Faced with wave and wave to the media interview

Su Liu Yi Taian near the train station in the home, once again quiet.

Faced with wave and wave to the media interview,http://www.ko-mens.tv/news/search.cgi, Liu Xinxin mother again chose "disappear";

At the same time,peuterey outlet milano, another group of people have begun to look for a person Su Liu Yi;

With different media, they also want to find the Liu Xinxin;

Liu Xinxin they want to know is the way to educate their children,moncler online italia, how she let an ordinary child become a "child prodigy."

But no matter who are empty-handed ...... Morning News reporter Sun Rui

Events -

Faced reporter Liu Yi Su select "disappeared"

July 13 morning, the reporter again went into the army for nearby residents Tai'an City railway station building, corridor unusually quiet. Liu Yi Su stood doorstep, despite how knocking home nobody has promised.

Almost overnight, Su Liu Yi became the focus of everyone's attention. Reporters learned that, as early as the time to take the exam, there will be a lot of media waiting outside the examination room interview, Su Liu Yi. However, in order not to affect the state exam Su Liu Yi, Liu Xinxin mother called his two sisters to help cope with the brightest reporters. And go home to escape the media interview,https://gair.media.gunma-u.ac.jp, Liu Xinxin even with Su Liu Yi moved in with relatives.

Before, the reporter interviewed Bowen High School, Su Liu Yi teacher once told a reporter, so far from the entrance,woolrich parka prezzo, Liu Xinxin had only received a small number of reporters in an interview, "simply received during the entrance interview entrance test sites, then there are going to participate in Jinan Admission Counseling will, when subjected to a lot of media attention. There are many foreign media after inviting them to do interviews,moncler boutique paris, have been rejected. "

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Parents came around learning educational experience

Xinxiang, Henan Dong Yan also do everything possible to find a person with Liu Yi Su, but her goal more inclined Liu Xinxin.

July 13 at noon, at the time of leaving the area occupied by the Soviet Union Liu Yi,tiffany bracciale cuore prezzo, the reporter met drove from Dong Yan. "I did not mean anything, I just want to talk Su Liu Yi's mother,http://koko360.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=551784, and see how she is the child's education." Dong Yan told reporters that she is a one-year-old mother, from the media that Su Liu Yi After the upbringing of the child's education Liu Xinxin very interested in the way, I want to take point by Liu Xinxin. Dong Yan counterparts, as well as from Shulan Zhou Weifang.

Shulan Zhou told reporters that she was in line with the understanding Dong Yan, Su Liu Yi is the cause, "after seeing the overwhelming reports about Su Liu Yi, the mother of us all particularly want to see Liu Xinxin."

However,piumini moncler outlet online, with many of the media to come to the same, two young mothers also empty-handed. "In fact, this result we expected, you can imagine, this time Liu Yi Su certainly a lot of pressure, but we hope that after a period of time, Liu Xinxin proactively communicate with us about the child's educational experience, not necessarily face to face or through telephone and Internet. "Dong Yan said.

Reporter Interview -

"Prodigy" father children do not want to be disturbed

"Children can come this far, is very lucky,woolrich parka bambino, now I only hope Liu Yi Su can go further." Liu Xinxin, said she and her father Liu Yi Su qualifications are not high enough for the next step Su Liu Yi Education, as the children and what kind of education, they do not know,outlet piumini donna, can only be carried out again and again to take the plunge. Even including the selection of South University of Technology, is an adventure.

July 13, the reporter was removed in touch Su Su Dehua Liu Yi's father, phone, Su Dehua very polite, "Thank you very much social concern for the children,hogan scarpe outlet,http://www3.kcn.ne.jp/~azrite/cgi-bin/fantasy2/fantasy.cgi, but now we want to let the children stay quiet for some time."

According introduced in universities, Su Liu Yi had two choices, one is Shandong University, one of the South University of Technology.

On balance,http://www.vm-net.ne.jp,hogan outlet online, the family chose the South University of Technology, with respect to the century elite, there are still many unknown factors to build the University of the South technology, but flexible teaching mechanisms South University of Technology, as well as educational philosophy ZQ principal, so that their families feel there is more for 10-year-old Liu Yi Su.

However, due to the current enrollment program South University of Technology has not completely approval by the Ministry of Education, Su Liu Yi temporarily can not go to college, but said they would wait.

Su Dehua told reporters Su Liu Yi at rest,woolrich baby, while the university has begun to learn some of the courses, "When the time is ripe, as determined to be admitted South University of Technology, we will re-interview."

Education Specialist -

Let the "prodigy" return to normalcy

With Su Liu Yi's "disappearance" of social concern whether his cool, is still unknown.

However,http://polishmatch.co.uk/inc/exe/forum//index.php?&action=vthread&forum=6&topic=260330, it is not always a way to hide,http://mbng.hantasy.com, Su Liu Yi's experience in a 10-year-old child to tell people can go to college, but also shows that people on the "child prodigy" a complex.

For the name of Liu Yi Su 10-year-old high candidates, experts Liaocheng University School of Education Science expressed the hope that the community should not focus too much on Su Liu Yi, which is not conducive to his growth, and now, Su Liu Yi should be more to go integrate into the community, integrated into the lives of their peers.

In an interview a few days in a row, the experts told reporters that, to the "child prodigy" who a relaxed space for development,moncler shop online,http://bbs.qulqu.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=23297&fromuid=6282, respect for their own interests and hobbies, the right to choose to return to their own children, is to make "child prodigy" not mediocre key. 10-year-old Liu Yi Su, 20-year-old talent to learn to learn, not to adapt. "Prodigy" is a non-normal state, but certain aspects of his ability to be highly developed in advance of it, people still should be used to look at Su Liu Yi unbiased, but the degree of attention, not exceptional admission, perhaps Su Liu Yi maximum protection.