GUO Lian Shan frowned distressed

Asian Heart Network (Reporter Xia Li Juan) small smelly treasure saved! August 24, party secretary of Xinjiang Hami GUO Lian Shan came to Hamilton General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Region, Urumqi Branch visit smelly treasure, and asked the regional health authorities and civil affairs departments to raise the $ 200,peuterey sito ufficiale,000 cost of treatment. "Whether you come from, in Hami Hami is to contribute to the work of the local government is relying on you, you will surely be in charge!" GUO Lian Shan's father said Wang Bao Steel smelly.

An endless stream of donations

August 4, less than two years old son Wang steel smelly treasure accidentally fall into the heat of the ashes, the body 54% of the area of severe burns, amputations of hands and feet in urgent need of serious injury so that a person in despair ("less than two year old son Zaijin ash heap "). With a number of media reports,peuterey uomo, smelly treasure suffered by the people's attention, two weeks ago, the community was small smelly treasure raised to 540 000 Yuyuan Shan section, including the financing of the health sector and the civil affairs department $ 200,000, local enterprises Unit 12 million yuan donation, enthusiastic public donations of $ 22 million.

August 25, Urumqi General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Region, Burns and Plastic Surgery expert consultation for the children rushed to Hamilton. On the 26th, a small smelly treasure will arrive by plane in Urumqi, Lanzhou Military Region, Urumqi General Hospital comprehensive treatment.

Wang steel from Mianyang, near the northern suburb of the road is now Hami City, a worker Xinhua Float Glass Co.,louboutin,, Ltd., the son smelly treasure is the home of her second child.

August 4, smelly treasure and 4-year-old sister at a distance of less than 50 meters doorstep place to play, accidentally fell into the embers of a high temperature,giubbotti woolrich, the body 54% of the area of severe burns, limbs are deformed, require amputation to save their lives.

"Be sure to save!" Despite serious injuries and the high cost of treatment so that a person stay away, can not give up Wang steel.

When a person is faced with an impasse, Hami many local media carried a report on the matter, to the hospital to visit smelly treasure, anonymous donations of people are doing.

The newspaper reported, only one day,nike tn, a total of 53 enthusiastic readers reached the hotline, have expressed smelly treasure to give donations.

Enthusiastic contributions from the community is completely unexpected steel Wang,moncler donna, he remembered, a bespectacled old retired teacher to accompany him to tears, "taking care of babies, but also take care of yourself!" A subsistence afar Sister households from personal pocket and pulled out a sweat soaked 40 dollars, "the family was poor,,nike tn, the children wanted to do something that is the mind."

From school children to the white-haired old man on crutches, donations from 6 yuan to 5,000 yuan, which most people do not even want to leave your name,, you can smell the pure female Cao Bao's mother was in the book carefully write down every donation, "This is a smelly treasure everyone's mind, but also a gift to the smelly treasure."

Party secretary of distressed children frown

In addition to contributions from the community, the smelly treasure encounter Hami region has also been concerned about the leadership of Party committees and governments. 24 pm, party secretary GUO Lian Shan Hamilton led the prefectural administrative office related to leadership came to Hamilton General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Region, Urumqi Branch visited smelly treasure being treated.

Wang told reporters by telephone steel, smelly treasure on the bed as if it knew it was good-hearted people to help themselves, a rare stop crying, waving gently charred hands always greet people, "but also mischievous wink. "

Hamilton Radio and Television News reporter Li Wenlong introduced then. See smelly treasure burns limbs, especially the bones of the toes are exposed out, GUO Lian Shan frowned distressed, "must be the full treatment,abercrombie outlet milano, do not afford the cost of treatment have thought!"

When he learned that Wang steel work from home in Sichuan to Xinjiang has been for nine years, GUO Lian Shan relieved and said:. "No matter where you come from, is to work in Hami Hami contribute to the local government must be responsible for you."

Subsequently,, GUO Lian Shan asked Hami area health departments and civil affairs departments,abercrombie outlet italia, raise treatment costs $ 200,000.

GUO Lian Shan Hospital hope to get in touch with the General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Region, Urumqi. "Find the best experts to develop the best solution, the maximum extent possible to reduce the child's pain, limb salvage social,spaccio moncler, family, the hospital should be responsible for this little life." GUO Lian Shan said, since the limited capacity of the child's parents, treatment The money can not completely rely on community donations, "things happen in Hamilton, we will go all out, donations can be used for children in the future social rehabilitation,, treatment by the government out of money."

Upon leaving, GUO Lian Shan also specifically asked the medical staff, in addition to treatment, but also a lot of care and consideration from the psychological aspects, "Even children with disabilities in the future, and still no shortage of care."

The same day, all leaders live donation 5200 yuan.

Expert: try to retain the limb

Let Wang steel but did not think that, on August 25 morning,, Urumqi General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Region, Burns and Plastic Surgery and director of the hospital's anesthesia Yexiang Bo experts rush past.

"President Qiong and political commissar Li Yongjun heard the news, night organized team of experts ready to carry out surgery in Hami local." that all staff take the first group of aircraft rushed to Hamilton, immediately conducted a consultation smelly treasure.

"Systemic large area deep burn." Yexiang Bo said that the most serious place has even till the bones, toes, hands and feet have been necrosis, amputation is inevitable, but how much of the problem, "We will do everything possible for the children to retain some of the limbs. "

According to reports, with respect to the amputation, the child is currently a large area of the body is the most dangerous factor in the wound, the wound should be sealed as soon as possible, "the child is now ready to have a life-threatening event of purulent infection, high fever, convulsions, life will be great threat. "Because of the sterile environment and still lacking branch of monitoring facilities for the children,," If hastily surgery,giubbino moncler, the child may not be under the operating table. " said that after repeated studies, they decided to go to Urumqi, Xinjiang children City General Hospital for better and more comprehensive treatment.

Smelly treasure for treatment 26 to Urumqi

Today, the relevant departments have been booked for a foul treasure tickets early on the 26th, 12 am is expected to arrive at the hospital.

According to Hamilton General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Region, Urumqi Branch Office Director Chen Ying introduced, as at 14:00 on August 25, by the regional Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Health to raise 20 million yuan of special funds have been credited into account. In addition,air max 95 pas cher, the municipal government under Hamid call, 12 million yuan donation 12 enterprises and institutions also reached the hospital, set up a special account for the treatment of smelly treasure.

"After the child referral, we'll treat the cost of 32 million dollars go to General Hospital." Chen Ying said.

In addition to the hospital for treatment have been into account the cost,, as of August 25, 19 am, Wang steel sectors had received donations of $ 22 million.

According to the Radio and Television News reporter Li Wenlong Hamilton introduced, Wang Steel has put all donations were handed over by the media and the community of caring people "organized charity monitoring group" by the group to supervise and transparent public money is going to ensure that every penny flowers children.

"Do not be a guilty conscience." Wang Gang said, and now he just left a 1 million yuan, mainly for spending time in Urumqi, Xinjiang's Chaperone.