Own mowing.

WCC: at 1:40 on August 3, Deyang, Guanghan Urban West entrance of a snack shop, several patrons are dining, a young woman went into a trance store, picked up a kitchen knife rack dish board On his neck, the people around yelling: "Some people want me killed." Police scene after nearly eight hours of turns persuasion, 9:29 am, police uniforms before the woman. Police are currently investigating the woman.

At 1:40 on August 3, a young woman in Deyang, Guanghan trance walking street,http://www.zhuzhou.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, not long before she went into Simon's Town is located in Guanghan, a snack shop.

"Boss, to borrow your phone, help me to a police report." Said the woman, suddenly picked up the snack shop behind the counter of a kitchen knife, mounted on the neck,http://www.sgjy169.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, to the people around growled loudly: "Some people want I killed some of you go away, go away those who would dare to come ...... I will commit suicide. "After the police arrived,http://www.jiese.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=136762&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=8084722, after nearly eight hours of persuasion,hogan prezzi, finally subdued the woman with a knife, the woman with a knife rack unexplained neck . Currently,woolrich outlet, Guanghan police are doing further investigation of the woman.

Night broke into the shop

Woman holding a kitchen knife rack in the neck

"About 1:40, the store has two or three people to late night, I was cut Lucai." Yesterday, the snack shop owner Chen told reporters that occur in the shop of a young woman with a knife rack in the neck After, "when she asked me to take the phone and said to the police."

Then the shop door, two policemen were staring at the woman. "1:35,http://bbs.90squan.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=898266&fromuid=10355, the players returned to the vigil,piumini moncler, saying there is a woman feeling a little delirious to go on the road on the west entrance." Guanghan City Public Security Bureau police station west said he immediately and another Police went to look, "when the shop went to supper, the woman suddenly picked up a kitchen knife dish plate, stand on the neck." Ding Zhentao phone call reinforcements immediately.

"She is very alert, do not let people close." Journeyman snack shop, "said she mouthful of that nonsense, saying that it was going to explode and that was going to explode."

Nearly eight hours to persuade

Still reluctant to put down the knife

Police at the scene continue to persuade the woman with a knife, "We are the police, there is nothing to talk about with us." "Do not come over, you want to harm me." The woman shouted.

Seeing snack shop owner Chen, also joined the ranks of persuasion, "Sis, where are you, you are hungry, eat wisdom I give you to do, you do not send you home, outside the car." "I do not sitting on a police car, they should pay attention to me. "" take my van. "He is pressing,http://www.pastem.jp, patience.

"I do not go out, go out to explode, they want me killed." Right-hand woman Cook knife on the neck, left hand on the table to pick up paper towels wiping her tears, "I'm not going anywhere, Siyeyaosi here . "until 9:30 am,hogan scarpe, the time has passed for nearly eight hours, persuasion continues.

"At the right side of the neck knife holder has a lot of red marks." Zhang Jiaxiu said,http://www.yyhospital.com:90/discuz/upload/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1299524.

Speak distracting

Police rushed to the adventure won the knife

8:00 yesterday morning, along with reinforcements Guanghan City Public Security Bureau police patrol special police brigade, onlookers increase the woman's emotions excited, from time to time to take a kitchen knife on the table hacking.

"I have two meters away from her, female police in front of me,giubbotti moncler, across a distance of one meter and her negotiation." Police said the department,woolrich outlet, he has been staring at the woman, she was ready to seize the knife watching. At 9:29,moncler sito ufficiale, on the woman looked to one side and police clearance to speak to the department rushed to the woman in the hands of the knife away,http://mm.jugogo.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1713161, "she grabbed a knife in hand, she bursts from great strength, straining waving knife, fortunately successfully grabbed the knife. "

Subsequently, the woman was taken to the west of the city of Guanghan City Public Security Bureau police station for further investigation.

Dialogue party

To protect yourself

Yesterday afternoon, in the west of the city police station, the reporter saw the police are doing the investigation with the Guanghan woman.

Reporter: Do you how the neck? Woman: The mark knife. Reporter: Who mowing? Women: Own mowing. (Lazy said, yawning.)

Reporter: Why did you want to cut it? Woman: Someone kill me last night, I was protecting myself.

Reporter: Who is going to kill you,giubbotti moncler? Women: do not remember. Reporter: Why did you kill How about you,hogan sito ufficiale? Women: Xiao not,spaccio woolrich. (Yawns.)

WCC reporter Zeng Lin Rui Tang Jinlong photo coverage

Reporter's notes

Nearly eight hours continuously persuade the knife just to let her down

Delirious mouthful of nonsense young woman picked up a kitchen knife rack snack shop on the neck,tn requin pas cher, facing the people around, some people have claimed that she killed.

Police seized a knife in the hair to rescue eight hours, there are snack shop owner kindly persuasion, police-meaning, they have only one goal,http://www.nmt.ne.jp/~yukya/cgi-memo/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=40/, to make the woman stand down on his neck knife.

I think that if the storm should be the name of a knife can instantly subdued woman, but does not guarantee that in the process she does not hurt herself.

Eight hours,moncler milano, do everything you can think of ways that do all I can say good things, not only for the women to make their actions harm. Fortunately, in the end, the efforts of the crowd, the knife-wielding woman from the brink of pulling back.