nasal fractures Sun Ho

WASHINGTON Hengshui September 4 (Reporter Cui Zhiping) Hengshui City,, Hebei Province Traffic Police Detachment 4 revealed that the 3rd night, drunk driving motor driver Wu reaching victory Hengshui city center street intersection,, the wine is being investigated After driving offenses four injured Police Association, and with the two cars collided, Wu was arrested on the spot,woolrich uomo,, the blood test,louis vuitton outlet, its alcohol content is 297mg / 100ml,nike tn, is drunk driving a motor vehicle.

3rd night, Hengshui City Traffic Police Detachment directly under a deputy brigade commander, squadron commander Meng Yu led four national interest Hall,nike tn pas cher, deputy commander Zhang Wensheng, Wang Jing and 35 police Police Association set point investigated drink-driving offenses. 22 am, Zhang Bin Police Association and other five centers across the street on the eastern side Jigme supermarket,hogan outlet,, pulled over an unlicensed black Land Rover sport utility vehicle, command vehicle docked to the green belt notch,, check their documents and Pro card. A plate of Hebei TDH910 white car, fast approaching from south to north,, crashed into the front of the Police Association Zhang Bin,,louboutin milano, Zhang Bin flying head after being hit the windscreen of more than 10 meters, fell to the ground unable to move. While the Police Association,, Sun Ho Zhuangfei 7,8 meters. Car then hit a sport utility vehicle being examined by the tail, SUVs forward translation, knocked down another 3 Xieqin. Since then the car in front of a long white Yuexiang rushed to the left, hit the center of the isolation barrier,air max, the reverse was forced to stop after hitting a car to travel from north to south.

Zhang Bin accident Police Association skull fractures, nasal fractures Sun Ho, another two Police Association waist,woolrich italia, head injuries. Wu driving accident were caught by the blood test,basket nike tn, which the alcohol content is 297mg / 100ml, is drunk driving a motor vehicle. After the accident,louboutin homme pas cher, the deputy mayor of Hengshui City People's Government, the Municipal Public Security Bureau Cheng Weiqing instructed the full treatment of the wounded, and punish the perpetrators. Hengshui City Public Security Bureau deputy director of Xingcheng Qing, PUC party members, police commander interest Bo, deputy chief of the traffic police detachment Zou sound and other PUC,scarpe hogan, detachment is mainly responsible for the first time rushed to the scene,moncler donna, where the command of the injured, site inspection, order restoration work.

The case is still under further investigation. (End)

(Original title: man hit by four drunken driving was arrested on the spot Police Association)