and its series of professional maintenance.

(Reporter Jinchuan Wen / Chart) in July this year, "Xiamen University microblogging Association,prezzo hogan," said Ha general offer climbing lessons, teaching students to learn "how to safely climb any tree, and even move freely in the trees above the flexible shuttle between "friends called" the latest odd lesson ", this one time become a public hot topic.

Yesterday, reporters from the Department of Physical Education, Xiamen University, learned as a public foundation courses of climbing lesson has been officially opened in the new semester, this course of study called "tree climbing sports lesson." Currently,peuterey vendita online, the "tree climbing class movement" theory of teaching was the day before the official start of lectures. And this "latest odd climbing lesson" Students are really welcome by Ha, a total of 60 students selected to succeed in this course. Is expected in a few weeks, "tree climbing sport class" students will enter into a long-awaited outdoor practice stage.

"Tree climbing class movement" is the basic course

July 21 this year, Xiamen University associate professor in the Department of Physical Education microblogging wrote: "Xiamen University President Zhu returned from the United States, that American universities have set up climbing lessons, requires the Department of Physical Education and assets at the mountain to look for some trees, climbing courses open to students as soon as possible. "Xiamen ready to open climbing news of course, has become one of the hottest July in Xiamen topic this year,chaussures air jordan pas cher, has attracted wide attention.

In September this year,, Xiamen University students began in the Senate elective system. Climbing lesson in the new semester into a reality, just climbing lesson lesson called "tree climbing sports lesson."

Reporters saw movement from the tree climbing enrollment statistics released Ha college students, sports lessons as tree climbing Xiamen public basic courses in the first semester four weeks - the first 17 weeks teaching, every Wednesday and Thursday classes,peuterey altopascio, opened a total of four classes, a total of 15 students in each class, the theory taught in classrooms stage school faculties.

When the instructor has been climbing lessons on studying abroad

Department of Physical Education, Xiamen University,giubbotti peuterey uomo prezzi, stakeholders told reporters, sports lessons as tree climbing instructor will will have a very professional tree climbing teaching. Xiamen University Department of Physical Education instructor as early as during the study of the Russian State University of Physical Education and Tourism, on the special studied sport climbing and climbing on behalf of overseas students participated in the competition, this will be personally taught. Meanwhile, the other three teachers are proficient teachers to teach outdoor survival skills, are very experienced and senior.

Yesterday, reporter learned from the multi Xiamen large tree climbing lesson movement has entered into the stage of theoretical study,scarpe hogan uomo prezzi, expected after a few weeks, will begin teaching outdoors after school Xiamen Hill and Simon both.

According to the Xiamen University students revealed in yesterday's theory,, the instructor mainly on the origin, development,, purpose and significance of climbing, but also the popularity of climbing safety equipment and use the theory and method of presentation sport climbing,, security matters introduction.

Climb the giant trees for fun Xiuman get a qualified sports credits

Xiamen University Department of Physical Education tree climbing sports instructor introduced the practice of teaching in the choice of trees, mainly in the 10 meters to 15 meters, mainly trees,moncler outlet italia, tree diameter to reach 10 cm above the crown 5 meters to 8 meters, the age is generally 10 years. Previously, Xiamen University Department of Physical Education has been looking into the trees suitable teaching, and its series of professional maintenance.

"Practical Teaching mainly climbing training, learn to install climbing system, three-point climb trees, branches walking among the trees dominated shuttle will allow students to appreciate the outdoor sports thrills to climb the giant trees as music, students get close to nature, love the concept of the environment ",cappotti woolrich,, Xiamen tree climbing sports instructor, said.

Of course,, since it is a lesson, but also naturally exam. It is understood that this course of examinations is mainly assessed in different proportions according to multiple perspectives, such as security-related aspects of the trees, climbing safety, escape skills in the game summary and ability to use, according to the teachers to give students' performance scores, 10% of the total score; 5% speed climbing and other aspects of the total score, the student's physical fitness test, the total score; assessment of various aspects of climbing methods, equipment, and so the use of 5% of the total score 60%. According to these aspects of the instructor rating, tree climbing lesson Xiuman qualified sports can get a physical education credit, according to the provisions of Xiamen University students in four years must Xiuman four sports credits.

25 boys and 35 girls and more girls than boys loved climbing lesson

Yesterday, the reporter contacted the successful election to the Department of Foreign Languages Xiamen climbing lesson Huang freshman, won its 14th new concept essay contest prize. Huang said he was not good at outdoor sports, but out of curiosity and interest, chose to open this new tree climbing sports lessons.

"October 8, we start at Xiamen University freshman Senate elective system,peuterey saldi,, then the system will find when I landed this course,peuterey outlet bologna, but a few places on the remaining,cappotti peuterey, I feel this course is very popular, very popular,moncler torino, plus is the principal person named on this course open, but I chose this course is a firm confidence,, "Huang said, adding this type of skilled athletic sport must be fun, the movement will have a lot of fun. "Although there is still a theoretical teaching, mainly on the movement of some cognitive tree climbing, but the equipment for outdoor use, the teacher said to have been ready, and a high safety factor." Huang said.

According to the reporter, tree climbing class movement is still small classes, each small class has 15 students. But an interesting data, choose this course girls more than boys, according to statistics there are 60 students in 35 girls, while boys and only 25 people. And of course the degree of enthusiasm girls behave significantly higher than boys.

Reporters from Xiamen University Students taking this course learned that most choose to climb the tree movement classes for students, and to see the creation of tree climbing lesson earlier media reports of Xiamen has a certain relationship, out of curiosity wanted to experience climbing lesson while climbing a tree in Xiamen sports lesson preparation and security measures are also doing very well, "It is worth the experience."