curled make do with sleep.

After six months ago to fight from the second son wandered off, life suddenly the whole mess.

Sanyuan County of Shaanxi Province in the house, he made no serious farmland planted, go to the nearby market selling vegetables also doing manual labor did not have a ride a ride, or even a few months ago in relation to tidy up and clean corn cobs, and now the heap On the door step.

"I wanted to find my baby." The 62-year-old off the old man said stubbornly. Although the text of what he called the "baby" is already a 35-year-old middle-aged, but it seems the neighbors, his baby "bad brain",, is mentally retarded.

He was just looking for his son. Old son's photograph printed on the ID card-sized card, the way everyone that hair. He also went to the store to print A4-size search notices on telephone poles, plant facades, "I do not know how many posted."

A few days ago, he once hoped to hear knocking at the door. December 18, under the guidance of a pedicab driver in the neighboring Gaoling, He Zhimin saw a man face dust, dirty curled up in a motorized vehicle in the trunk. He hurriedly ran: "This is my son!"

But when he scramble to mix up the front of this man, leaning against his body, almost to tears excitement,, but suddenly found that the facial features almost drowned young black dirt, "not my child."

Then the old man knew that his son is one and the same, trafficked local brick retarded workers.

The next day, with the help of the media and the police, the He Zhimin contacted the family of young people, it is an equally anxious to lose his son and family.

"Their baby could not find the baby down for others to find." Gray-haired old man said with a smile and some self-deprecating. This episode is not much time left for him to be disappointed, the very next day, he was riding his little three-wheeled motorcycle, embarked on a journey to find the child.

Nothing is more important than looking for son

Before dawn, He Zhimin ready to go. He opened the door to the courtyard, his own not covered motorized bike out the door. In the green car in the trunk, originally used a gas stove yellow carton packaging has been pressed into flat cardboard. He Zhimin picked up a plastic bag next to the cardboard disposable cups are fitted with two fingers of his right hand plucked some flour paste boiled from the inside, put on the back of the missing person, and then carefully put this white paper on cardboard posted prison, flatten.

House piled with corn leaves hands erase paste, then search notices affixed to cardboard with a rope tied on the bucket, riding his "Samadhi" hit the road. From his home to the densest mine Gaoling elm Chu village 40 km away, looking for the son of his father, this distance is equivalent to a half-hour after the motorcycle engine roar bumps.

Grand daughter had seen him with several injuries at home, suspect him out by a bully, eat a bitter, old man can stick to their "right" and what is not said. Sometimes, to find his son could not find too late to come back, he took three motorcycle parked on the roadside, their own nest in less than two meters behind the trailer in long, curled make do with sleep.

"Fortunately, it is summer time." He Zhimin Han Han said with a smile.

He will always remember the day that his son wandered off. June 2, Ho Man riding a white trumpet bike out the door, to fight back a phone call home, said there was going to ask him to go "dry odd jobs." Prior to this, Ho Man's little nephew had vaguely heard homework when he received a phone call, a woman told him on the phone, there is a dude, "Baochibaozhu 70 dollars a day, and gave a box of cigarettes . "

Initially, the family did not feel out what strange. Although the son "bad brain", the body is very good, often to help the family farm work, to help open the excavator loading brother, neighbor village to build a house, but also like to call him to help do some simple work. Found his son did not come home until the evening, the phone has been shut down, He Zhimin only discovered the problem: "My son lost!"

The lifetime spent in the rural elderly son could not think of any problems encountered. He guessed,chaussures louboutin hommes, probably could not find the way his son home, living begging to go to another village. So,, the old man and his son He Ankang along a nearby village to inquire about a past. At the beginning of the fortnight, the two men traveled to three nearby counties.

In order to facilitate for news, He Zhimin drawer and pulls out his son to do the bulk of photo ID cards left, into the cigarette box with transparent cellophane wrapped sandwich. So in the summer off in rural areas,louboutin femme pas cher, often in such a scenario: a wrinkled old man, holding a box of cigarettes, leans in front of others, a broad smile inquired.

Speech when backs always unconsciously bent down, revealing facial features gentle smile. His hair and beard have turned white, matted Earthly froze around his wrinkled face.

