Wang some drink high.

Yang (of surname), Nanjing is a private company owner, actress Wang (of surname),woolrich sito ufficiale, the Department of the company's employees, as Wang Yang boss owed a month's wages for no reason, so Naoqi opinions.

After some mediation, the two sides signed a settlement agreement, did not expect, Yang inconsistencies,, refused to pay the money should be paid a staggering "confrontation" in the mediation room staged.

Female employees loud cited dissatisfaction boss

Ms. Wang is from Shandong, outspoken, hot-tempered,spaccio moncler, working in the company for over a year, many people are afraid of her. Young boss happened is a chronic, usually keep silent, not good language, for loud Ms. Wang never stop.

Contradiction in the recent corporate gatherings, Nanjing crayfish grand public employees began a run Yang dinner, Yang total whim, invited all employees to eat, put three tables lobster dinner, wine on the table Gongchoujiaocuo, Wang some drink high.

Wang drink more than one, first we have some control, and later on the whole mess, to Pinjiu, employees catch on the athletic field,louis vuitton outlet, and gradually created an upsurge, loud Wang finally aroused dissatisfaction guests at the next table, Thus, the three tables of guests and table guests had a quarrel.

Yang As a leader, of course,,hogan scarpe, to suppress the employees of the Company,,hogan outlet, can not let the situation to expand. While the other falls under the wind, but also continue to discuss points cheaper in the mouth, Wang , in order to "protect" Yang, things continue to tease, fight not to fight a great momentum, which makes Yang is not face, but not a lot of what he says.

January wages deducted boss

Finally there is the staff quietly snitch, Ms. Wang was not enumerate, and soon, Ms. Wang heard rumors that she in the office with a big voice squalling, and eventually even asked Yang who is the bad guy,hogan prezzi, Yang quiet, he did not and Wang quarrel, but quietly so that accounting deduct wages.

The first month's salary no hair, Ms. Wang did not dare to attack,woolrich outlet, because she obviously does not feel the atmosphere of the unit, and after a few days, wages still did not send it back to her himself, went to Yang theory, Yang is not a direct answer, intensification of conflicts.

Wang came to the Legal Aid Center XinJieKou complaints Yang attitude fairly with the consent of no objection to signing immediately sign, however, money is not given.

Wang took the mediation agreement can not be honored, she was accompanied by her husband, had to prepare an application to fight labor dispute lawsuit,hogan outlet, mediation lawyer invited the two sides to talk again,woolrich donna, not surprisingly, the two sides met on the wrangling, Yang attitude still fuzzy recognition agreement is valid, but when the payment is not clear.

Female employees hit the boss pulled the napkin

Wang rage, loud Hema, everyone experienced the high-decibel show off,, but not always stand Yang,woolrich sito ufficiale, Wang suddenly not called,", replaced by her husband continued to unload,nike tn pas cher, at this time, began staggering scene a:

Wang suddenly pulled the napkin,hogan outlet, while telling them dig: "Speak not words,, it is also called the mouth ...... I'll help you wipe?" Then, ready to paste in Yang's face.

Yang is also regarded as a young man,, agile,;/, quickly dodge, Ms. Wang a miss, Yang boss jumped up running for the door, leaving her husband Wang stunned lawyers and mediation. (Original title: female employees detained in January due to too much loud wages)