40-year-old. Gong's father move 78 years old

BEIJING, October 29 Zhangjiakou Power (Tan to Liu Yang) Zhangjiakou man after 14 years Dong Zhang and friend intersect Gongyue Wu committed suicide, Zhang Dong initiative to assume the responsibility of caring for their parents, and this behavior continued a full 13 years. 29,http://love.xa-xa.org/member/manage_blog.php, WASHINGTON reporter conducted an interview.

It is understood, Zhang Dong Xuan Steel is a steel rolling mill two linear plant security officer, 40-year-old. Gong's father move 78 years old, his wife Liu Jin � 74 years old, the eldest son,http://bbs.cnw.com.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, 46-year-old younger son in 2000 due to gas poisoning.

Dong Zhang told reporters that he and Gongyue Wu was in junior high school students,tn pas cher, especially the relationship better. Gong Yuewu the age of 27, because of the marriage ring true or career suicide in 2000 at home. Gong give children back at home,http://bbs.cnlmcq.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=640197, the couple witnessed the kind of white-haired people who sent hair pain, so he wanted to care for them from the heart.

29, the reporter came to follow Dong Zhang Gong For the elderly,louboutin homme,http://www.8liuxing.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the elderly person sees Liu Jin Cheng Zhang Dong entered the room,http://qhdtmh.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1873418, they cordially greeted everyone. Gong For the physically challenged elderly, usually sitting on the bed, a wheelchair in daily life, like in their own homes are like Dong Zhang, juggle everyone pour, is also seen outside.

Liu Jin � told reporters that his son in ICBC Xuanhua district work weekdays busy with work, usually Dong Zhang's home juggle. What are things like buy rice noodles,http://moodle.ndna.org.uk/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, go shopping service, mostly to help them take care of Zhang Dong. Sorry beginning, and later used to it, just like his own pro-Dong Zhang son.

"I hope for filial dead friend." This is the whole interview process Dong Zhang told reporters put up a sentence,doudoune parajumpers,http://www.cacenglish.com/index.php?item/create_form/1.

Services take care of their parents dead friend things gradually understood colleagues, the union vice chairman of two steel rolling plant Xuanhua Steel Hou Xiaodong told reporters, Zhang Dong is a former worker of ordinary skill in two steel rolling plant Xuanhua Steel linear workshop, weekdays helpful and later learned that their obligation to help parents deceased friend thing,moncler sito ufficiale, Xuanhua Steel workshop leaders decided to appoint its linear union president for advocacy and steel steel rolling mill, it is hoped this kind of dedication spirit passed to more people.

Zhang Dong said that usually is not much to do for the old couple, for the elderly, the rich spiritual comfort is more important than the material. (End)

(Original title: man dead friend for 13 years,,giubbotti woolrich, said the spirit of filial comfort is more important (Figure))