into a case Bun event, he and his classmates go after flying robbers chase Guangdong University of Foreign door. The robbers associates arrived, Shen Yong-wave duo beaten, but fortunately did not play heavy. "Anyway, I encountered such a thing will certainly be rushed. Our family has always been very generous attempts of people, I grew up under the influence."

His frugality rely on their own hard work

Become the boss leather processing shop

Life Records

His frugality rely on their own hard work

Become the boss leather processing shop

Chen Junjiang DAPU born in 1995, 18-year-old. July 2, reporters visit to ground zero and Chenjun Jiang's hometown, interviewed his friends, relatives, teachers, restore the young hero experience.

Thrifty survive but helpful

After the 2012 Spring Festival, at instigation cousin Shen Yong wave, Hakka juvenile Chenjun Jiang came to Guangzhou, settled in urban high qixinggang Baiyun District Wo Street industrial area, poor surroundings, slightly boring life.

This is a gathering area known for leather processing. Five years ago, Shen Yong waves his "middle leather processing shop" from Yongtai relocating. After a firm foothold, he started by young people come out of home "into the world."

"Last night, all night, and now I regret it good to take him out." A tired wave Shen Yong could not help but cry. "I have two considerations, one person really need to do my helper, two are also trying to help him in his home simply to earn money, but also failed to learn the skills, when he went to go marry a wife?"

A cousin of the river did not live up to expectations. Only two years, he became the master of the shop.

"We line dry, must be proficient familiar with the design, proofing, to discuss customers, manufacturing, etc. in order to make every aspect of the master. He is smart, studious, but also suffer from the most simple material to start cleaning work, learning by doing, will soon be able to work independently. This year I basically regardless of the store, by his care. "

Two years ago,, Chen Junjiang identity is apprentice wages are not high. Late last year, Shen Yong wave gave him a raise. "4600 yuan monthly salary, but he kept a little money, some students often borrow money to him, he was almost responsive. He told me that the students have difficulty, will repay. Etc. scrounge up ten thousand After shouting to her grandmother. "

Workers Kwok Shing said: "My family built a house bad money, I find he borrowed 5000, he did not hesitate a little food and clothing, he was very simple terms, the best clothes also about a hundred blocks."

Uncle Shen Tong Fuk Industrial Zone opened a small supermarket, next evening after his uncle often help sellers cashier. "He took a bottle of water, a box of cigarettes would say to me, and shown paying me. A lot of the park where the river had dealings with people, all people praised his work."

Luo from Hunan Zhuzhou instrument and Chen Junjiang age, like-minded, though not work together, but did not prevent them from becoming friends talk about anything. 1 morning, Luo and Chen Junjiang instrument together toward a gangster. "Others are really good, I sometimes work late,peuterey donna, he would buy a bowl of noodles in advance brought over for me to eat."

A river also confided to Luo instrument views on love. "I said so many industrial zone girl, how can you not find one? He said now is not the time, the most critical is saving money to take care of their loved ones."

He also disclosed that the Kwok Shing life dream is to become like a cousin like a boss. . "If there is a capital investment, my cousin has been fully equipped with the ability to live on their own boss," Shen Yong Bo said: "I can not figure out is why my brother lost his life this way?"

Childhood of poverty but Gratitude

Chenjun Jiang was born in Meizhou Dabu Village Shen Fu-Tak town house, which is a village 50 kilometers away from the county. In his twenty-three years old, his parents divorced,outlet moncler, his father deteriorating mental state, was eventually diagnosed with schizophrenia. Since then, he has been working with grandma, two grandparents and grandchildren feeling particularly good.

Two years old when he left hand into a pot full of boiling porridge. Backward rural medical conditions, family looked anxious, and worried scars,, the scar on drugs. The results of wound healing, and he could not straighten his left hand fingers, like bending deformation of the same old roots.

This burns affect Chen Junjiang many years, he had a disabled card, four physical disabilities. Because of poverty, did not go to effective treatment. Uncle Shen nephew of distress seen before the election even inferiority, around the age of ten, the village teenagers everywhere else play, Chen Junjiang rarely go out to play, but did not dare to go home to play with a small partner, always stay at home with Grandma and Dad . Uncles, my aunt saw a very sad, Uncle promised him:. "Do not feel inferior, no matter how poor we are,hollister france, but also will help you to chip in to cure."

Ten years of living in the home, uncles conditional out a two hundred yuan a month, Chen Junjiang grew up reading these thanks. He almost did not pass through the new clothes, church buddies all picked through old clothes, Spring Festival is his happiest time, because this time you can only get a new coat every year.

Shen surname is the most common surname in the village, the villagers were more related to him. 300 meters away from the outer Shen Ping Dabu home fifth school, spent three years at this time. Tong Kim Bo Chenrui this security guard, and once ran the town's unemployed youth school trouble, Shen Chen Junjiang comfort grizzled Ruijin "Do not worry", and rushed to helping the people out of the school.

If less, filial piety, juvenile Chen Junjiang to family members left the deepest impression. In the eyes of outsiders, he still has a lively teenager. two years younger than the same village, the two grew up together, is the authentic "made small." In his view, Chen Junjiang was small, courageous, have to play. Naughty teenager,basket nike tn requin, there is a small group of partners to the homes of villagers glass broke,, people are afraid to say anything, except Chen Junjiang stand out.

The village Huanglin Feng's father liked honest Chen Junjiang. Poor kids think life experience, before 2010, the annual Spring Festival, he will pack a 10 yuan a red envelope to still in school. After Chen Junjiang own money, New Year's back to the village, have to sit on a yellow house,woolrich uomo, still reading the to pack a 20 yuan a red envelope.

From the first to the third, Liu has been up to the teacher's class teacher Chen Junjiang. In his impression, Chen Junjiang significantly more sensible than their peers, behaved. Students usually appear contradictory, Chen Junjiang will take the initiative to stand up when the "peacemaker", but he has little to stir up trouble.

Chen Junjiang and grandmother deepest feelings. Once saw relatives drink goat's milk, think of my grandmother in poor health, he took out 300 yuan to buy a goat's grandmother, after drinking because my grandmother was not accustomed to give up. After a day of work, elderly grandmother bought a cell phone, every twenty-three days every call.

Now Chen Junjiang courageous things have been spread in the town, relatives and friends are still telling 87-year-old. Grandma was curious to ask: "Why do people caused so much at home today?" Mentally ill father reclined in a chair, cough from time to time, giggle, even if someone came to visit from time to time, and I do not know what happened.

Written: Nanfang Daily reporter Michael Chen Chen Xuebin Zhang Jing Chen Xiaowei good intern Huang Qun Pan An Shengfu correspondent Peng Qiu Canadean Photography: Xiao Xiong

Planning Coordinator: Mei Zhiqing Hunian Fei Tan Yifang

(Original title: The knife stabbed, he still clung to the robbers)