Asked the whereabouts of his son, he is almost just pick those little people like themselves, such as street cleaners, or those who are called "riding the Samadhi of the" tuk-tuk driver.

These little people also gave him enough goodwill. In Chunhua, a villager saw him write the words on the back of cigarette "heavy Xie", waved their hands:. "Do not worry, as long as I am sure you have seen the phone, but I have not a penny" and Gaoling of a woman cleaning the concern told him in a nearby brick kiln workers in some retarded, "You should go there to find a find."

In the following days, He Zhimin put most of the time on those surrounding brick. He went to the village shop in India "do not know how many copies of search notices" posted everywhere, including on the brick wall. He also specifically printed business card-sized card, above a son of photos and information, including the "35-year-old, 1.75 meters tall,louboutin femme pas cher,, has a mentally retarded." Later, a cleaner told him what he had seen in the paper ran out from brick was bearded. He Zhimin added something quickly on the information of "Hu is now a string of face."

Every morning he went out on the road, "everyone that made" these little cards, and do not feel hard. For the elderly, it seems nothing is more important than looking for a son.

Have you seen this man? He is my baby

Card has been very old, above some ballpoint pen mark. The edges of the paper to be infected with yellow stains, including a particularly long, deep hinterland, diffuse through a middle-aged man goes above the printed face.

Every time they went to find his son, He Zhimin always carry with such a small card. In dozens of kilometers away from their home village outside the town, he leans over and over again around the stranger, pointing to his son's photograph on the card, while some smiley out: "Have you seen this man that he is, I do? baby ...... "

These strange little people who had slowly helped him accumulate more and more news.

Some news brought him hope. Zaoyang village in Chunhua, an open canteen aged woman told him that he had come out to see what the text from the kilns, the "wearing only a red belts." In Gaoling Chu Yu Heung, a brick kiln where workers told him, Ho Man who did live here, but now gone. Also doing these kilns, brick cutting chore workers, carrying with him the boss chat, even quietly helped him draw a map of the nearby brick distribution.

While some news, but let the heart of the elderly are pulling up. Brick kiln workers told him, leading to a labor contractor Ho Man "old party" told us that, Ho Man and other mentally retarded workers are their own relatives, but two helpers around him,, but "whenever they hit . "

Village head Wang old man who rented a room to the old party and he led the workers. The landlord told He Zhimin, Laos often bring workers locked in the bathroom, take a brick, stick their noses bleed played. Even once, run out of a "baby" to catch the back, was beaten "dying."

Hear these words, He Zhimin always Zhou Zhao two eyebrows, bitter with a black and red face. "Distressed!" He said in a thick accent Shaanxi muttering.

Old man on his first experience of total obsession. That was four months ago, when he was riding a small bike "samadhi", came near the brick kilns continue to find his son, when a worker came to tell him that what the text is not far from the site where work. He hurriedly ran, but found the door has a big dogs blocked off, he did not get.

A few months later, he still would ramble recalled that he had already seen far from the site where stood four or five workers, but how can not be seen, there is no son, he is desperately looking for. He quickly ran to the site is less than 100 meters away from the police station, the police may have told him that unless witnesses together with, or can not the police. When he and witnesses together, led police back to the site when the contractors had already heard the rumors, led the workers escaped.

This is the most regret He Zhimin once. "At that time would have been able to save them, but unfortunately missed." He clearly remembers that day is August 13.

Now, more and more convinced that this stubborn old man that he was far from seeing four or five people, there is one is his son; and that this brief glimpse vague, became himself and his son to see one last time.

Not my son, which may explain why ah

With the weather getting cooler, He Zhimin's heart seems to have followed slowly cools. Since he has not heard of anybody actually seen his son, and he is widely distributed small cards on search notices posted around the left of the phone number, but no one has ever been called.

"Or even if." Someone advised him. The old man knew, the last part is also hidden behind these words:. "Anyway, is also mentally retarded," he stubbornly insisted only without the slightest room for negotiation: "! Parents Well, how can regardless of his son."

At this time, I hope that made his surprise to come up.

