the reporter saw her first smile.

14-year-old girl wish is very simple, is to save the mother. Dog days of summer on the street to pick up plastic bottles,moncler pas cher, although drop in the bucket, but the child had put their best efforts ......

If you have any thoughts, please call our hotline, also welcome to log in Sina opened the newspaper called "Chinese Business Community News" microblogging.

Some children leave to work, is to experience the social life, 14-year-old during the summer but turn trash pick up the bottle,air max pas cher, is to save the mother's life.

Worse: suffering from kidney divorced again

Xiao Fang is Binxian man, 38-year-old. Before when healthy, she often working in the field. Last spring, Xiao Fang was diagnosed with kidney disease. Because of his family, combined with the condition at the time did not worsen, she did not actively treated.

2011 Spring Festival, Xiao Fang and her ex-husband Lee divorce. 14-year-old daughter under her custody Xiaolu Qi,, 10-year-old son,, ex-husband custody. Shortly after her kidney heavier, Jiangmen, Guangdong sister Xiaoyan Yan New Year back home to work and gave my sister some money, so she went to see a doctor Xianyang.

In mid-June, Xiao Fang live in Xianyang hospital for two weeks, the doctor suggested that she had better go to Xi'an treatment.

No money to see a doctor sleeping on the streets in the rain

In early July of this year, took the last bit of money under the doctor balances, Xiao Fang and 69-year-old mother came to Xi'an high Yuying. Xi'an, the mother and daughter soon in trouble, even the most expensive hotel also afford to live. "Her father has no money of her brother, her old man (Xiao Fang ex-husband) no matter, only I took her out." 23 high Yuying cried and said: "Let's start at the bus stop for a few days,hogan milano, then they do not let live. We live in a high-tech zones under what Square, the floor a good high, written above what the bank. "

About sleeping on the streets of life, high Yuying tears: "I put a pots, and some people come and give me leave 5 hair, some people come and give me a leave, some people give me put bread Some people put a bottle of mineral water ...... "

Do not worry because her sister and mother, Xiaoyan Yan mother on the phone many times, my mother always said she lied to her and Xiao Fang live in a hotel.

July 18, Xi'an, heavy rain, high Yuying and Xiao Fang was sitting on the roadside, Xiaoyan Yan's phone calls came,scarpe hogan donna outlet, on the phone,scarpe nike air max, Xiaoyan Yan hearing a lot of rain,louboutin outlet online, and asked, "Why so much rain? You Is not living in the outside? "High Yuying help,, cried and told her the truth.

Shuyun votes in tight, on the 18th day, Xiaoyan Yan did not buy a train ticket back to Xi'an. 20 pm, she appeared in front of his mother and sister. See two unkempt, Xiaoyan Yan crying, called a taxi,\"/, the sister admitted to a hospital.

Xiao Fang scene on the day of admission, a nurse so described:. "Looks worse than beggars"

Thanks to enthusiastic people to help, just from sleeping outdoors

"One day, a man riding a tricycle sent a quilt. Another day, a woman brought a mattress. There are people sent us clothes." Gao Yu-ying, said her daughter to go out, did not carry the blanket. Street days, thanks to enthusiastic people to help, only from clothes to sleep outdoors.

"Yesterday my sister the next bed a patient's daughter sent us some old clothes, but also put down 200 dollars." Lift the help of others, in addition to gratitude, Xiaoyan Yan had looked ashamed: "You say that I want to do to the people to make a receipt? "

Nephew and son one day to pick up the bottles sold 3 yuan

35-year-old in Guangdong has become a home for her sister back to Xi'an to save Xiao Fang, she put down the work at hand. Before departure, her two daughters, said: "Grandma was sick, I went back to see her."

"The boss will not let go, my colleagues do not understand." 23, in the Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, said:. "I really do not care so much, the boss to dismiss me, I also recognize the" cost of treatment is quickly emptied the Xiaoyan Yan wallet.

22, her niece said Xiaolu Qi, Xiao Fang spending a great treat, bring their own money is not enough, think of ways to get some money too.

Xiaolu Qi one started to cry, she said: "We went out to pick up a bottle of it!" As a result, nephew picked up two plastic bottles a day,louboutin outlet, and sold three dollars. "I am now looking for a job as a night, during the day can take care of my sister." Faced with reporters, Xiaoyan Yan made on behalf of the family only "requirements."

Xinmin Village committee director Xiao Zhongmin ugly town, on the phone confirmed to reporters that her family's plight Xiao Fang: "Their conditions are not counted in our village."

Today, high Yuying night overnight in a chair beside the bed Xiao Fang. then and together, living in the village of Huang Yan, a 30 yuan a day, a small hotel.

This series of articles written by the reporter Wu Dunhuang

14-year-old girl summer day

Turn trash pick up a bottle more than four hours to sell 2, yuan

Xiaolu Qi around 5:30 am to get up on the 24th, and so on wake up.

Xiaoyan Yan 6 o'clock in the morning to wake up, two grooming, go out to pick up plastic bottles.

