while Lee is due to the students for the exam

Various colleges and universities these days is the final exam time,outlet bologna woolrich orari, "cheating" has become a hot topic. The day before yesterday evening,http://bowin-radio.com/board8.7/read.php?tid=492844&ds=1,peuterey bari,http://wdzl.net/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=28351, Chengdu University of Technology in the campus posters bar posted a notice on the 13 in the previous English Test, the daily discipline of students passing the exam cheating has been on probation for a year or demerits punishment. It is the school for Kaofengkaoji far the most severe violations handled once.

Chengdu Business Daily reporter noted that the 13 students being treated mostly in the previous CET exam cheating. Schools in the announcement released only student name, student number,http://bbs.ithome.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,woolrich italia sito ufficiale, and even set out everyone's violations.

Song Lee on behalf of the students find three English exam exam,peuterey jacket,http://ohh.sisos.co.jp/cgi-bin/openhh/jsearch.cgi, but by year's probation sanction, while Lee is due to the students for the exam,http://www.sanjiay.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=293686&fromuid=26574,prezzi giubbotti moncler, a serious violation of the examination shall also be punished by a year of probation sanction. In addition, there are several students is the use of mobile phones in the exam to pass the answers, or entrained material into the examination room,hogan basse uomo,http://www.42ka.com/thread-213130-1-1.html, and even use the toilet in time flipbook such acts are punishable by one year probation and demerits punishment respectively.

Students reaction site to see the announcement was "very impressive." "Fortunately,mocassini hogan, I did not." One boy said,http://forum.eatingistheway.com/profile/dsf4v6dfd,woolrich giubbotti invernali, I used to think cheating is normal,collana con cuore tiffany, "It now appears that this school is the real thing."

Chengdu University Office of Academic Affairs, the official said,peuterey firenze, posting the announcement is to serve as a deterrent to serious wind rectify school exam. The purpose is to enable students to seriously study and goof can clear distinction, in order to enhance the quality of education Forced,woolrich travel jacket, but also to the teacher teaching a reliable indicator. The school will also strengthen the integrity through education,http://www.coolxap.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,hogan scontatissime, serious examiner discipline, reform of some subjects, such as examinations, improve teaching quality.

Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporter Wang Ling