December 18, was working in Jingyang He Ankang received a "samadhi" driver's phone: "find your brother Gao Ling!"

He Ankang could not believe my ears: "He is called the text not mistaken, right??"

"Yeah sure, he said to himself, called Ho Man, the family was in the open excavator," the caller said on the phone.

Hang up the phone, call the father He Ankang immediately. He Zhimin holding the phone children excitedly told his wife: "!! Found, are we Mihara baby is what the text"

Because too his "Samadhi" is too slow, the excited father's nephew got the same village, so he drove to send themselves to gaoling, take his son home.

Accordance with the "samadhi" coachman phone information,, He Zhimin came to the door of the Land Office. Car not stop, he saw a man curled ash all over his face sitting in the trunk of a samadhi. He looked far lower figure, immediately jumped trot in the past: "This is my son!"

Bucket next to the car, the old man carefully put "son" mix down from the car, so he leaned against his own body. He wanted a closer look at his son's face leaning on the shoulder, but suddenly found, had a tall son, now standing next to even shorter than his. He carefully looked at himself and helped this young man: "This is not my son!"

Tricycle next strange: the "impossible it, people say, and he called Ho Man."

He Zhimin also afraid of vertigo. He rubbed his eyes, rearing, a closer look at: "! Or not ah."

Throughout, the body dirty man has stared woodenly, looking around. He asked the old man not his true identity, and that they panicked: "? Not my son, which may explain why ah"

He wanted this strange young man sent to the county or the Civil Administration, to see each other can take over. Can catch Saturday, is not nobody to go to work, that is simply not enter the door to the unit.

Finally, the old man can not think of ways of what can only be decided to bring young people to stay in place, waiting for his family to come to him.

In the evening, toss around the old man was a man home. Be ready for his son's wife child quit. "You are old, foolish, or blind?" Children while his wife scolded him in tears, "people say the Son, Why do not you pull back?"

He Zhimin scolded the heart is at sixes and sevens up: "Do I dazzle to admit, I really put his son to throw up in the street?"

Before dawn the next day, this one did not fall asleep at night riding his father also ran a small motorized LingXian. In its place, the young man has been omitted.

Old man more panicked. He rode all the way to the cleaners to find out, after more than an hour before the "East is Red" crossroads town center found the young man.

He ran to help each other to sit his car, carefully asked for a moment, this figure it out. This young man named Liu Xiaoping, who had worked together with Ho in the same brick. He told how the old man, in brick kilns, he made an appointment, and Ho, who should escape should notify the other party of the family, to the good of the people rescued. Yesterday was because "the mind is not good," was a question, remember the light Ho Man, kept his identity to forget.

Ask to understand these,chaussures louboutin hommes, He Zhimin give children a telephone call to his wife, telling her that did not find their own son. Phone his wife children cried: "Looking back ah Nazan baby or not."

Ho old man sighed: "OK, we continue slowly to find."

Brothers, brother beaten miserable

Although this has been confirmed in front of young people are not dirty his son, could not bear to be Liu Xiaoping continue throwing up in the street. Like a long time, he called the Shaanxi local media, "China Daily" hotline, tell each other, find themselves in a run out from the brick kiln workers.

Two hours later, a reporter arrived from Xian Gao Ling. Because Liu Xiaoping only say clearly where his home county, the reporter will contact the local Public Security Bureau, according to the register of missing persons, after three hours to find a way to contact his family.

At this time, the younger brother of Liu Xiaowei Liu Xiaoping still Xi'an schools. Earlier this year, parents and three siblings had just moved them three East Yao village in the southern suburbs of Xi'an, where the rent, and opened a small clinic sustain livelihoods. When this Xi'an Physical Education University seniors are looking for a job tonight, suddenly received a phone call from the village canteen owner, informing him that the town government contact as soon as possible, as it has been missing for 10 months brother "could find a" .

Pleasantly surprised Liu Xiaowei immediately to his parents telephoned, and hastened to get on the bus to the Chinese business newspaper, ready to identify photos. However, when he entered the newspaper's reporters immediately told him to wait, have not see photos because "You two look exactly the same."