7:15 am because of Xi'an unfamiliar with Xiaolu Qi Xiaoyan Yan, Han Guang Road southward along. They walked around Ho Village,moncler sito ufficiale, picked up 12 bottles.

8:38 am They went auspicious Village, the reporter counted a total of Lost 23 plastic bottles, paper cups 4. said: "Like the green bottle (Sprite), which can be sold for a dime a bottle (mineral water), the two sold a hair.."

9:30 They continued down the street to turn trash,hollister soldes, say, the first day sold only 3 dollars, is picking up the bottle too little,air jordan femme, too late and go out, then, "I have not put down the face." "Now I put down. You see this cup, can pile on the pounds to sell them." pulls out a stained cup stains from the trash, simply wipe placed in plastic bags.

10:25 am in the Pine Road, a scrap yards, and sold picked up plastic bottles, cups and other items were obtained 2.5 yuan. When a plastic bottle filled bag to the owner, smiled happily. And other money into the hands of, Xiaolu Qi did not speak.

10:35 am Monday morning and eaten, seeing nearly lunch time, reporters would ask them to eat noodles. Initially, Xiaolu Qi do not want to say do not want to waste time picking up the bottle, reporter advised her to "eat only effort to take care of her mother," This is Xiaoyan Yan Xiaolu Qi led into noodle.

Xiaolu Qi put a bottomless bowl of beef noodles to eat.

A few days ago a reporter asked what to eat , say, 22 pm to eat three steamed, yesterday morning to eat a steamed dish clip, yesterday afternoon to eat a bun, thirsty to drink water back to the hospital. "The hospital's bun cheap. I overhauled the first day of the meal card charge."

They return to the hospital around 11:30 am, Xiao Fang was still sleeping in.

1:00 pm to a colleague Xiaoyan Yan called to say a building materials market in Xi'an peers may recruit people, she bid farewell to his mother and niece, to inquire about the message. Xiaolu Qi read the newspaper, to accompany high Yuying speak.

Xiaolu Qi around 3:20 pm to go pick up the bottle, four o'clock, her back to the 18 plastic bottles.

Around 17:00 Xiao Fang was still sleeping, went out to pick up the bottle, but unfortunately empty-handed.

Reporter teach Xiaolu Qi, picked up a plastic bottle to be crushed and then unscrew the cap,, so the bag can be a lot of extra bottles. Having heard this, Xiaolu Qi laugh, this is the day, the reporter saw her first smile.

Sick mother: Do not look up to see the money, go home

Dialogue Shaw Father: I really have no money ah

23 at 5 pm, the reporter called the Xiao Fang father's phone.

Reporter: Are you Xiao Fang her dad do you call what name?

Shaw Father: yes. My name is Sean as (sound), I can not read, write ye do not know the name.

Reporter: Xiao Fang in the hospital, your doctor did not give her the money?

Shaw Father: I really have no money ah.

Dialogue Xiaoyan Yan: Do not look at my sister said no money, and she wanted to go home

Reporter: What you say to your sister?

Xiaoyan Yan: She said she looked at do not give money,, she wanted to go home.

Reporter: Where she used to work?

Xiaoyan Yan: sister did not read the book, probably in 1994, she went to Guangdong to work out. In 1996, she also called me over, I'll go to work in the mattress factory, and later went to a lamp factory. Later my sister back home to get married, I rarely go home. I heard that she was also occasionally to Xi'an to work.

Dialogue Xiaolu Qi: more cash to treat her mother to pick up a bottle

Reporter: Do you learn Zeyang?

Xiaolu Qi: math is not very good.

Reporter: What is your greatest wish?

Xiaolu Qi: Multi-day pick up the bottle, change money to treat her mother.

Reporter: Do you want to grow up doing?

Xiaolu Qi: When the doctor, to help needy people.

Doctor: She needs to do as soon as blood purifier

23, 3 pm, Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital ward. Reporters saw, Xiao Fang color black, body swelling, oxygen tubes stuck on his nose. Reporters at her side and gently called a few times,, she just moved his eyes slightly.

"I can not tell that she was asleep or unconscious way to go." Gao Yuying watching her daughter,nike air max pas cher, sad face.

Xiaoyan Yan said, the doctor said Xiao Fang hydronephrosis too, is difficult to diagnose, treat only the side edge of the diagnosis. 23, doctors and family members have confirmed that Xiao Fang's life, have come to depend on the extent of dialysis to sustain.

Kidney disease in the region, several patients and nursing staff say, once the price of dialysis, about 500 yuan. "The cruelty of this disease is that how much money you spend, you can be much longer." 23, a patients said.

Yesterday, one has been involved in the treatment of Dr. Xiao Fangde said, because the patient's body fluid too, need to be drained in order to drive more targeted therapy.

"She was dragged out of the disease, and if early treatment, and now maybe all the hospital treatment costs now not a lot, but for her family, it seems that is astronomical.." The doctor said: "If she recently can not do blood purification,peuterey outlet, will lose access to treatment. "