after dialing the shot

Newspaper reporter Lin Liang Chen Jiayu standard text / Chart

WASHINGTON hurried upstairs to the occasion, more than 40,000 yuan in cash portable female cashier was cold "muzzle" block footsteps. She looked back and was originally an old colleague, thought it was a joke, after dialing the shot,louboutin homme, the other passion invited to sit in the office, only to old colleagues,Nike Air Jordan Pas Cher, but really wanted to rob her bag under the female cashier panic shouting "security" will grab bandit scare. Yesterday, the police according to law, Quanzhou Fortress 2 armed robbery suspects arrest.

I did not expect the top of the forehead is the "gun"

Women out of Naming Jiao Zhuang Xiujuan (a pseudonym), 20 years old this year. March 25, police said she suffered armed robbers to downtown Fortress Criminal Investigation Squadron, told the police to go through the trouble.

The same day at 11 am,, Zhuang Xiujuan ride back from the bank is located in Quanzhou Tian Road area of a company hospital. Her bag has more than 40,000 yuan in cash,piumini moncler, ready to put the company on the 3rd floor financial room safe,woolrich sito ufficiale, which she as cashier,piumini woolrich, routine daily work done.

Get off she went straight upstairs to the second floor turret, one after the two men stopped her and hurried upstairs , felt someone highway, also felt standing in front of men, what took her forehead against . "This thing is very hard, and some cool," she said:. "But I never thought that the gun"

"No kidding,,peuterey sito ufficiale,," Zhuang Xiujuan colleagues thought it was joke, poke it immediately hand lever hard, also said:. "To joke to the office" may just finished these words, she suddenly felt someone pulling her hand bag . "What!" Her hands cover your bag, looked up in the end is what people want to see, "so rude."

A look she laughed. Because she saw former colleague Chen,chaussures nike tn, but he was surprised why "was also wearing sunglasses and a hat," "Do not joke, sit upstairs," Zhuang Xiujuan invitation, Chen should not, another man took the opportunity to think won her bag.

This time "wake up" and shouting "robbery",, the two men terrified, ran downstairs just met when washed up security, but security see Chen, others think otherwise robbers, and Chen pass two robbers ran so.

Professional robbers wanted carries "modus Handbook"

Quanzhou Fortress Criminal Investigation Squadron urban by the investigation, on March 27, 31, respectively, in Quanzhou, Jinjiang Kanai and arrested two robbers.

Surprisingly, guns,nike requin tn, although the two robbers are using a "lighter revolver shape", but they found the body of a "handbook of crime",hogan sito ufficiale,, but was going to show that the two training workshops "dry line of business professional robbers."

Upon review, the cashier saw former colleague Zhuangxiu Juan Chen, the actual name is Zhao,moncler uomo, Hunan, 26-year-old, who is a pseudonym Chen in the original company as a waiter; another robber named Lee, 20 years old, Shandong.

Zhao said the day they wear a hat and sunglasses, thought former colleagues did not recognize.

Seized "robbery Handbook" from Zhao from the film and television works, the detection of the novel, summed up the "principle of crime",, "Caution", "avoid detection,," "treatment traitor", etc., written in a booklet A total of 16.

Sponsoring police case Qingbiao Huang said,nike tn requin,, can be seen from this booklet two robbers,peuterey uomo, unlike the general looting criminals side, although the content of the booklet absurd, but reflect the robbers toward intelligent, organized a dangerous tendency.