19:00, Liu Xiaowei Gaoling Public Security Bureau arrived. When he walked in the door and saw my brother sitting on the couch festering limbs, exude a "rotten taste," he suddenly "brain blank." After a pause children, he rubbed tears twisting, then turn it over and said:. "Brother, we go home."

Liu Xiaoping, his mouth half open, stared at him, and the accumulation of dust on the black eyes oozing a little tears: "Brother, brother beaten miserable ......"

Under questioning by his family, he recalled Nana, this year's Lantern Festival, when he was playing in the village, a woman came over and asked if he would be willing to work in brick kilns, Guanchiguanzhu month back to 500 Yuan. Because you want to pay, Liu Xiaoping once cheerfully agreed, and then he was foreman "old party" took in Gaoling of several brick factory turns work.

Home, people still remember, this otherwise healthy 29-year-old boy sturdy appearance. His great strength, do not have any work at home love to call him for help, he also particularly happy to go. Wait until the busy season, he also can help your home wheat, corn back, bear excrement. One saw particularly tired of manual labor, he would do on their own initiative, but also doing very happy.

But now, Liu Xiaoping appeared in front of them, and even have no way to walk independently.

Gaoling back from Xi'an, the son of the missing family to six months to do a two bowl of noodles, and a bowl of fried rice, barely let him eat. And then later, Liu Xiaowei want to give him a bath, clean clothes for the body, discovered that, because the leg blood and pus out of the wound, his brother's pants have been sticking to the body can not afford to take off. That people listen to him talk about family, work in brick kilns in those months, as long as the foreman felt a little lazy, he would take just cooked on hot bricks branded his skin. In order to prevent their escape, foreman for each mentally retarded workers wear bright eye-catching clothes, and threatened him, "dare to run around to break your legs."

Midnight that day, Liu Xiaoping just got home and was rushed to a nearby hospital burns. According to the doctor's diagnosis, his hands and legs of many severe skin burns and was frozen gray and black left foot has no cure, only amputation.

Currently, treatment and surgery required fee of $ 80,000, four patchwork family, could barely Couchu a fraction.

I testify to you go! He worked in the brick kilns

Reporters waiting time, He Zhimin Liu Xiaoping led the pathetic, small roadside restaurant to eat a bowl of Sào surface. Fear of "baby will be hungry," he addition of point two buns.

After Liu Xiaoping hungrily ate everything, He Zhimin pleased to inform that he "never tasted so good face months of." He even insisted that the body of the old man slipped 6 cents. After what the old man refused, Liu Xiaoping stood up and pounded his desk: "Go, I'll give you testify to what the text would work in brick kilns!."

Until after the reporter arrived, because there is no link to Liu Xiaoping's family, the reporter and the police under the leadership of Liu Xiaoping, came to a brick kiln workers he had done. And then rode their small "samadhi", followed two cars are also entered.

He hoped that this time, they really be able to find his son.

Liu Xiaoping and circumstances described in exactly the same scene, he also recognized that he had lived in the "middle of the third house," because the door has a big dogs. He recalled that when the night, he is tied hands were chained, locked it inside a steel bed, foreman "old party" is also here, readily took a brick on his head pound.

But kiln workers said, Ho Man indeed been here before, but in July, when the Lao side led Shoudexia everyone had gone.

Brickyard boss told this reporter that the "old party" did with the four mentally disabled workers to come here to work, but he was to himself explained, this is "home and relatives."

The previous owner had privately told to come to the , when the season, "where there was a 11 baby," was a good selling bricks, tiles just cooked, not cooling, the foreman would compel workers from kiln move out, a lot of people so it is too hot scarred hands. And now the off-season, bricks can not sell so much,herve leger sale, but also not so much the workers, foremen will "sell the baby," a man who sold a couple thousand dollars.

"Treat people as animals like to sell!" What the old man said angrily,

When leaving the kiln until the evening, He Zhimin did not find his son. Liu Xiaoping longer he would have liked to think of something, can this young man covered with scars do not remember other things. He even did not know how he is leaving brick. He only remembers riding a car, and then she was thrown to the side of the road. There has been speculation that he is because of the loss of the ability to work was only thrown out.

