new home will make their own fears of poisoning

Morning News Anqing City Chemical Plant medium-sized state-owned chemical companies,hogan uomo, with an annual output of methamidophos, dichlorvos and other pesticides 12,000 tons of bankruptcy a few years ago; now the site of the plant is used for housing construction,peuterey, causing many people uneasy.

Relocatees: new home will make their own fears of poisoning

Mr. Wu is the lot Anqing people shantytowns relocatees, he told reporters that he almost every week on the site of a chemical plant located at the site to see, from time to time can smell the pesticides. He learned that the absorption and release of the long process of soil pollutants,louis vuitton borse, once soil "poisoning" its toxic release up to several decades to a century, the Internet has been in the heavily polluted area of real estate development was abnormal inexplicable residents reported.

Mr. Wu worried about the future placement to move back to this house,, will affect human health. He hoped that the government pay attention to the good run, do not stay hidden.

Anqing Some netizens said, passing the excavation site where you can smell the pungent taste, apparently left in the lot of chemical pollution of soil under the ground was dug up and distribute anywhere, if not promptly and effectively deal with the serious risks for the future Check the health of residents have a serious impact.

Visit: site can smell the smell of pesticides

October 17 morning, the reporter arrived at the construction site of the city Huazhong Dong Lu. Door into the site,borse louis vuitton,, the face is a huge cans, it was introduced before the cans are used to store hydrochloric acid, on the west side and two smaller tanks. The east side of the street stands the door two 18-story residential building has been completed.

Along the sidewalk, the reporter walked into the center of the site, and construction workers talking. An open membership Bengbu excavator Master Li said, a couple of months ago, when excavation site does have an unpleasant odor, much better now.

Reporters continue to come to the site at the northeast face of a concrete crushing and immediately felt the smell of pesticides. Reporters before the trip to the edge of the wall,woolrich uomo outlet, with several people being reinforced to take the conversation to drop. A master craftsman who lives in money archway cement pond,, told reporters, pointing to bite,hogan scarpe, the site is heavily polluted north, after digging the ground to extract the water into the pool, plus lime treatment, and then discharged.

Reporters on the scene,air max tn pas cher, the area north of the excavation site, due to rain the night before, the accumulated rainwater is already dark brown,nike tn, the air is filled with the smell of pesticides.

Broken concrete odor northwest side of the site is packed wind floated, choking cough kept reporters immediately.

Real Estate Board: Take a soil remediation measures

"Last year,louboutin homme, the construction site was found after sporadic unpleasant odor, we commissioned environmental experts to do the assessment, soil remediation measures taken." Faced with reporters, Anqing City Real Estate Board ramshackle office in charge of the project who said.

According to reports, the project as "workers' village shantytowns Anqing City renovation project with the construction of low-rent housing",, started in 2009,,nike air jordan pas cher, has completed two 18-storey building, a total of 190 housing units, plans to build 2,Nike Air Jordan Pas Cher,,000 units.

He said last year after the discovery of underground smell, they commissioned the province's environmental experts to do a review, spent nearly 200 million,, took a year. Now take the excavation dug out of the measures to be filled and then shipped on good soil.

According to Peng Tianyun said, has spent a lot of costs in the city landfill built a large cement pool, shipped out of the earth, where buried.

EPA: soil remediation is the first case in the province

Anqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau said early in the Chemical Plant bankruptcy, the council is drafting requirements for environmental treatment site. Last March, the city of Anhui Academy of Environmental Sciences Real Estate Board commissioned to carry out the "soil contamination risk assessment", eventually forming an expert opinion that all former chemical plant contaminated area for investigation and repair of the taxable area.

"This project is not classified as hazardous waste contaminated soil",, "recommend the use of off-site landfill safe way deal." Because of the contaminated soil to repair the first case in the province,spaccio woolrich, so the city's Environmental Protection Agency in April this year has been reported to the provincial Department of Environmental Protection for the record. Gu Yu told reporters Ai Pei