have been hanging over the white cloth.

Qilu network June 8 (Shandong radio and television reporter Liu Ren super TangHu) According to Shandong radio and television public channel "people's livelihood through train" reported that East County Town Xu Zhuncun fish have such a black cotton processing dens, in 2011 the local government The black dens were banned, and has recently been claimed that the resurgence of black dens.

Black Cotton processing dens resurgence reporter unannounced visits Secret process

Reporters came to the fish in a small town south of Chang fong village about two kilometers of road, far to see the audience described this street is located in the courtyard,http://www.poney.jp, into the yard to see a man who is in command of two workers work.

Black cloth is used in the production of raw materials, in this corner bar filled with black cloth also placed a machine, the role of this machine is to break up these broken pieces of cloth, the cloth is black How to become a shining white "cotton" mean? Reporter in a small courtyard of the compound was found in a pond,woolrich uomo, and beside this pond is also dotted with several large plastic bucket, reporters opened a cloth covered the pond and saw a black cloth even have become a pure white? This pond has a caustic soda bubbles have acid.

Reporters saw behind the courtyard in a cesspool, muddy sewage Foulest pungent taste,hogan uomo prezzi, in which the reporter did not see any around sewage treatment equipment, these water so slowly infiltrated the underground. Although in this big yard full of dry white cloth,woolrich outlet, but not the roar of the machine, do not have discontinued it?

Factory worker said today did not produce open at night,http://www.gekishi.com, during the day and at night are too hot to dry. 23:30, reporters once again came to this compound, several workers were far to see some of the cloth with a big pot to wash, though already late at night, but the piles and hills like waiting wash cloth point of view,hollister sale, the work of these workers has only just begun, but on the ground beside, have been hanging over the white cloth.

Knowledgeable person,http://7pf.hk/albums/displayimage.php?pid=2667&page=34, these things are black and later after the original caustic soda, sour, to become this kind of thing,http://www.88822.com/#87788/read.php?tid=980, and then processed, and then into the community, which is above the smell has a very pungent taste, feel the itch to go past,http://satodamai.com/bbs/honey/honey.cgi?pl=v1&page=2&, It is this fact, or raw materials, after processing to become a cotton, then packed in bales of cotton processed into going out.

Reporters after dawn again entered the compound, the compound of several workshops, saw production machines and some white cloth,http://www.okugaikoukoku.com, to see those white cloth at one end of the machine has been turned into a floc bar.

Major suppliers of industrial cotton one ton more than 7000 dollars

In order to clarify whether the yard is black cotton production, the reporter found the name of the clothing factory opened this factory boss.

The boss told reporters that the principle is not enough to make quilts,http://qinyou.jianxinzhan.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=657841, day out here about three tons, is a major supplier of industrial cotton, which is used to living on black cotton, how to use a reporter's question, the main thing is spinning. Thus one ton more than 7000 dollars,nike air max requin, and now cheaper, the boss said this kind of thing very, very low profits.

It is understood that the market price of cotton is now living in 20,000 or more per ton, while the cost of production of these recycled cotton, but a few hundred dollars per ton,http://www.carmel.com, the huge difference it generated huge profits. The boss followed with a reporter came to the warehouse to see the production of the finished product.