After that, they went to the Gaoling Public Security Bureau. Subsequently, Liu Xiaowei from Xi'an rushed over, picked up his brother. Before leaving, Liu Xiaowei turned to bowed deeply.

Whether someone's baby, and my heart was comforted to find

He Zhimin old, a lot of things have not remember. Thing two weeks ago, he recalled will put topsy-turvy. When the speech was interrupted, he would suddenly do not recall what to say next.

"Older, the brain is not working." Juniors are always so funny he smiled.

Son Ho Man can about the things he remembers a lot. He patiently repeated for visitors, his son very "text", and not a bad person. In his mind, the son tall, have the strength, the mind clear, neat work, at home, when it will open four vehicles, will help his brother loading, but also remember the home phone number,, "just as good of a kind." .

Then smaller time around Ho Man is notoriously clever. Large marry young married woman had never been seen coming, the village people call him "monkey." He will help the family farm work, turning wheat, and that "the mind is very spiritual." Most remember what the old man, once went to collect food granaries, play tricks on each other scales, and have not yet found that the son was out at a glance.

He remembered how the text like chess, mahjong, even once, since led a group of people at home and play for too long, is what the old man angrily lift the table. HE Wen also likes to watch TV, just disappeared long ago, he used to help people work four earned wages, give yourself a little room to add a 21-inch TV.

"In fact, he was a soldier had a chance." Talked happy when, where an old man spoke excitedly. But soon, his eyes dim look again: "Unfortunately, was the top man out after that, he had been stimulated ...... became what it is today."

"Never say these doing!" He Ankang son interrupted him in the side.

Ho old man himself is not willing to recall those years thing. He felt this way even now, my son is still "looks pomp", but also love the clean, clothes are always dressed neatly. The previous year, the family and it almost became his wife said to him, but unfortunately the other side agreed, Ho Man himself "look too high," despise others.

In order to find his son, the lifetime living in rural areas the old man began to learn to be honest and straightforward hyperactivity or two brains. He repeater grandson carry on bag, into the kiln before each find his son, he would with his stubby little fingers that the record button is pressed, hoping that the old tape reel, the "leave some evidence."

He even thought about going photographed with a camera, but then I thought again, afraid of them discovered it, "my children adversely."

After this thing, what the old man's picture was posted on the "China Daily" on the front page. That day, in what the old man selling vegetables in the market, the newspaper selling particularly fast. Each of the vendors are smiling met him and asked: "? I heard you found a baby"

"I did not find." He Zhimin also smiled cheerfully, "but to the people to find the baby."

He tried to comfort themselves, "This child was lucky Liu Xiaoping," be rescued out. What's more, "regardless of someone's baby, found the heart is comforted."

On board also reported his phone number. Early that day, he suddenly received a fifty or sixty calls. Many strangers fight over to comfort him, a newspaper couriers Yan'an phone gruffly said to him: "! How old ah, do not worry, we are helping you to find his son."

But he also received another phone. Someone told him on the phone, "Ho Man next to me on the brick it, give money to put people." The ransom price, from 1000 yuan, 2000 yuan all the way up to noon, a man on the phone even offer 10 million.

He Zhimin than once thought of alarm, either in town or the county's Public Security Bureau police station, or because of insufficient evidence or because the "do not belong to their own jurisdiction," Anyway, six months later, he had not even filed without success.

Again and again he only rode their three-wheeled motorcycle no ceiling, the shuttle in a small town on the road between. "They do not care, we are still looking for their own thing."

He occasionally worried that his son would not like Liu Xiaoping was beaten bruised, or would not have been "out" the. Most of the time available, the stubborn old man simply "can stop them."

"Whether he is dead or alive, I have to find it back. I do not want anything else." December 25, sitting in their own living room, He Zhimin strong relationship with the accent said slowly. " live to see people die to see the corpse. "

Can one turned, the father immediately caught up in the emotions of remorse: "This baby, I was careless."

In the cold winter air, he tried to plan with, wait for his son to come back, give him a plate of his favorite dumplings. After that, a wife said to him, into a home, then let him follow their own vegetables every day, so that his own and governing, "never let him leave."