I went to the house

CNR network Gian April 18 news (reporter Li has Jiangxi Taiwan),http://pogalgraph.px2.jp/cgi-bin/diary/diary.cgi?mode=entry&ym=201005&no=438, according to Voice of China "CNR News" reported that in the town of Ji'an City, Edmond Old Village a gentleman named old, 67 years old this year, more than a dozen years she has been careful to take care of sick mother paralyzed in bed, and with weak footer to win at home to hold up half the sky,sito ufficiale hogan, her mother the truth to honor the deeds in the local pass from mouth to mouth.

When reporters arrived at noon very home,spaccio moncler,http://casinowatchdogs.com, she is lug a load of clothes washing clothes busy back in time, because the 91-year-old mother at home waiting for her to go home to feed also eat. Since Liu Faying aged 67 with four children after her husband is now remarried,louboutin, and her mother lived with her mother in 1995 suddenly blind, old man accidentally fell in 1997, paralyzed in bed.

Mother Pengsan Ying: good son, a good wife, I can not do anything, blind for 19 years, 17 years lame foot, could not walk, use this stool helped away.

Because children are migrant workers, the task of caring for the elderly falls changed body,borse louis vuitton, in addition to caring for the daily life of the elderly, Liu Franco-British jokes often to the elderly, the elderly happy,spaccio peuterey, the everyone that he has a good daughter.

Pengsan Ying: wash me, feed me to eat,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1,hogan donna outlet, sun quilt,giubbotti woolrich, brought me the toilet, I can not do anything, if it is not a good wife where I live so much older.

Liu Faying: grew up without a father and mother, no motherly love,http://zazna.com/selection/index.php?item/create_form/1, I went to the house, I looked like she was my mother, my maternal love,http://www.hubal.bialystok.pl, I'm going to kiss her thick, this is what I wish, I have to carry on My mother.

In addition to her mother filial pay child also see,moncler uomo outlet, in 2007,woolrich roma, the second son of the unfortunate suffering from uremia,http://inetauto.ru, 60 years old, she regardless of their advanced age,piumini moncler, resolutely for the 30-year-old son to donate a kidney, is The ordinary motherly woman with a broad son again to create the miracle of life.

Liu Faying: My son is very good,bracciali tiffany, my wife is also very good,http://taroato-hokuto.sakura.ne.jp/joyful/joyful.cgi?mode=res&no=12500, bought me a chair,http://www.8liuxing.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, and I said no,spaccio woolrich, Mom, you have to, I want to obey you.

Jiangxi Province in 2010 was named the top ten dutiful son, in 2013 she was nominated for the National filial love the old pro model candidate in the Fourth National moral model selection.

(Original title: 67-year-old mother to take care of the disease paralyzed more than a decade earlier for 30-year-old son to donate a kidney)